Thanksgiving 2017.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
On this Thanksgiving Day we will we gather with our families and celebrate what we are thankful for especially if we are white and suffering the plague of white privilege. Another year of our genetically inherited infected existence has gone by and we have survived the harsh winter of corrupted, intellectually-imposed social engineering under the whip of government taxation to make amends for the way we were born.

When we finish our tax-reduced Thanksgiving meal we will be riddled with white guilt as millionaire football players crowd the screens of our TV sets and take a knee to thumb their noses at us. We will watch in confused amazement as none of these “victims” refuse to eat on this day to show their solidarity with their numerically-calculated, generationally unemployed poor brethren living on government entitlements.

We will huddle together as we contemplate the hair-trigger state of affairs our country is in due to the fact that our colleges and universities have become breeding grounds and recruitment centers for racial violence inflicted on innocent civilians and in particular our police who fall in the front lines to keep the peace.

When more people are murdered daily in cities like Chicago than in war zones, it sinks our hearts and strikes fear into our midst. The academic and political leadership of America has become so perverse and government malfeasance so widespread that we must send our children into a world of drugs and bullets.

As we struggle to remain optimistic on this day we are thankful at least that we have survived another year. But we are troubled by the fact that everything our forefathers warned us about is happening right before our eyes. A sinister political and academic aristocracy has risen like a phoenix from the ashes of our disappearing freedoms and liberties.

We are being sold out and offered up to a nucleus of globalization. We are being sacrificed as individuals to an evil worldwide cartel of oppression that our predecessors could never have predicted. Government fostered racial antipathy is the tool of choice for intellectuals in our society to create chaos and bring us down as a people.

Where Lenin and Stalin failed they believe they can succeed. Rich football players taking a knee on national TV is much more than it seems. But the dumber our society gets the harder it is to see.
I love Thanksgiving, another great American holiday, all the more great because like the 4th of July, it leads to clinical depression in sicko vermin who hate our country, yet they refuse to leave and go infest some other country with their mental illnesses. Nobody else would tolerate their insipid sniveling and hypocrisy, so they're stuck with wallowing in their cesspools and neuroses. We should all do our very best to aggravate their depression, and not just on our holidays.

Cheer the fuck up, Ray; there is light at the end of the tunnel.
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About to go out the door to my daughter's house. Politics will not be discussed because my oldest son who has ingested enough marijuana seeds to terraform the planet Mars goes into berserk rambling and cannot be quieted or consoled long enough to let anyone else speak. He's a Bernie Sanders disciple. Happy Thanksgiving.

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