Thank You SCOTUS 4 Citizens United: Gave Obama Romney

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Thank You SCOTUS 4 Citizens United: Gave Obama Romney

How long will it be before the GOP base realizes they've been snookered by the deregulation wing of the GOP? During the GOP primaries the least favorite candidate was Mitt Romney. How did Mitt win? Money does NOT vote. Stupid people who are influenced easily by a Noise Machine and Echo Chamber vote

Citizens United has given the Big Guys and their Money the advantages of crafting messages for the hoi polloi. The Founding fathers knew home stupid people were and they put in protections. The Conservative Right has put in protections for the Wealthy Class

How do you love conservative activist Judges now? Yes, conservative activism on the Federal bench
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