The Attack of the Pod People!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. On Monday, I explained the election as having been due to the minds, such as they were, of 60 million citizens having been co-opted by an alien philosophy….as revealed in the 1956 film, ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’…which some mistakenly believed was fiction!

2.I laid out the clear and dispositive reasons why the Democrats should have been disqualified….not one of the Pod People addressed the six reasons given in the OP….yet, Pods lashed out with “Sour Grapes …you predicted that Romney was going to win….How Christiany of you…shut up, if beaten,… sore loser….nothing more than a lot of anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-gay noise…wacko rightwingnuts ….TeaBagging….didn't read it…. my education equals yours if not surpassing it….You are so full of sh*t …excruciatingly unpleasant ….how prosaic PC is…take away women's right to vote,…. such a RETARDED thread….Thanks for the laughs,… how pathetic you sound”

3.Really! Those were the responses of the Pod People!!
I compose an OP documenting how the Democrats (Party of Pods) were undeserving of re-election….and only brainless pods could have shuffled into the voting booth and voted for ‘em…..and sure enough, the Pod People proved they were brainless!!!

4. Prove it? Sure….Look at the following from the OP in question…and notice that none of the Pods said anything at all about ‘em! Couldn’t even deny any!!!

Here are the actual charges in the indictment:
a. When Obama whispered to the Russians that he’d be more ‘flexible’ after the election…who among the Obama voters asked what was the flexibility, or why he was whispering it?

b. The uneducated and uncaring Obama voter claimed ‘Bush lied!,’ As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress….then did so his first week in office. Did "Obama Lies" become a bumper-sticker?

c. The obtuse Obama voter endorsed the Constitution by an ‘atta boy’ when Obama claimed to be a Constitutional law professor….but when he issued an executive order obviating a law, the Clinton welfare bill [“Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Tuesday confirmed that President Barack Obama did in fact change the rules in Bill Clinton’s landmark Welfare Reform Act despite the Obama administration's claims to the contrary. “], ….not a whimper. Seems they didn’t understand the designation ‘Legislative Branch.’ They forgot all about the Constitution.

d. While denying any proclivity toward Marxism, the ‘reliable Democrat voter’ rushed to pull the lever for a 20-year congregant of a James Cone inspired Black-Liberation church. Cone: “Marxism as a tool of social analysis can… help Christians to see how things really are.”
Cone, “For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church,” p. 187. “You Didn’t Build That!”

e. When the Obama administration was involved with incidents in which Americans were killed, ‘Fast and Furious,’ and Benghazi….they chose stone-walling as the strategy of choice. Seems that 'Bush Lied, People Died' didn't really mean anything to 'em.

f. Make a fuss about separation of religion from the public arena…but complain about voting for Romney because of his religion. And that Mormonism having been historically unkind to black folks….but support a party that produced Jim Crow laws, and fought against anti-lynching laws.

5. Compare that to the Pod-attack….noticed: none of the Pod People in the thread addressed any of the above.

Should I have added:
g. The Pod Party is joined at the hip to unions….such as the ones who have destroyed education in the nation….and (choke) lost Twinkies???

h. Or, that this President supported infanticide, and chose Professor Singer…who recommends murder of children a year after birth, as a ‘science advisor’?

i. Or…”Samantha Power [Special Assistant to Obama] is the “mind” behind President Obama’s policy of Responsibility to Protect which drove him to the “kinetic military action” [war] in Libya. As her influence continues to grow, the Obama administration which has already backed off from the US/Israel friendship, might very well accelerate its move away from the only democracy in the Middle East.” SAMANTHA POWER OBAMA’S RISING ANTI-ISRAEL STAR | RUTHFULLY YOURS

Nope....Wouldn’t have made a bit of difference to Pods…..Pods don’t think.

Pods attack!
....and vote Democrat.

6. “Once upon a time, liberals prided themselves, with considerable reason,… Today's liberals seem to be taking their marching orders from other quarters.” RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama vs. Free Speech at October 13, 2008 - 09:26:24 AM PDT

"...marching orders from other quarters....

Must be extraterrestrial.
There is only one reason why Obama and other Ds won.

More people voted for them than voted for the Rs.

Deal with it.

Quit whining and lying and just DEAL WITH IT.
Who cares? We've got work to do on the deficit. It's up to the Republicans in the House to put together a package we ALL can live with. It's not on the Democrats right now. We have to wait until the body which initiates fiscal legislation does their thing. Will they realize that things have changed? It's not there way or the highway anymore. If they look like they're willing to take us over the cliff, there's going to be hell to pay in '14.
Pod People?

What ever happened to the good ole Conservative standby....Sheeple?
The problem is that nobody listens to you. You're a joke.

1. On Monday, I explained the election as having been due to the minds, such as they were, of 60 million citizens having been co-opted by an alien philosophy….as revealed in the 1956 film, ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’…which some mistakenly believed was fiction!

2.I laid out the clear and dispositive reasons why the Democrats should have been disqualified….not one of the Pod People addressed the six reasons given in the OP….yet, Pods lashed out with “Sour Grapes …you predicted that Romney was going to win….How Christiany of you…shut up, if beaten,… sore loser….nothing more than a lot of anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-gay noise…wacko rightwingnuts ….TeaBagging….didn't read it…. my education equals yours if not surpassing it….You are so full of sh*t …excruciatingly unpleasant ….how prosaic PC is…take away women's right to vote,…. such a RETARDED thread….Thanks for the laughs,… how pathetic you sound”

3.Really! Those were the responses of the Pod People!!
I compose an OP documenting how the Democrats (Party of Pods) were undeserving of re-election….and only brainless pods could have shuffled into the voting booth and voted for ‘em…..and sure enough, the Pod People proved they were brainless!!!

4. Prove it? Sure….Look at the following from the OP in question…and notice that none of the Pods said anything at all about ‘em! Couldn’t even deny any!!!

Here are the actual charges in the indictment:
a. When Obama whispered to the Russians that he’d be more ‘flexible’ after the election…who among the Obama voters asked what was the flexibility, or why he was whispering it?

b. The uneducated and uncaring Obama voter claimed ‘Bush lied!,’ As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress….then did so his first week in office. Did "Obama Lies" become a bumper-sticker?

c. The obtuse Obama voter endorsed the Constitution by an ‘atta boy’ when Obama claimed to be a Constitutional law professor….but when he issued an executive order obviating a law, the Clinton welfare bill [“Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Tuesday confirmed that President Barack Obama did in fact change the rules in Bill Clinton’s landmark Welfare Reform Act despite the Obama administration's claims to the contrary. “], ….not a whimper. Seems they didn’t understand the designation ‘Legislative Branch.’ They forgot all about the Constitution.

d. While denying any proclivity toward Marxism, the ‘reliable Democrat voter’ rushed to pull the lever for a 20-year congregant of a James Cone inspired Black-Liberation church. Cone: “Marxism as a tool of social analysis can… help Christians to see how things really are.”
Cone, “For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church,” p. 187. “You Didn’t Build That!”

e. When the Obama administration was involved with incidents in which Americans were killed, ‘Fast and Furious,’ and Benghazi….they chose stone-walling as the strategy of choice. Seems that 'Bush Lied, People Died' didn't really mean anything to 'em.

f. Make a fuss about separation of religion from the public arena…but complain about voting for Romney because of his religion. And that Mormonism having been historically unkind to black folks….but support a party that produced Jim Crow laws, and fought against anti-lynching laws.

5. Compare that to the Pod-attack….noticed: none of the Pod People in the thread addressed any of the above.

Should I have added:
g. The Pod Party is joined at the hip to unions….such as the ones who have destroyed education in the nation….and (choke) lost Twinkies???

h. Or, that this President supported infanticide, and chose Professor Singer…who recommends murder of children a year after birth, as a ‘science advisor’?

i. Or…”Samantha Power [Special Assistant to Obama] is the “mind” behind President Obama’s policy of Responsibility to Protect which drove him to the “kinetic military action” [war] in Libya. As her influence continues to grow, the Obama administration which has already backed off from the US/Israel friendship, might very well accelerate its move away from the only democracy in the Middle East.” SAMANTHA POWER OBAMA’S RISING ANTI-ISRAEL STAR | RUTHFULLY YOURS

Nope....Wouldn’t have made a bit of difference to Pods…..Pods don’t think.

Pods attack!
....and vote Democrat.

6. “Once upon a time, liberals prided themselves, with considerable reason,… Today's liberals seem to be taking their marching orders from other quarters.” RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama vs. Free Speech at October 13, 2008 - 09:26:24 AM PDT

"...marching orders from other quarters....

Must be extraterrestrial.
b. The uneducated and uncaring Obama voter claimed ‘Bush lied!,’ As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress….then did so his first week in office. Did "Obama Lies" become a bumper-sticker?

Can you provide a link to an Obama signing statement which thwarted the intent of laws passed by Congress in his first week of office, please?

There is only one reason why Obama and other Ds won.

More people voted for them than voted for the Rs.

Deal with it.

Quit whining and lying and just DEAL WITH IT.

You may characterize the post as you see fit...

...but as for lying: I challenge you to prove the claim.

Otherwise the charge becomes a boomerang.
Who cares? We've got work to do on the deficit. It's up to the Republicans in the House to put together a package we ALL can live with. It's not on the Democrats right now. We have to wait until the body which initiates fiscal legislation does their thing. Will they realize that things have changed? It's not there way or the highway anymore. If they look like they're willing to take us over the cliff, there's going to be hell to pay in '14.

"Who cares? We've got work to do on the deficit."

Exactly, POD-ner.....

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Insanity: doing the same thing... at BrainyQuote

Only a brainless Pod Person would decide that voting for the deficit-cause would reduce the deficit.
Who cares? We've got work to do on the deficit. It's up to the Republicans in the House to put together a package we ALL can live with. It's not on the Democrats right now. We have to wait until the body which initiates fiscal legislation does their thing. Will they realize that things have changed? It's not there way or the highway anymore. If they look like they're willing to take us over the cliff, there's going to be hell to pay in '14.

"Who cares? We've got work to do on the deficit."

Exactly, POD-ner.....

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Insanity: doing the same thing... at BrainyQuote

Only a brainless Pod Person would decide that voting for the deficit-cause would reduce the deficit.

I call that Insanity A.

Insanity B is knowing what you need to do, and then not doing it.

That is the GOP's particular brand of insanity.

Can you provide a link to an Obama signing statement which thwarted the intent of laws passed by Congress in his first week of office, please?

The problem is that nobody listens to you. You're a joke.

1. On Monday, I explained the election as having been due to the minds, such as they were, of 60 million citizens having been co-opted by an alien philosophy….as revealed in the 1956 film, ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’…which some mistakenly believed was fiction!

2.I laid out the clear and dispositive reasons why the Democrats should have been disqualified….not one of the Pod People addressed the six reasons given in the OP….yet, Pods lashed out with “Sour Grapes …you predicted that Romney was going to win….How Christiany of you…shut up, if beaten,… sore loser….nothing more than a lot of anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-gay noise…wacko rightwingnuts ….TeaBagging….didn't read it…. my education equals yours if not surpassing it….You are so full of sh*t …excruciatingly unpleasant ….how prosaic PC is…take away women's right to vote,…. such a RETARDED thread….Thanks for the laughs,… how pathetic you sound”

3.Really! Those were the responses of the Pod People!!
I compose an OP documenting how the Democrats (Party of Pods) were undeserving of re-election….and only brainless pods could have shuffled into the voting booth and voted for ‘em…..and sure enough, the Pod People proved they were brainless!!!

4. Prove it? Sure….Look at the following from the OP in question…and notice that none of the Pods said anything at all about ‘em! Couldn’t even deny any!!!

Here are the actual charges in the indictment:
a. When Obama whispered to the Russians that he’d be more ‘flexible’ after the election…who among the Obama voters asked what was the flexibility, or why he was whispering it?

b. The uneducated and uncaring Obama voter claimed ‘Bush lied!,’ As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress….then did so his first week in office. Did "Obama Lies" become a bumper-sticker?

c. The obtuse Obama voter endorsed the Constitution by an ‘atta boy’ when Obama claimed to be a Constitutional law professor….but when he issued an executive order obviating a law, the Clinton welfare bill [“Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Tuesday confirmed that President Barack Obama did in fact change the rules in Bill Clinton’s landmark Welfare Reform Act despite the Obama administration's claims to the contrary. “], ….not a whimper. Seems they didn’t understand the designation ‘Legislative Branch.’ They forgot all about the Constitution.

d. While denying any proclivity toward Marxism, the ‘reliable Democrat voter’ rushed to pull the lever for a 20-year congregant of a James Cone inspired Black-Liberation church. Cone: “Marxism as a tool of social analysis can… help Christians to see how things really are.”
Cone, “For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church,” p. 187. “You Didn’t Build That!”

e. When the Obama administration was involved with incidents in which Americans were killed, ‘Fast and Furious,’ and Benghazi….they chose stone-walling as the strategy of choice. Seems that 'Bush Lied, People Died' didn't really mean anything to 'em.

f. Make a fuss about separation of religion from the public arena…but complain about voting for Romney because of his religion. And that Mormonism having been historically unkind to black folks….but support a party that produced Jim Crow laws, and fought against anti-lynching laws.

5. Compare that to the Pod-attack….noticed: none of the Pod People in the thread addressed any of the above.

Should I have added:
g. The Pod Party is joined at the hip to unions….such as the ones who have destroyed education in the nation….and (choke) lost Twinkies???

h. Or, that this President supported infanticide, and chose Professor Singer…who recommends murder of children a year after birth, as a ‘science advisor’?

i. Or…”Samantha Power [Special Assistant to Obama] is the “mind” behind President Obama’s policy of Responsibility to Protect which drove him to the “kinetic military action” [war] in Libya. As her influence continues to grow, the Obama administration which has already backed off from the US/Israel friendship, might very well accelerate its move away from the only democracy in the Middle East.” SAMANTHA POWER OBAMA’S RISING ANTI-ISRAEL STAR | RUTHFULLY YOURS

Nope....Wouldn’t have made a bit of difference to Pods…..Pods don’t think.

Pods attack!
....and vote Democrat.

6. “Once upon a time, liberals prided themselves, with considerable reason,… Today's liberals seem to be taking their marching orders from other quarters.” RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama vs. Free Speech at October 13, 2008 - 09:26:24 AM PDT

"...marching orders from other quarters....

Must be extraterrestrial.

So....what are you doing here?

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