The beginning of the end of Obama's deep state....

She has a history, of course.

This is the same girl who interrupted Shakespeare in the Park last year.

Loomer lists on her bio that her "passions" include ".......anti-Semitism, immigration, terrorism and the Islamification of the West.”
Comey the clown....If he and the top tier of the FBI and Obama's DOJ and Brennan escape prosecution it will be a tragedy of justice and will taint the peoples view of their government for many years to come...Hillary already got off when she should be serving time by now....if the rest get off it will be very telling about just who is and isn't above the law in America....

Far-right activist interrupts Comey book event

So what is the "deep state"? Seems to be anything you don't like. Or even worse, anything you're told not to like.

Most likely, if there were a deep state, this deep state would be the one telling you not to like this other deep state.
If you have to be told you are either not paying attention or are in deep denial... ...
The fact that you think the deep state is an Obama thing suggests that you aren't paying attention, or have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
Comey charged with 5 different legal codes McCabe with 5....Hillary with 2 Lynch with to see the rats run....

Most Banana Republics try to go after their opponents with trumped up (pardon the expression) charges.......LOL
None of these people have been charged with ANYTHING. McCabe is the only one currently under investigation.

Where do you come up with such bullshit?
Look up criminal referrals...Congress sent them and the McCabe and Comey referrals came straight from the IG...when I say charged I'm referring to the charges in the the DOJ must act....
Most Banana Republics try to go after their opponents with trumped up (pardon the expression) charges.......LOL

Dang, that's almost textbook projection, Gnat....ever had a bottle in front of, a frontal-lobotomy?
The fact that you think the deep state is an Obama thing suggests that you aren't paying attention, or have no fucking clue what you are talking about
Well do tell....enlighten me...don't just accuse and run like a little punk....
Rudy is on his way...Americas mayor to work on closing up Mueller's witch hunt....

If there is a "deep state" Rudy Guliani is knee deep in it. Trump has been surrounding himself with the swamp in his attempts to drain the swamp.
Asking questions makes her a far right activist? Or does this woman have a history?

She has a history, of course.

This is the same girl who interrupted Shakespeare in the Park last year.

OMG! This girl interrupted an anti-Trump play and a Comey book signing! My goodness what is the world coming to?


I was answering Grampa's question, fuckwit.
You answered nobody. Congrats on failure. Collect your democrat participation trophy at the forum exit.
The fact that you think the deep state is an Obama thing suggests that you aren't paying attention, or have no fucking clue what you are talking about
Well do tell....enlighten me...don't just accuse and run like a little punk....
You have no clue........I figured as much.
Yeah're the one absent of a clue.....when you can name the crimes of the Trump family or Trump himself you let me know okay simpleton?
Comey the clown....If he and the top tier of the FBI and Obama's DOJ and Brennan escape prosecution it will be a tragedy of justice and will taint the peoples view of their government for many years to come...Hillary already got off when she should be serving time by now....if the rest get off it will be very telling about just who is and isn't above the law in America....

Far-right activist interrupts Comey book event

So what is the "deep state"? Seems to be anything you don't like. Or even worse, anything you're told not to like.

Most likely, if there were a deep state, this deep state would be the one telling you not to like this other deep state.
If you have to be told you are either not paying attention or are in deep denial... ...

Ah... right..... [rolleyes]
Comey the clown....If he and the top tier of the FBI and Obama's DOJ and Brennan escape prosecution it will be a tragedy of justice and will taint the peoples view of their government for many years to come...Hillary already got off when she should be serving time by now....if the rest get off it will be very telling about just who is and isn't above the law in America....

Far-right activist interrupts Comey book event

Here’s the problem with your nonsense theory . Comey COST Hillary the election.

But there IS a deep state , on the gop side . Which he saw with Hannity being exposed as a propaganda puppet in cahoots wh Trump .
The fact that you think the deep state is an Obama thing suggests that you aren't paying attention, or have no fucking clue what you are talking about
Well do tell....enlighten me...don't just accuse and run like a little punk....
You have no clue........I figured as much.
Yeah're the one absent of a clue.....when you can name the crimes of the Trump family or Trump himself you let me know okay simpleton?
That's how you define the deep state? Anyone that has been tried and convicted in the court of partisan opinion? And you wonder why we can't keep the republic. You're just as dumb as any Democrat and a danger to the republic.
The fact that you think the deep state is an Obama thing suggests that you aren't paying attention, or have no fucking clue what you are talking about
Well do tell....enlighten me...don't just accuse and run like a little punk....
You have no clue........I figured as much.
Yeah're the one absent of a clue.....when you can name the crimes of the Trump family or Trump himself you let me know okay simpleton?
That's how you define the deep state? Anyone that has been tried and convicted in the court of partisan opinion? And you wonder why we can't keep the republic. You're just as dumb as any Democrat and a danger to the republic.
You see Rambunctious , you are no different than Timmy. :113:

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