The Banana(s) Republicans


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Banana Republicans -

The Banana Republicans would destroy the American compact of shared sacrifice, shared reward and fair compromise in a nation of shared purpose. If they cause the crash, the voters will conclude that the Democrats are no angels, but will send the Banana Republicans straight to political hell.

They have no idea what shit is going to rain down if they hold the line. And they're just arrogant enough to believe that pointing at the other guy is having any effect. The world knows the truth. It's not just us. Not anymore.
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GOP leaders must free themselves from the Tea Party’s grip - The Washington Post

The Tea Party lives in an intellectual bubble where the answers to every problem lie in books by F.A. Hayek, Glenn Beck or Ayn Rand. Rand’s anti-government writings, regarded by her followers as modern-day scripture — Rand, an atheist, would have bridled at that comparison — are particularly instructive.

When the hero of Rand’s breakthrough novel, “The Fountainhead,” doesn’t get what he wants, he blows up a building. Rand’s followers see that as gallant. So perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us that blowing up our government doesn’t seem to be a big deal to some of the new radical individualists in our House of Representatives.

Our country is on the edge. Our capital looks like a lunatic asylum to many of our own citizens and much of the world. We need to act now to restore certainty by extending the debt ceiling through the end of this Congress.
Banana Republicans -

The Banana Republicans would destroy the American compact of shared sacrifice, shared reward and fair compromise in a nation of shared purpose. If they cause the crash, the voters will conclude that the Democrats are no angels, but will send the Banana Republicans straight to political hell.

They have no idea what shit is going to rain down if they hold the line. And they're just arrogant enough to believe that pointing at the other guy is having any effect. The world knows the truth. It's not just us. Not anymore.

BDBoop, Now is not the time to stop taking your meds. Or.........maybe not. It is you who are mistaken sister. I know that you lunatics are getting scared, but your hero Obama is finished. He's a fraud. You voted for another banking puppet who is bombing Lybia now. Wake up sheoplized robot slave. Is that change that you can believe in? Or was it that you could not believe in it only when it was Bush being pulled by international banker strings?

Think for yourself for once instead of bowing down to C.ommunist N.ews N.etwork. Listen to me, and listen very closely...................After we get rid of the madman Obama from the Oval office, we will clean house of those in the GOP who are liberal republican frauds as well. :razz: ~BH


Banana Republicans -

The Banana Republicans would destroy the American compact of shared sacrifice, shared reward and fair compromise in a nation of shared purpose. If they cause the crash, the voters will conclude that the Democrats are no angels, but will send the Banana Republicans straight to political hell.

They have no idea what shit is going to rain down if they hold the line. And they're just arrogant enough to believe that pointing at the other guy is having any effect. The world knows the truth. It's not just us. Not anymore.

BDBoop, Now is not the time to stop taking your meds. Or.........maybe not. It is you who are mistaken sister. I know that you lunatics are getting scared, but your hero Obama is finished. He's a fraud. You voted for another banking puppet who is bombing Lybia now. Wake up sheoplized robot slave. Is that change that you can believe in? Or was it that you could not believe in it only when it was Bush being pulled by international banker strings?

Think for yourself for once instead of bowing down to C.ommunist N.ews N.etwork. Listen to me, and listen very closely...................After we get rid of the madman Obama from the Oval office, we will clean house of those in the GOP who are liberal republican frauds as well. :razz: ~BH



Oh great.

Another terrorist defender rears his head.

Fuck Osama.

Fuck Gaddafi.

And fuck every other terrorist that wants to attack or has attacked our country.

And thank you Obama for doing your very best to plant these motherfuckers.:clap2:
BDBoop, you are a wack job. It is socialist dimwits fault, period. Take your meds.


It's the fascist Republicant's fault.

2 wars.
Department of Homeland Security.
Patriot Act.
GM Bailout.
Medicaid part D.

And Tax cuts.

Your Theocratic fascist overlords screwed the pooch.

Praise Jeebus.
The process is straight forward. You write a bill and get it passed. The House did that and the Democrats rejected it in the Senate. That makes it the Democrats as road blocks.
Boop, they DO know the He'll which will rain down on them if they falter. They understand that on a shield-wall all it takes is a single warrior faltering for the entire line to be compromised and destroyed. History will record who stood tall and who surrendered, regardless of party affiliation.
Banana Republicans -

The Banana Republicans would destroy the American compact of shared sacrifice, shared reward and fair compromise in a nation of shared purpose. If they cause the crash, the voters will conclude that the Democrats are no angels, but will send the Banana Republicans straight to political hell.

They have no idea what shit is going to rain down if they hold the line. And they're just arrogant enough to believe that pointing at the other guy is having any effect. The world knows the truth. It's not just us. Not anymore.

Why how dare they hold to what their constituents elected them for and keep their campaign promises.
Imagine that, politicians who are keeping their campaign promises .
Our Government is not about shared rewards (redistribution of wealth) nor should it ever be. Socialism never works.
Banana Republicans -

The Banana Republicans would destroy the American compact of shared sacrifice, shared reward and fair compromise in a nation of shared purpose. If they cause the crash, the voters will conclude that the Democrats are no angels, but will send the Banana Republicans straight to political hell.

They have no idea what shit is going to rain down if they hold the line. And they're just arrogant enough to believe that pointing at the other guy is having any effect. The world knows the truth. It's not just us. Not anymore.

Why how dare they hold to what their constituents elected them for and keep their campaign promises.
Imagine that, politicians who are keeping their campaign promises .
Our Government is not about shared rewards (redistribution of wealth) nor should it ever be. Socialism never works.

South Korea.

All these countries have adopted many socialist policies..that seem to be working.
Banana Republicans -

They have no idea what shit is going to rain down if they hold the line. And they're just arrogant enough to believe that pointing at the other guy is having any effect. The world knows the truth. It's not just us. Not anymore.

Why how dare they hold to what their constituents elected them for and keep their campaign promises.
Imagine that, politicians who are keeping their campaign promises .
Our Government is not about shared rewards (redistribution of wealth) nor should it ever be. Socialism never works.

South Korea.

All these countries have adopted many socialist policies..that seem to be working.

Yeh, and they all almost went broke and had to change things.
South Korea.

All these countries have adopted many socialist policies..that seem to be working.

Careful editing to remove Spain, Portugal and Greece...
South Korea.

All these countries have adopted many socialist policies..that seem to be working.

Careful editing to remove Spain, Portugal and Greece...
Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Soviet Russia, East Germany, the former Yugoslavia....
She's too damn stupid to understand that the TEA party are the people who pay the TAXES..

she's a moron.
Banana Republicans -

They have no idea what shit is going to rain down if they hold the line. And they're just arrogant enough to believe that pointing at the other guy is having any effect. The world knows the truth. It's not just us. Not anymore.

BDBoop, Now is not the time to stop taking your meds. Or.........maybe not. It is you who are mistaken sister. I know that you lunatics are getting scared, but your hero Obama is finished. He's a fraud. You voted for another banking puppet who is bombing Lybia now. Wake up sheoplized robot slave. Is that change that you can believe in? Or was it that you could not believe in it only when it was Bush being pulled by international banker strings?

Think for yourself for once instead of bowing down to C.ommunist N.ews N.etwork. Listen to me, and listen very closely...................After we get rid of the madman Obama from the Oval office, we will clean house of those in the GOP who are liberal republican frauds as well. :razz: ~BH



Oh great.

Another terrorist defender rears his head.

Fuck Osama.

Fuck Gaddafi.

And fuck every other terrorist that wants to attack or has attacked our country.

And thank you Obama for doing your very best to plant these motherfuckers.:clap2:

I never expected you to be so branwashed bro. When did Quadaffi bomb the USA? I guess you don't know about the weapons deal that Great Britain had with them and was connected to them releasing a real terrorist, who bombed a plane over Scotland? Maybe C.N.N didn't tell you. Nope, 100% against policing the World unless our Country is attacked by another NATION.

With that being said, I expected better manners from you Dick. I guess it's open season then. It's back to the old days bro. ;) ~BH
Banana Republicans -

The Banana Republicans would destroy the American compact of shared sacrifice, shared reward and fair compromise in a nation of shared purpose. If they cause the crash, the voters will conclude that the Democrats are no angels, but will send the Banana Republicans straight to political hell.

They have no idea what shit is going to rain down if they hold the line. And they're just arrogant enough to believe that pointing at the other guy is having any effect. The world knows the truth. It's not just us. Not anymore.

Working together is "socialism". "Every man for himself" says the Republican.

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