The basic differences between left and right wing Americans, by Dennis Prager....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a nice, quick breakdown of the different ways the left wing and the right wing in America see the world, people and our country.....

A Guide to Basic Differences Between Left and Right

Source of Human Rights

Left: government

Right: the Creator

Human Nature

Left: basically good (Therefore, society is primarily responsible for evil.)

Right: not basically good (Therefore, the individual is primarily responsible for evil.)

Economic Goal

Left: equality

Right: prosperity

Primary Role of the State

Left: increase and protect equality

Right: increase and protect liberty


Left: as large as possible

Right: as small as possible

Most Important Trait to Cultivate in a Child

Left: self-esteem

Right: self-control

Worth of the Human Fetus

Left: determined by the mother

Right: determined by society rooted in Judeo-Christian values

Primary Source of Crime

Left: poverty, racism and other societal flaws

Right: the criminal's malfunctioning conscience

Purpose of Art

Left: challenge status quo and bourgeois sensibilities

Right: produce works of beauty and profundity to elevate the individual and society


Left: ideally universally abolished, except for use by police, the armed forces and registered sportsmen

Right: ideally widely owned by responsible individuals for self-protection and the protection of others


Left: intrinsically significant

Right: intrinsically insignificant

Racial, Ethnic and Gender Diversity at Universities

Left: most important

Right: far less important than ideological diversity

Black America's Primary Problem

Left: racism

Right: lack of fathers

And more at the actual link.....
Random sampling from the OP directly:

Right: the Creator

Religion has no place in politics or government unless you're running a theocracy so this is irrelevant.

Human Nature

Left: basically good (Therefore, society is primarily responsible for evil.)

Right: not basically good (Therefore, the individual is primarily responsible for evil.)

I agree with that assessment --- but why does he have to dance around the words? Just say it --- "right" (or 'conservative') believes that human nature is basically EVIL. "They're all out to get me" kind of thing. It's the opposite of what we call "faith".

Primary Role of the State

Left: increase and protect equality

Right: increase and protect liberty

Actually the latter is Liberalism. Which is neither "left" nor "right". In a sense both of these are Liberalism, but then we are a nation founded on Liberalism so this perspective is expected.


Left: as large as possible

Right: as small as possible

Completely irrelevant to either "left" or "right". It seems what he's trying to describe is "statism", which can be done from either direction.

Worth of the Human Fetus

Left: determined by the mother

Right: determined by society rooted in Judeo-Christian values

Again, religion / politics. Two different things UNLESS, again, you're running a theocracy. But that's directly anti-Liberal.
Sorry but as regards government, "Judeo-Christian values" are irrelevant. Social mores are not, but that's a different thing.

Purpose of Art

Left: challenge status quo and bourgeois sensibilities

Right: produce works of beauty and profundity to elevate the individual and society

These two are not contradictory or in conflict. They complement each other.


Left: intrinsically significant

Right: intrinsically insignificant

Nope. If anything, the opposite.
Random sampling from the OP directly:

Right: the Creator

Religion has no place in politics or government unless you're running a theocracy so this is irrelevant.

Human Nature

Left: basically good (Therefore, society is primarily responsible for evil.)

Right: not basically good (Therefore, the individual is primarily responsible for evil.)

I agree with that assessment --- but why does he have to dance around the words? Just say it --- "right" (or 'conservative') believes that human nature is basically EVIL. "They're all out to get me" kind of thing. It's the opposite of what we call "faith".

Primary Role of the State

Left: increase and protect equality

Right: increase and protect liberty

Actually the latter is Liberalism. Which is neither "left" nor "right". In a sense both of these are Liberalism, but then we are a nation founded on Liberalism so this perspective is expected.


Left: as large as possible

Right: as small as possible

Completely irrelevant to either "left" or "right". It seems what he's trying to describe is "statism", which can be done from either direction.

Worth of the Human Fetus

Left: determined by the mother

Right: determined by society rooted in Judeo-Christian values

Again, religion / politics. Two different things UNLESS, again, you're running a theocracy. But that's directly anti-Liberal.
Sorry but as regards government, "Judeo-Christian values" are irrelevant. Social mores are not, but that's a different thing.

Purpose of Art

Left: challenge status quo and bourgeois sensibilities

Right: produce works of beauty and profundity to elevate the individual and society

These two are not contradictory or in conflict. They complement each other.


Left: intrinsically significant

Right: intrinsically insignificant

Nope. If anything, the opposite.

Yeah...amazing how you can be so wrong on each......the government is not free from religion, it just cannot attack the religious beliefs of citizens....and his point on art...the prime directive of left wing artists is to attack society with their art.....

And on race.....the left wing is race obsessed.....and because of that they perpetuate race hate.....
the government is not free from religion

Yes. It is.
UNLESS once again you're running a theocracy, then it isn't. There's a reason I keep pointing that out.

it just cannot attack the religious beliefs of citizens

---- which is what it inevitably does if it picks one to side with.

For example:
>> In the fall of 2007, George Kalman sent the completed forms for incorporating a company to the Pennsylvania Department of State. Kalman wanted to incorporate a movie-production company which he called I Choose Hell Productions, LLC. A week later, Kalman received a notice from the Pennsylvania Department of State which informed him that his forms could not be accepted because a business name “may not contain words that constitute blasphemy, profane cursing or swearing or that profane the Lord’s name.” In February 2009, Kalman filed suit to have the provision against blasphemy struck down as unconstitutional.[1] On June 30, 2010, U.S. District Judge Michael M. Bayslon of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in a 68-page Opinion, ruled in favor of Kalman, finding that the Pennsylvania's blasphemy statute violated both the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. <<

and his point on art...the prime directive of left wing artists is to attack society with their art.....

Ipse dixit bullshit. There's no such thing as a "prime directive of left wing artists".

And on race.....the left wing is race obsessed.....and because of that they perpetuate race hate.....

Again, ipse dixit bullshit.
This is a nice, quick breakdown of the different ways the left wing and the right wing in America see the world, people and our country.....

A Guide to Basic Differences Between Left and Right

Source of Human Rights

Left: government

Right: the Creator

Human Nature

Left: basically good (Therefore, society is primarily responsible for evil.)

Right: not basically good (Therefore, the individual is primarily responsible for evil.)

Economic Goal

Left: equality

Right: prosperity

Primary Role of the State

Left: increase and protect equality

Right: increase and protect liberty


Left: as large as possible

Right: as small as possible

Most Important Trait to Cultivate in a Child

Left: self-esteem

Right: self-control

Worth of the Human Fetus

Left: determined by the mother

Right: determined by society rooted in Judeo-Christian values

Primary Source of Crime

Left: poverty, racism and other societal flaws

Right: the criminal's malfunctioning conscience

Purpose of Art

Left: challenge status quo and bourgeois sensibilities

Right: produce works of beauty and profundity to elevate the individual and society


Left: ideally universally abolished, except for use by police, the armed forces and registered sportsmen

Right: ideally widely owned by responsible individuals for self-protection and the protection of others


Left: intrinsically significant

Right: intrinsically insignificant

Racial, Ethnic and Gender Diversity at Universities

Left: most important

Right: far less important than ideological diversity

Black America's Primary Problem

Left: racism

Right: lack of fathers

And more at the actual link.....
As usual both sides are right and wrong in different areas

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