The batttle for Chosin


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
This battle made our leaders understand the necessity of making sure the American Military has the capability to defend our security and interests world-wide against any enemy. A great documentary.

Do we really want to re-examine what the U.S. has done on the Korean peninsula? Please look at General Lemay's comments about the bombardment of the North, for example.
Chosin was a case where we underestimated political reality

The invasion of the north brought China into the war

MacArthur overplayed his hand without considering what would happen if he triggered China to enter the war
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There is no doubt MacArthur was wrong in his analysis of what China might do....and not only MacArthur but his staff (including intelligence officers) simply had little respect for the military capabilities of china....referring to them as laundrymen....their perspective on China was based largely on China's military performance in WWII which was very poor.

But must consider all the limitations placed on MacArthur by Truman i.e. refusing to let our AirForce go beyond the Yalu River and knock out China's ability to invade N.Korea etc.etc. basically the whole fallacious and disastrous policy of 'limited war' was begun by the Truman Administration and a pc communist ridden state Dept. which was a huge, huge security leak as in they were thoroughly penetrated by Russian Intelligence agents.

General Douglas MacArthur Defends His Conduct in the War in Korea | Teaching American History
There is no doubt MacArthur was wrong in his analysis of what China might do....and not only MacArthur but his staff (including intelligence officers) simply had little respect for the military capabilities of china....referring to them as laundrymen....their perspective on China was based largely on China's military performance in WWII which was very poor.

But must consider all the limitations placed on MacArthur by Truman i.e. refusing to let our AirForce go beyond the Yalu River and knock out China's ability to invade N.Korea etc.etc. basically the whole fallacious and disastrous policy of 'limited war' was begun by the Truman Administration and a pc communist ridden state Dept. which was a huge, huge security leak as in they were thoroughly penetrated by Russian Intelligence agents.

General Douglas MacArthur Defends His Conduct in the War in Korea | Teaching American History
MacArthur was one our most honored Generals and also one of the most inept.

He botched the defense of the Philippines and misdirected the Pacific War to rescue his reputation ....I shall return

Inchon was a stroke of military genius but his invasion of North Korea brought in the Chinese and led to the stalemate we have today

Truman was right to fire him
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Chosin was a case where we underestimated political reality

The invasion of the north brought China into the war

MacArthur overplayed his hand without considering what would happen if he triggered China to enter the war

We didn't invade the North until the North invaded the South and attacked our troops in the process. Then we kicked North Korean and Chinese butt just as we should have except that we stopped too soon. North Korea should not have been allowed continued existence.

China won a delayed victory because it scared our pansy-ass politicians into not even trying to win in Vietnam.
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MacArthur was the Donald Trump of the early 1950's. He would not listen to anyone, and considered himself just one step below god. Ike said it best: "I studied dramatics under MacArthur.".
Chosin was a case where we underestimated political reality

The invasion of the north brought China into the war

MacArthur overplayed his hand without considering what would happen if he triggered China to enter the war

We didn't invade the North until the North invaded the South and attacked our troops in the process. Then we kicked North Korean and Chinese butt just as we should have except that we stopped too soon. North Korea should not have been allowed continued existence.

China won a delayed victory because it scared our pansy-ass politicians into not even trying to win in Vietnam.

China was willing to have its troops slaughtered.....we were not

That is why we listened to the politicians
None of the United Nations forces, including our own, had the slightest chance of defeating the Chinese forces. Our forces were all mechanized, and could only advance using roads in North Korea. Chinese forces were not, therefor they traveled and fought in the mountains and hills with mostly infantry, and some limited small artillery. They traveled at night to avoid our aircraft. They had little regard for their own lives. They attacked in waves, with the 3rd and 4th wave not even having been issued guns and ammo. They picked that up from dead soldiers. The final wave was a blocking wave with machine guns, with orders to fire at any Chinese troops retreating without orders.
None of the United Nations forces, including our own, had the slightest chance of defeating the Chinese forces. Our forces were all mechanized, and could only advance using roads in North Korea. Chinese forces were not, therefor they traveled and fought in the mountains and hills with mostly infantry, and some limited small artillery. They traveled at night to avoid our aircraft. They had little regard for their own lives. They attacked in waves, with the 3rd and 4th wave not even having been issued guns and ammo. They picked that up from dead soldiers. The final wave was a blocking wave with machine guns, with orders to fire at any Chinese troops retreating without orders.

Actually we did in fact defeat the Chinese forces badly.
Inchon was a stroke of luck.

A bold move by a tactical genius is more someone once said.....better to be lucky than good.

The Inchon landing was opposed as being too risky by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.....but MacArthur's decision(it too extreme courage)to land there demonstrated once again his tactical genius. Not to forget...................During World War 2, General Douglas MacArthur developed the strategy of island hopping. He would capture certain islands. The Americans would use those islands to get closer to their goal. He would leave Japanese troops to starve on the other islands. He would not waste American lives trying to capture those islands. The objective was to get close enough to Japan to establish bomber bases capable of dropping bombs on Japan. Brilliant strategy.

The MacArthur Revival | RealClearDefense
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None of the United Nations forces, including our own, had the slightest chance of defeating the Chinese forces. Our forces were all mechanized, and could only advance using roads in North Korea. Chinese forces were not, therefor they traveled and fought in the mountains and hills with mostly infantry, and some limited small artillery. They traveled at night to avoid our aircraft. They had little regard for their own lives. They attacked in waves, with the 3rd and 4th wave not even having been issued guns and ammo. They picked that up from dead soldiers. The final wave was a blocking wave with machine guns, with orders to fire at any Chinese troops retreating without orders.

Actually we did in fact defeat the Chinese forces badly.

Exactly....the only thing stopping a clear cut victory in Korea was leftwing politicians and leftwing state dept. riddled with soviet spies. Truman who drank way too much whisky was too fearful of a confrontation with Russia and the famous quote

Lest we forget the statement by the none to clever Omar Bradley..............'"The wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy" is General Omar Bradley's famous rebuke in his May 15, 1951 Congressional as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the idea of extending the Korean War into China, as proposed by General Douglas MacArthur, the commander of the U.N. ...that was just one example of the prevailing fallacious attitude of the weaklings in Washington who stabbed MacArthur in the back.
Chosin was a case where we underestimated political reality

The invasion of the north brought China into the war

MacArthur overplayed his hand without considering what would happen if he triggered China to enter the war

It is true MacArthur was suprised by China's intervention....but he could have overcome that setback and went on to win a complete victory except for the fact that the Washington politicians lacked the courage to obtain a complete victory not even to mention their implementation of the flawed doctrine of limited warfare.

America's Limited War Doctrine: A Fatal Flaw

Duty, Honor, Country: Douglas MacArthur
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There is no doubt MacArthur was wrong in his analysis of what China might do....and not only MacArthur but his staff (including intelligence officers) simply had little respect for the military capabilities of china....referring to them as laundrymen....their perspective on China was based largely on China's military performance in WWII which was very poor.

But must consider all the limitations placed on MacArthur by Truman i.e. refusing to let our AirForce go beyond the Yalu River and knock out China's ability to invade N.Korea etc.etc. basically the whole fallacious and disastrous policy of 'limited war' was begun by the Truman Administration and a pc communist ridden state Dept. which was a huge, huge security leak as in they were thoroughly penetrated by Russian Intelligence agents.

General Douglas MacArthur Defends His Conduct in the War in Korea | Teaching American History
...the US did not want a war with China--that would've been really stupid---we couldn't beat tiny North don't want to go dropping A bombs for nothing--especially for a civil can't beat China--too big--too many people
...most wars are ''limited''

my father fought at the Chosin
temps down to 30 below [ not wind chill ]...snowy, icy. hilly terrrain
after fighting for 2 days, with little sleep, they went ''cross-country'' in those temps to save Fox Company around 2 Dec

however, so what if the North took over?...North Vietnam took over the South
the communists took over Laos and Cambodia, and Cuba--no big deal
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U.S./ U.N forces were in pretty sad shape after the N.K. surprise attack on the South (apparently the CIA was clueless) and U.S. Troops were pushed to the bottom of the peninsula until General MacArthur developed the risky Inchon Landing strategy that cut the N.K. supply lines and isolated N.K. troops. U.S. forces retook the S.K. capital and went on to take the N.K. capital of Pongyang. The conflict was over in less than a year and N.K. ceased to be a threat, but wait. Something happened in the Truman administration and in the mind of the Old Soldier. Red China said that they would enter the conflict if U.S. Troops approached the Yalu River border between Korea and China but why would that happen. MacArthur never spent a single night in Korea, preferring to rely on faulty intelligence supplied by sycophant general Ned Almond and Truman apparently didn't have sense enough or the political courage to tell the old WW1 general to stop. The perfect storm of a winter campaign in a country known for the harshest winters in the world by ill equipped and exhausted U.S. Troops was developing so that MacArthur could fulfill his vow to "piss in the Yalu". It was crazy and ill advised but the media stood behind MacArthur and never wavered and Truman hid under a desk in the White House and the setup for the biggest ambush in history was unraveling. MacArthur's sycophant general tried to goad Marines like General O.P. Smith and Lewis "Chesty" Puller into risky advances until the shit hit the fan at the Chosen. Marine General Puller managed to fight his way out of a trap and took Marine and Army units to safety but the politics had already entered the story. The liberal media still defended Truman and MacArthur even after MacArthur made crazy claims of nuking China and was finally relieved of duty (to a tickertape parade). The damage was done and the conflict lasted three years and ended up in an embarasing truce and we ended up back where we started at the cost of 50,000 American lives.
There is no doubt MacArthur was wrong in his analysis of what China might do....and not only MacArthur but his staff (including intelligence officers) simply had little respect for the military capabilities of china....referring to them as laundrymen....their perspective on China was based largely on China's military performance in WWII which was very poor.

But must consider all the limitations placed on MacArthur by Truman i.e. refusing to let our AirForce go beyond the Yalu River and knock out China's ability to invade N.Korea etc.etc. basically the whole fallacious and disastrous policy of 'limited war' was begun by the Truman Administration and a pc communist ridden state Dept. which was a huge, huge security leak as in they were thoroughly penetrated by Russian Intelligence agents.

General Douglas MacArthur Defends His Conduct in the War in Korea | Teaching American History
...the US did not want a war with China--that would've been really stupid---we couldn't beat tiny North don't want to go dropping A bombs for nothing--especially for a civil can't beat China--too big--too many people
...most wars are ''limited''

my father fought at the Chosin
temps down to 30 below [ not wind chill ]...snowy, icy. hilly terrrain
after fighting for 2 days, with little sleep, they went ''cross-country'' in those temps to save Fox Company around 2 Dec

however, so what if the North took over?...North Vietnam took over the South
the communists took over Laos and Cambodia, and Cuba--no big deal

Not a good line of reasoning....anyhow what was your father's thoughts on the Korean stalemate?
There is no doubt MacArthur was wrong in his analysis of what China might do....and not only MacArthur but his staff (including intelligence officers) simply had little respect for the military capabilities of china....referring to them as laundrymen....their perspective on China was based largely on China's military performance in WWII which was very poor.

But must consider all the limitations placed on MacArthur by Truman i.e. refusing to let our AirForce go beyond the Yalu River and knock out China's ability to invade N.Korea etc.etc. basically the whole fallacious and disastrous policy of 'limited war' was begun by the Truman Administration and a pc communist ridden state Dept. which was a huge, huge security leak as in they were thoroughly penetrated by Russian Intelligence agents.

General Douglas MacArthur Defends His Conduct in the War in Korea | Teaching American History
...the US did not want a war with China--that would've been really stupid---we couldn't beat tiny North don't want to go dropping A bombs for nothing--especially for a civil can't beat China--too big--too many people
...most wars are ''limited''

my father fought at the Chosin
temps down to 30 below [ not wind chill ]...snowy, icy. hilly terrrain
after fighting for 2 days, with little sleep, they went ''cross-country'' in those temps to save Fox Company around 2 Dec

however, so what if the North took over?...North Vietnam took over the South
the communists took over Laos and Cambodia, and Cuba--no big deal

Not a good line of reasoning....anyhow what was your father's thoughts on the Korean stalemate?
sure--go to war with China--that's a good line of reasoning??!
my father never talked about the political side of it

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