Thanks to SC Tea Party voters: SC to get 15 tons of NJ nuke waste!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ban radioactive waste from S.C. dumps | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment
Down on the dumps: Keep your nuclear dirt to yourself, New Jersey | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

And the hits keep coming from Tea Party queen Gov Nikki Haley in SC. Thanks to the extreme right and the Tea Party's belief in LESS REGULATION of all things, including big business, and a trend towards keeping gubamint out of things like environmental control (See: South Carolina Dept of Health and Environmental Control DHEC).....things like the above links can be expected in the backyards of all who vote Tea Party/far right.

Thanks to less regulation and a general "fuck you" to the environment, the great Tea Party dominated state of South Carolina will be gladly accepting 15 tons of radioactive nuclear dirt from the State of New Jersey!!!! Where will these big businesses with the nuke waste dump their filth? Places like Lee County, SC. A mostly rural, minority county with very little political power.

But thats ok. The unregulated, far right state of SC has been accepting national nuclear waste on the Savannah River for decades.

And, thanks to Nikki Haley and a new TP revolution of less regulation and not caring about the environment (well, they care, but not when a private business can profit from it)........we'll be taking in 15 tons of NJ's glowing dirt!!! Yay!!
Oh.........and speaking of all that personal freedom the far right TP's in SC love to preach about, resulting in shit like the above, did you know that in most of SC it is still ILLEGAL to simply sell beer on a Sunday? And did you know it is ILLEGAL to give or recieve oral sex in SC? Or that it is ILLEGAL to play a game of monopoly, checkers, chess, poker or any other GAME (by law, that is a fact, see recent SC supreme court case regarding a SWAT team in Charleston that raided a fucking home poker game).

Tea you agree with all these laws? Should booze, blowjobs and poker be allowed in SC, or in any "free" red state?
Oh, and almost forgot: The SC Tea Party has also not endorsed legalizing weed, or gay marriage, one of it's coastal islands (Sullivan's Island) recently banned singing, yes singing. The entire state has begun banning smoking in all businesses, and 9 of it's 10 largest municipalities have in fact banned it (North Charleston lone exception). Charleston County Council recently voted to NOT let voters have a voice on a referendum on I526, Mount Pleasant Town Council recently voted unanimously in favor of developing the Gregg Tract and Oyster Point.......against heated protest from it's citizens in which they were booed on council meetings, almost 100% opposiiton from the people.

I could go on and on about SC banning freedom and ignoring it's citizens. And this is one of the most right wing, Tea Party loving states in the country. Seems they only hate government when it is profitable, but love it when...well, when it's profitable.
Oh, and almost forgot: The SC Tea Party has also not endorsed legalizing weed, or gay marriage, one of it's coastal islands (Sullivan's Island) recently banned singing, yes singing. The entire state has begun banning smoking in all businesses, and 9 of it's 10 largest municipalities have in fact banned it (North Charleston lone exception). Charleston County Council recently voted to NOT let voters have a voice on a referendum on I526, Mount Pleasant Town Council recently voted unanimously in favor of developing the Gregg Tract and Oyster Point.......against heated protest from it's citizens in which they were booed on council meetings, almost 100% opposiiton from the people.

I could go on and on about SC banning freedom and ignoring it's citizens. And this is one of the most right wing, Tea Party loving states in the country. Seems they only hate government when it is profitable, but love it when...well, when it's profitable.

Are you channeling TruthMocker these days? Seriously, WTF are you taking? I need to know so I can avoid it... I don't want to be stupid.
Fraud detector won't stop going off. Or is it my flaming liberal detector? Can't tell the difference

Yeah, Buc did play the conservatives. It was obvious in the end.

How so? I haven't changed much. They have.

I still think weed should be legal. So should poker. And blowjobs. And singing. And smoking in a bar. And buying a beer on a Sundays in SC in inland cities/counties. And allowing two women who love each other to let their private church marry them. Thats all under the umbrella of FREEDOM isn't it?

All those things have been banned by the far right in South Carolina. So much for Tea Party freedom, right?

I also think accepting nuclear/radioactive dirt from New Jersey to be dumped into one of our forests is a bad idea. Tea Party Gov Nikki Haley has accepted that nuclear dirt.

No....the right will say I turned or I was a "closet commie", when in fact, they've changed far more than I have.
Oh, and almost forgot: The SC Tea Party has also not endorsed legalizing weed, or gay marriage, one of it's coastal islands (Sullivan's Island) recently banned singing, yes singing. The entire state has begun banning smoking in all businesses, and 9 of it's 10 largest municipalities have in fact banned it (North Charleston lone exception). Charleston County Council recently voted to NOT let voters have a voice on a referendum on I526, Mount Pleasant Town Council recently voted unanimously in favor of developing the Gregg Tract and Oyster Point.......against heated protest from it's citizens in which they were booed on council meetings, almost 100% opposiiton from the people.

I could go on and on about SC banning freedom and ignoring it's citizens. And this is one of the most right wing, Tea Party loving states in the country. Seems they only hate government when it is profitable, but love it when...well, when it's profitable.

Are you channeling TruthMocker these days? Seriously, WTF are you taking? I need to know so I can avoid it... I don't want to be stupid.

So let me ask.....

Do you agree with me that all those things I listed, that are illegal in SC, should be legal in a free society, especially a Tea Party state which boasts it's desire for less govt and more freedom?

And do you agree that it is a bad idea to dump radioactive dirt in SC?
Fraud detector won't stop going off. Or is it my flaming liberal detector? Can't tell the difference

Yeah, Buc did play the conservatives. It was obvious in the end.

How so? I haven't changed much. They have.

I still think weed should be legal. So should poker. And blowjobs. And singing. And smoking in a bar. And buying a beer on a Sundays in SC in inland cities/counties. And allowing two women who love each other to let their private church marry them. Thats all under the umbrella of FREEDOM isn't it?

All those things have been banned by the far right in South Carolina. So much for Tea Party freedom, right?

I also think accepting nuclear/radioactive dirt from New Jersey to be dumped into one of our forests is a bad idea. Tea Party Gov Nikki Haley has accepted that nuclear dirt.

No....the right will say I turned or I was a "closet commie", when in fact, they've changed far more than I have.

Dude you're all over the map. First you bitch about local budget cuts. Now you're governor has apparently agreed to MAKE EXTRA MONEY by disposing of their waste. And besides that all local municipalities have to agree.

Cry some more ya libbie
Yeah, Buc did play the conservatives. It was obvious in the end.

How so? I haven't changed much. They have.

I still think weed should be legal. So should poker. And blowjobs. And singing. And smoking in a bar. And buying a beer on a Sundays in SC in inland cities/counties. And allowing two women who love each other to let their private church marry them. Thats all under the umbrella of FREEDOM isn't it?

All those things have been banned by the far right in South Carolina. So much for Tea Party freedom, right?

I also think accepting nuclear/radioactive dirt from New Jersey to be dumped into one of our forests is a bad idea. Tea Party Gov Nikki Haley has accepted that nuclear dirt.

No....the right will say I turned or I was a "closet commie", when in fact, they've changed far more than I have.

Dude you're all over the map. First you bitch about local budget cuts. Now you're governor has apparently agreed to MAKE EXTRA MONEY by disposing of their waste. And besides that all local municipalities have to agree.

Cry some more ya libbie're ok with dumping nuclear waste in Lee County, SC, as long as we make some cash out of the deal?

BTW, Lee County is mostly rural, mostly black, sparsely populated, and has almost no political power. They are gonna dump it in state landfills there, which the state has power over, so local Lee County governments dont have much say so.

Just clarify please. Are you ok with accepting nuclear waste so long as the state profits???? Would you accept that in your county?
Bucs most of that shit you listed is banned in EVERY STATE. Get out of your trailer and get some air son.

Yep, it sure is. Which makes me wonder....if freedom really doesn't happen when I vote Republican....why the fuck keep voting Republican?

Surely you'd agree, as a freedom loving Tea Party guy, that all that shit I listed SHOULD be legal. Right?
"The Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository was to be a deep geological repository storage facility for spent nuclear reactor fuel and other high level radioactive waste, until the project was defunded by Nevada Senator and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in 2010."

Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder what it cost to get Harry Reid to kill this?


Probably very little, since Tea Party Governors like Nikki Haley gladly accept nuke waste in her state for very little in return.

But hey, dumping radioactive dirt on SC not only puts cash into the SC budget, but it is "business friendly" to NJ businesses!!!!

End result?

Nevada wont have nuclear dirt dumped on it.
South Carolina will.

Vote accordingly.
Nevada is the 2nd most quake active state and there is a water table involved in that little mess.

Reid did it for the people of Nevada.

Your welcome to take that Nuke waste in their place
Nevada is the 2nd most quake active state and there is a water table involved in that little mess.

Reid did it for the people of Nevada.

Your welcome to take that Nuke waste in their place

Yep. Which is just 1 of the many reasons I will be voting Democrat this fall. The Tea Party had it's chance, and no longer aligns with my views.
Bucs most of that shit you listed is banned in EVERY STATE. Get out of your trailer and get some air son.

Yep, it sure is. Which makes me wonder....if freedom really doesn't happen when I vote Republican....why the fuck keep voting Republican?

Surely you'd agree, as a freedom loving Tea Party guy, that all that shit I listed SHOULD be legal. Right?

I don't belong to the TP bud. I didn't even vote for their candidate here in Missouri. Sarah Steelman didn't appeal to me.

As far as your waste goes I'll clue you in.

It has to be disposed of somewhere. And disposing of it always boils down to money and local approval.

And no, I don't believe pot should be legal.
Nevada is the 2nd most quake active state and there is a water table involved in that little mess.

Reid did it for the people of Nevada.

Your welcome to take that Nuke waste in their place

Yep. Which is just 1 of the many reasons I will be voting Democrat this fall. The Tea Party had it's chance, and no longer aligns with my views.

Yes, we're deeply hurt by your defection.

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