"The Bachelor" Chris Soules Arrested After Causing Fatal Accident and Fleeing Scene


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Soules is a total asshat. Lives in my old neck of the woods. He is supposed to be a successful farmer, dubbed 'Price Farming' during his 15 minutes of fame. Monday night, he was driving his pickup truck and possibly drinking (alcohol in truck) and he hit a tractor from behind. The man on the tractor died as a result. Soules truck ended up in the ditch on the opposite side of the road. The shithead didn't even bother to see if the other guy was okay and he fled the scene. He was arrested a short time later at his house. Witnesses identified him to police.

Appeared in court today, posted bail and now free with an ankle bracelet. He has a history of drinking and driving. He's an arrogant ass and was like that before he managed to gain some short-lived fame. Never did care for the goober. I really hope his well-paid lawyers don't manage to get him off the hook for this.

A man is dead because Soules hasn't learned any lessons from previous mistakes. He is not cooperating with the investigation. I half expect him to use the affluent defense.

Iowa State Patrol investigators inspecting vehicles involved in crash involving former "Bachelor" Chris Soules
Because this isn't his first bout with the law, life without parole to me is what he should be given.

God bless you and the family of his victim always!!!


P.S. The other lifers can decide if he's worth beating to death or not.
The guy that was killed was well liked in the small town of Aurora and surrounding towns. Everyone knows everyone around here.

Soules has been doing his best to get back in the spotlight after his stint on Bachelor and then losing on DWTS. Not long ago, he helped with a blood drive hoping to draw people in. Didn't help much as few are excited about his brush with fame anymore. Earlier in the day Monday, he was filmed running some farm equipment, likely to keep up the 'Price Farming' image. Some wondered why he wasn't actually working later on instead driving his pickup. It's planting season and many farmers are working late since they have to work around the rainy weather right now.

It's a shame that a nice guy was killed for no reason. I know accidents happen but this one was completely avoidable.

Alcohol was in the cab of the truck but no word on whether there were open containers or the results of his blood tests. Knowing Soules' history and penchant for partying, I'd be willing to bet what he was doing. He refused to cooperate with police when they went to his house and they had to wait several hours for a warrant. At this point, they won't be able to prove whether or not he was drinking at the time of the accident. Even if tests show he had alcohol in his system at the time of his arrest, he can claim he ran home and started drinking after the accident. That, in my opinion, is likely the reason why he left the scene before police arrived. Soules did call 911. Witnesses at the scene had already seen him and his truck was in the ditch so he wasn't able to drive it away. I bet a year's salary that if no witnesses were there and he could have driven his truck from the scene, they still wouldn't be sure who hit the guy on the tractor.

It just upsets me when we have people doing stupid things and it costs other people their lives. At 35, he should know better. Everyone from around here knows darn well that farmers are out on the highways, sometimes till late. Seems like every year we have these accidents and it's just senseless.

Usually, the people don't flee the scene but drunk driving would have meant much more serious charges. That is my opinion and his actions are highly suspect. I think now he's facing up to 5 years since it's a felony just to leave the scene.
He did call 911 but the transcript shows he was also talking to others who stopped. He was asked if the guy was breathing but didn't seem sure. He was asked if he knew CPR and he said no but asked if anyone there did. Don't know the timeline from accident to when other people stopped and got out of their vehicles. Others were present at the time he called 911.

When police arrived at his house, his lawyer was there with him. They delayed his arrest by demanding a warrant before he'd even talk to them. When police showed up with the warrant, Soules came to the door holding a beer. Yup, going to claim he didn't drink till after the fact so they won't be able to prove he was drinking before the accident.

Instead of staying there to see if the victim was going to be okay, he will claim he was so upset that he had to rush home and drink beer. Piece of shit.

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