The 2nd Amendment almost impossible to exercise in New York...ask John Stossel...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Stossel points out that even though there are laws that allow people to carry guns in New is their gun grabbing leftists who are following in the footsteps of their jim crow democrat brothers, use fees and regulations to keep people from exercising that right....

So when some on here say they believe training should be mandatory for gun ownership...what they don't realize is that any mandatory requirement for gun ownership will be used to deny the right....


Fortunately, in America, laws in every state now allow adults to carry guns. Some predicted this would lead to more crime, but the opposite happened. Crime is down.

Yet some towns, such as Chicago, Washington, D.C., and New York City, where I live, still make it nearly impossible for people to legally carry a gun.

I know because I tried to get a license.

People sometimes threaten me. One made a "Kill John Stossel" website. So I'd like the option of carrying a gun to protect myself.

First, I had to read and say I understood 50 pages of New York weapons laws and fill out a 17-page form. We had to call the police department six times just to clarify what questions meant.

Then I had to go to police headquarters in person. They fingerprinted me and told me to list reasons why I should be allowed to have a gun.

Gun instructor Glenn Herman says the bureaucracy is intentional. New York politicians want "to deter people from following through the process, which can take a year."

It took me eight and a half months. That included returning for another in-person interview.

This time, they told me that they'd discovered an old lawsuit against me and said I couldn't get a permit unless it had been "resolved." I explained that it had been dropped. They wanted "proof." I showed them a New York Times story that reported that the case was dropped. They told me that wasn't sufficient; I had to produce original court documents.

They also told me I had to "document" threats against me. The "Kill John Stossel" website and other Internet threats weren't sufficient, they said, because I hadn't reported them to the police at the time.

Fifty-two days later, they sent me a letter -- rejecting my application. They said I "failed to demonstrate a special need."

But why must I show a "special need"? The Supreme Court says that the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to keep and bear arms.

The court allowed cities to impose reasonable regulation. But New York's leftist politicians have strange ideas about what's reasonable.
But of course...the rich and politically connected get gun permits they do in Europe...

Gun instructor Herman told me that I applied "the wrong way." Permits routinely go to "friends of the ruling class," he says. "Everyone else is out of luck." Sure enough, I notice that Donald Trump, Howard Stern and Robert De Niro got permits.

I wish bureaucrats worried more about what can happen when people don't have guns.

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