The 6th Amendment any lawyers here?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Family Court is not the same as Criminal Courts. I don't think legal counsel is provided in Family Courts as in Criminal Courts. If the guy can't find work, he can always explain his situation and ask for a temporary reduction.

I have little to no patience with deadbeat dads. My daughter has been battling with her ex for the last 14 years over child support matters. Well, her son is now 18 years old, out of high school, and in the military stationed in Korea. The State rather than my daughter has been going after him the last couple of years - he only owes her around $50,000. Now HE has filed a petition to reduce child support, the idiot. He should have thought of that years ago - it's too late to ask for a reduction now. He owes every penny of that $50,000 PLUS accumulating interest on every bit of it that remains unpaid.

My daughter and this jerk have been in and out of juvenile (family) court so damned many times even the court deputies know her on sight - and they smile and say, "You back in here again?" There's not a single judge in that court who doesn't like my daughter and despise her ex. You cannot believe the hell he has put my daughter through and his parents bail his ass out of everything he gets himself into. He beat the hell out her while they were married, threatened to kill her, her parents and everybody else in her family. And in every single instance in court my daughter was found to be a good parent providing her son with a good, clean, safe home.

The SOB is a deadbeat. Period. He loves his son, but he can't pay any support for him. He can support the daughters of that felon he's married to (while they collect every state benefit they can); he told the mother of his other child that he'd give up his parental rights for somewhere in the neighborhood of $25,000. He needed it to pay down some of the money he owed my daughter so he could avoid jail time. That woman took him to court for unpaid child support for her child ... and he decided it would be in his best interest to sign away his parental rights for $0.00.

He NEEDS to go to jail. He's never been held accountable for a damn thing he's done in his entire life. And I blame his parents or more specifically, his mother.

They have a court date coming up again - and my daughter really doesn't need to be there since it's the State going after the jackal, but she wants to be there.

There are a lot of deadbeat dads (AND mothers) out there who have done worse than my daughter's ex - they know how to play the system and they do it. Even if someone is collecting unemployment the effort of paying $10-$15 can go a long way in terms of good will. The case can always be reviewed on a regular basis until both parents can provide for the needs of their children.

My daughter's current husband has one child for whom he has paid child support religiously every single month and in the interim has lost a job and found another making less money, had a couple of heart attacks and a couple heart surgeries and he hasn't used one bit of that as an excuse not to pay his child support. Child support payments can be made if a parent wants to do the right thing by his or her child.

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