The Alliance is Going to Make Reavers on Earth


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
A scientist is working on a way to reduce Aggression and increase Empathy.

Isn't this how the Alliance turned Miranda into a living (and then dead) Hell and spawned The Reavers?

Simon Baron-Cohen has been battling with evil all his life.

As a scientist seeking to understand random acts of violence, from street brawls to psychopathic killings to genocide, he has puzzled for decades over what prompts such acts of human cruelty. And he's decided that evil is not good enough.

"I'm not satisfied with the term 'evil'," says the Cambridge University psychology and psychiatry professor, one of the world's top experts in autism and developmental psychopathology.

"We've inherited this word.. and we use it to express our abhorrence when people do awful things, usually acts of cruelty, but I don't think it's anything more than another word for doing something bad. And as a scientist that doesn't seem to me to be much of an explanation. So I've been looking for an alternative -- we need a new theory of human cruelty."

Baron-Cohen, who is also director of the Autism Research Centre at Cambridge, has just written a book in which he calls for a kind of rebranding of evil to offer a more scientific explanation for why people kill and torture, or have such great difficulty understanding the feelings of others.

His proposal is that evil be understood as a lack of empathy -- a condition he argues can be measured and monitored and is susceptible to education and treatment....

FEATURE-Scientist seeks to banish evil, boost empathy | News by Country | Reuters
It's a Cultural Rorschach Test.

Smart and well rounded people will Get It.
It's the mindset that would "treat" people to get rid of aggression that leads to The Pax.
I wish they would start Firefly again.

So much programming is crap...and one of the best things ever was killed off before it barely started.
Oh Noeesssssss!!!11!!!!!!

Search Reavers and Alliance and get back to us.
So evil people will now be called

"Empathy impaired"
"Empathy capable"

jeezeus, and people wonder why we call liberalism a mental disorder

If they put it in my water, I pray to God, I'm one ot the 10%ers that go batshit crazy.
Well, we're now calling WAR a "kinetic military action".
I wish they would start Firefly again.

So much programming is crap...and one of the best things ever was killed off before it barely started.

Firefly, with the adorable and incredibly funny Nathan Fillion??


Oh, sorry. I meant to post this pic of him instead.


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