Thanks For The Free Ride At Texas Tax Payers Expense Gov. Abbott

This problem could have been solved in the 80’s. Even Reagan, no Liberal by any stretch, tried to enact an immigration plan, but Republicans in Congress said no.

As long as the base of Morons exist in the Republican Party, the problem will only continue.

When it comes to the current immigration issue Republicans…” You Did That “
You’ve got it backwards, the Democrats reneged on the agreement with Reagan and the Republicans. The got their amnesty and then refused to fund the agreed upon border security and employer mandates.
A pittance compared to the cost if they remained in the state. moron.

A study done for Democrats in Florida proved that each immigrant was a net loss to the Florida economy that averaged over $1,800 a year, and that was back in 2005, Naturally Democrats quit funding such studies. And, the professor didn't separate the legal from illegal immigrants; the later of course produce much bigger losses.

A study in 2016 shows even bigger losses:

And, they don't factor in criminal costs or the losses in wages and SS payments caused by the lower wages to legal citizens.
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What plan?

The plan where he bussed in a few hundred scabs to bust unions at meat packers' plants in the Mid-West, which lowered wages almost 60% and yet wholesale meat prices rose to record levels, that sort of stuff Republicans love. Now the illegals dominate that industry, too.

And, the poultry racketeers just got convicted of rigging wages in their industry again, and of course will get only a slap on the wrist. Priced eggs lately?
The plan where he bussed in a few hundred scabs to bust unions at meat packers' plants in the Mid-West, which lowered wages almost 60% and yet wholesale meat prices rose to record levels, that sort of stuff Republicans love. Now the illegals dominate that industry, too.

And, the poultry racketeers just got convicted of rigging wages in their industry again, and of course will get only a slap on the wrist. Priced eggs lately?

Reagan bussed in scabs? Link?
Reagan bussed in scabs? Link?
On August 5, 1981, Reagan fired PATCO members who remained on strike and banned them from being rehired. He then began replacing them with a combination of about 3,000 supervisors, 2,000 non-striking air traffic controllers, and 900 military controllers (Glass, Schalch). The FAA began hiring new air traffic controller applicants on August 17, many of whom would later form a new union, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
On August 5, 1981, Reagan fired PATCO members who remained on strike and banned them from being rehired. He then began replacing them with a combination of about 3,000 supervisors, 2,000 non-striking air traffic controllers, and 900 military controllers (Glass, Schalch). The FAA began hiring new air traffic controller applicants on August 17, many of whom would later form a new union, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

That was awesome!
On August 5, 1981, Reagan fired PATCO members who remained on strike and banned them from being rehired. He then began replacing them with a combination of about 3,000 supervisors, 2,000 non-striking air traffic controllers, and 900 military controllers (Glass, Schalch). The FAA began hiring new air traffic controller applicants on August 17, many of whom would later form a new union, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

Yes. Republicans are fine with companies colluding to hold down wages, but they hate it when workers do the same thing. Yet another reason they keep losing to left wing nutjobs and then sniveling like little bitches.

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