The ACA-their wealth, your slavery.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It’s very interesting how history repeats itself and then rewrites itself. First let’s explore slavery. Ancient slavery was commonplace in the human condition and existed even before written accounts of history. There was class slavery almost from the beginning and later subjects captured in war were used as slaves.

But there was one empire that actually sold its own people into slavery to gain wealth for a privileged central authority and that was Africa. The tribalistic practice can be traced all the way back to the ninth century and continued uninterrupted into the era of the Transatlantic Slave Trade that brought slaves to America and resulted in a civil war. Even after most European countries outlawed slavery the practice continued in Africa with slaves being sold to Muslim countries.

But this piece is not about black slavery it’s about world slavery and history repeating itself. When a central authority has become so powerful that it sells out its own people to a word government it is selling them into slavery every bit as much as African kings sold their people for power and riches.

The central authority in question is the American political establishment and globalization is the market being served. Tribalism in the United States has steadily evolved since the American Revolution with an elite political/intellectual class rising to the top. The same phenomenon occurred in the Soviet Union but as Aldous Huxley pointed out in his letter to George Orwell the iron boot of forced power will never work as well as the hypnotic stupefaction of the masses that tricks them into loving their oppressors.

The depression of the 1930’s brought about the current paradigm that has as its aim the overthrow of America and all that it has been. This led to the failures of the War on Poverty and the Great Society and the destructive divisive effects we still see today. If you succeed in setting the people against each other they’ll forget about government.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was the last piece in the machine to subvert the people into the slavery of government dependence and eventually into subservience to a world government. This is why the UN was located in the US. It is perfectly poised to strike at the heart of American democracy.

The American political establishment will never dismantle the ACA because it is the source of their wealth-and your slavery.
Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

The beauty of the govt-can-never-work cabal is that you get elected to destroy a govt of/by the people, and then go, see? that shit doesn't work. We need to redistribute and concentrate societal wealth and allow the donor/"job creator"/wealthy elites to run society for us. We're not worthy.
Comparing anything to slavery (or Nazism, for that matter, another big one on USMB) is a cynical insult to millions who suffered and died.

When health care is "every man for himself", that man is forced to pay higher premiums and costs because he must also pay for those who are not covered. He's paying for those who couldn't afford fundamental preventive and diagnostic care, which ultimately led to worse and far more costly conditions. He's paying for those who clog hospital ERs because they're using it as their primary care physician. He's paying for the incredibly inefficient, seven-headed beast of a national health care "system" (individual, group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and Indigent) that raises costs across the board.

Is that freedom to you? Really? You paying more for your care because others can't afford it?

Shallow platitudes and sloganeering won't stop this guy from paying far more than he has to for his care, and that of his family. A much more honest and intelligent approach would be to dump the partisan bullshit on both ends and find the best equilibrium between public and private health care cost sharing.

Like expanding the already-functioning and popular Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement public/private system to all, for example.
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It’s very interesting how history repeats itself and then rewrites itself. First let’s explore slavery. Ancient slavery was commonplace in the human condition and existed even before written accounts of history. There was class slavery almost from the beginning and later subjects captured in war were used as slaves.

But there was one empire that actually sold its own people into slavery to gain wealth for a privileged central authority and that was Africa. The tribalistic practice can be traced all the way back to the ninth century and continued uninterrupted into the era of the Transatlantic Slave Trade that brought slaves to America and resulted in a civil war. Even after most European countries outlawed slavery the practice continued in Africa with slaves being sold to Muslim countries.

But this piece is not about black slavery it’s about world slavery and history repeating itself. When a central authority has become so powerful that it sells out its own people to a word government it is selling them into slavery every bit as much as African kings sold their people for power and riches.

The central authority in question is the American political establishment and globalization is the market being served. Tribalism in the United States has steadily evolved since the American Revolution with an elite political/intellectual class rising to the top. The same phenomenon occurred in the Soviet Union but as Aldous Huxley pointed out in his letter to George Orwell the iron boot of forced power will never work as well as the hypnotic stupefaction of the masses that tricks them into loving their oppressors.

The depression of the 1930’s brought about the current paradigm that has as its aim the overthrow of America and all that it has been. This led to the failures of the War on Poverty and the Great Society and the destructive divisive effects we still see today. If you succeed in setting the people against each other they’ll forget about government.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was the last piece in the machine to subvert the people into the slavery of government dependence and eventually into subservience to a world government. This is why the UN was located in the US. It is perfectly poised to strike at the heart of American democracy.

The American political establishment will never dismantle the ACA because it is the source of their wealth-and your slavery.

Real slavery is having to stay at a low paying job , and one unfulfilling due to health ins. That is true slavery.
Comparing anything to slavery (or Nazism, for that matter, another big one on USMB) is a cynical insult to millions who suffered and died.

Agreed. But it's important to recognize that there are institutional motivations for centralizing control of health care that have nothing to do with the welfare of citizens.

When health care is "every man for himself", that man is forced to pay higher premiums and costs because he must also pay for those who are not covered. He's paying for those who couldn't afford fundamental preventive and diagnostic care, which ultimately led to worse and far more costly conditions. He's paying for those who clog hospital ERs because they're using it as their primary care physician. He's paying for the incredibly inefficient, seven-headed beast of a national health care "system" (individual, group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and Indigent) that raises costs across the board.

In a free market, no one is forced to buy anything, least of all ill-conceived, overpriced insurance.

Is that freedom to you? Really?

Yes, it is. When you read a bit of American history, you see that the founders - and the people who flocked to our country after its founding - had a keen understanding of the relationship between freedom and independence. That point seems largely lost on modern voters.
Real slavery is having to stay at a low paying job , and one unfulfilling due to health ins. That is true slavery.
No, THIS is true slavery.


Comparing anything to slavery (or Nazism, for that matter, another big one on USMB) is a cynical insult to millions who suffered and died.

Agreed. But it's important to recognize that there are institutional motivations for centralizing control of health care that have nothing to do with the welfare of citizens.

When health care is "every man for himself", that man is forced to pay higher premiums and costs because he must also pay for those who are not covered. He's paying for those who couldn't afford fundamental preventive and diagnostic care, which ultimately led to worse and far more costly conditions. He's paying for those who clog hospital ERs because they're using it as their primary care physician. He's paying for the incredibly inefficient, seven-headed beast of a national health care "system" (individual, group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and Indigent) that raises costs across the board.

In a free market, no one is forced to buy anything, least of all ill-conceived, overpriced insurance.

Is that freedom to you? Really?

Yes, it is. When you read a bit of American history, you see that the founders - and the people who flocked to our country after its founding - had a keen understanding of the relationship between freedom and independence. That point seems largely lost on modern voters.
Unless you choose to never access health care, you are paying for those who can't. That's just a fact of economics.

So we either do as I cover above, or we just keep paying for others.
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The same mechanism that prompted slavery in human history right up to the Transatlantic Slave Trade is in play today and tribalism is the fundamental catalyst. The people at the bottom-you and I-are being sold out by the people at the top. This is how it works. This is how it has always worked. Look who is getting the money, the power-the political establishment.
Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

Are you under the impression that Single Payer, aka "Medicare for All", would eliminate the profiteers? Do you know how Medicare works?

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || CMA

Medicare doesn't remove insurance industry profits from health care.
Unless you choose to never access health care, you are paying for those who can't. That's just a fact of economics.

So we either do as I cover above, or we just keep paying for others.

There are always more than two options. Removing all the props supporting group health insurance needs to be the first step.
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Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

Are under the impression that Single Payer, aka "Medicare for All", would eliminate the profiteers? Do you know how Medicare works?

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || CMA

Medicare doesn't remove insurance industry profits from health care.
Where did I argue that? Anywhere? Thanks. Tell your friends that yes, single payer does not mean the govt takes over your healthcare.
Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

Are under the impression that Single Payer, aka "Medicare for All", would eliminate the profiteers? Do you know how Medicare works?

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || CMA

Medicare doesn't remove insurance industry profits from health care.
I've taken Medicare training every year since 2005. I was the financial guy in the room for a Fortune 100 Medicare insurer when it was putting together Medicare Advantage plans for my state for five years. I know these things inside and out.

I'm against Single Payer, which is not "Medicare for All", despite what Bernie Sanders says. That's why I specifically advocate for a full expansion of the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system. That's the specific phrase I use every time I discuss this. That is not Single Payer.
Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

Are under the impression that Single Payer, aka "Medicare for All", would eliminate the profiteers? Do you know how Medicare works?

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || CMA

Medicare doesn't remove insurance industry profits from health care.
I've taken Medicare training every year since 2005. I was the financial guy in the room for a Fortune 100 Medicare insurer when it was putting together Medicare Advantage plans for my state for five years. I know these things inside and out.

I'm against Single Payer, which is not "Medicare for All", despite what Bernie Sanders says. That's why I specifically advocate for a full expansion of the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system. That's the specific phrase I use every time I discuss this. That is not Single Payer.
And you see no good in examining the systems of all the other advanced post industrial nations on the planet who have less expensvie, more efficient systems that cover more people for less of a drain on society?
Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

Are under the impression that Single Payer, aka "Medicare for All", would eliminate the profiteers? Do you know how Medicare works?

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || CMA

Medicare doesn't remove insurance industry profits from health care.
I've taken Medicare training every year since 2005. I was the financial guy in the room for a Fortune 100 Medicare insurer when it was putting together Medicare Advantage plans for my state for five years. I know these things inside and out.

I'm against Single Payer, which is not "Medicare for All", despite what Bernie Sanders says. That's why I specifically advocate for a full expansion of the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system. That's the specific phrase I use every time I discuss this. That is not Single Payer.
And you see no good in examining the systems of all the other advanced post industrial nations on the planet who have less expensvie, more efficient systems that cover more people for less of a drain on society?
What I advocate is a lot closer to those systems than what we have now.

I believe those other countries would follow our lead.
Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

Are under the impression that Single Payer, aka "Medicare for All", would eliminate the profiteers? Do you know how Medicare works?

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || CMA

Medicare doesn't remove insurance industry profits from health care.
I've taken Medicare training every year since 2005. I was the financial guy in the room for a Fortune 100 Medicare insurer when it was putting together Medicare Advantage plans for my state for five years. I know these things inside and out.

I'm against Single Payer, which is not "Medicare for All", despite what Bernie Sanders says. That's why I specifically advocate for a full expansion of the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system. That's the specific phrase I use every time I discuss this. That is not Single Payer.
And you see no good in examining the systems of all the other advanced post industrial nations on the planet who have less expensvie, more efficient systems that cover more people for less of a drain on society?
What I advocate is a lot closer to those systems than what we have now.

I believe those other countries would follow our lead.
Yeah, well we trail them now, gonna have to get a lot different if we are to lead.
Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

Are under the impression that Single Payer, aka "Medicare for All", would eliminate the profiteers? Do you know how Medicare works?

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || CMA

Medicare doesn't remove insurance industry profits from health care.
I've taken Medicare training every year since 2005. I was the financial guy in the room for a Fortune 100 Medicare insurer when it was putting together Medicare Advantage plans for my state for five years. I know these things inside and out.

I'm against Single Payer, which is not "Medicare for All", despite what Bernie Sanders says. That's why I specifically advocate for a full expansion of the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system. That's the specific phrase I use every time I discuss this. That is not Single Payer.

Then at least we agree on the facts. Medicare for all isn't government health insurance. It's government taking our tax money and buying health insurance for us. What could go wrong?
Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

Are under the impression that Single Payer, aka "Medicare for All", would eliminate the profiteers? Do you know how Medicare works?

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || CMA

Medicare doesn't remove insurance industry profits from health care.
I've taken Medicare training every year since 2005. I was the financial guy in the room for a Fortune 100 Medicare insurer when it was putting together Medicare Advantage plans for my state for five years. I know these things inside and out.

I'm against Single Payer, which is not "Medicare for All", despite what Bernie Sanders says. That's why I specifically advocate for a full expansion of the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system. That's the specific phrase I use every time I discuss this. That is not Single Payer.

Then at least we agree on the facts. Medicare for all isn't government health insurance. It's government taking our tax money and buying insurance on our behalf. What could go wrong?
Allowing concentrated corporate wealth and power to handle it must be the answer. We have a voice there at least. And we must continue to elect to office those who do not believe a govt of/by/for the people can work, so they can make sure it doesn't.
Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

Are under the impression that Single Payer, aka "Medicare for All", would eliminate the profiteers? Do you know how Medicare works?

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || CMA

Medicare doesn't remove insurance industry profits from health care.
I've taken Medicare training every year since 2005. I was the financial guy in the room for a Fortune 100 Medicare insurer when it was putting together Medicare Advantage plans for my state for five years. I know these things inside and out.

I'm against Single Payer, which is not "Medicare for All", despite what Bernie Sanders says. That's why I specifically advocate for a full expansion of the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system. That's the specific phrase I use every time I discuss this. That is not Single Payer.

Then at least we agree on the facts. Medicare for all isn't government health insurance. It's government taking our tax money and buying insurance on our behalf. What could go wrong?
Allowing concentrated corporate wealth and power to handle it must be the answer. We have a voice there at least. And we must continue to elect to office those who do not believe a govt of/by/for the people can work, so they can make sure it doesn't.

Again, any time someone tries to convince me there are only two options, I smell a con. In a free market, you can always tell the insurance companies to go fly a kite. Once they get in bed with government, we lose that freedom. Indeed, that's WHY they get in bed with government.
Moving to a healthcare system like that of all other advanced post industrial nations terrifies the holy shit out of the donor/political/corporate class. They need control over your access to healthcare. That is the new slavery. Most folks need to subjugate themselves to an employer for access to healthcare, whatever plan the employer decides to offer them. Let's recall that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation approach, and it still, as it has worked out, puts profiteers between you and your doctor.

Are under the impression that Single Payer, aka "Medicare for All", would eliminate the profiteers? Do you know how Medicare works?

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || CMA

Medicare doesn't remove insurance industry profits from health care.
I've taken Medicare training every year since 2005. I was the financial guy in the room for a Fortune 100 Medicare insurer when it was putting together Medicare Advantage plans for my state for five years. I know these things inside and out.

I'm against Single Payer, which is not "Medicare for All", despite what Bernie Sanders says. That's why I specifically advocate for a full expansion of the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system. That's the specific phrase I use every time I discuss this. That is not Single Payer.

Then at least we agree on the facts. Medicare for all isn't government health insurance. It's government taking our tax money and buying insurance on our behalf. What could go wrong?
Allowing concentrated corporate wealth and power to handle it must be the answer. We have a voice there at least. And we must continue to elect to office those who do not believe a govt of/by/for the people can work, so they can make sure it doesn't.

Again, any time someone tries to convince me there are only two options, I smell a con. In a free market, you can always tell the insurance companies to go fly a kite. Once they get in bed with government, we lose that freedom. Indeed, that's WHY they get in bed with government.

Good job explaining that. This guy does it even better:


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