The 2012 Election Is Not About Obama's Record

The 2012 Election Is Not About Obama's Record

No, it is not. Obama has done a good job considering what Bush left him and all the GOP obstruction along the way. Good job, Mr. President. You deserve another four years in the White House. You have my vote on November 6.

What have Republicans "helped" Obama accomplish since becoming president?

If you say so, tell me where can I find living unicorns for obama to ride on?
The 2012 Election Is Not About Obama's Record

No, it is not. Obama has done a good job considering what Bush left him and all the GOP obstruction along the way. Good job, Mr. President. You deserve another four years in the White House. You have my vote on November 6.

What have Republicans "helped" Obama accomplish since becoming president?

Obama has hurt the economy, he passed the stimulus, he gave GM billions, he saddled America with an exploding healthcare debt. He didn't need Republican help he and his Democratic buddies are screwing it without any help, as he has ignored the Republicans.
Playing the white guilt race card and saying that after 3 1/2 years of his failed policies he still has no resonsibity for the disaster, incredible. What this election is going to be about is leftist liberal lying their fool asses off.

So these last few years has nothing to do with Obama.
Then why elect him again??
The 2012 Election Is Not About Obama's Record
No, it is not. Obama has done a good job considering what Bush left him and all the GOP obstruction along the way. Good job, Mr. President. You deserve another four years in the White House. You have my vote on November 6.

What have Republicans "helped" Obama accomplish since becoming president?

So, tell me, what has been done that is so wonderful?

Do you think it was Obama, all by himself, that did it?
The 2012 Election Is Not About Obama's Record

Obama has a record????

Libs are in total meltdown, total denial.

It's hysterical!

What a cult!

The only downside is that Obama has a "Hilter in the bunker" mentality to losing and my fear is that after he loses 54, 55 of our 57 states he might declare war - on the Red States.



A party of fucking tools
Tell me this guy couldnt be the poster boy for the Lakota threads.................


Most troubling thing is.............this guy believes all this shit. He's not posting up as some kind of propagandist...........THE definitive illustration for the famous bumper sticker about liberals.

That guy looks like a candidate for the next NJ governor....

Hmm. I thought Dr King believed in the content of character?
Looks like you missed that part. You just judge on appearance.
Once again, a flaming liberal shows his friendship to the concept of the double standard.
Talk the talk. You had better God Damned well walk the walk.

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