thank you libbs !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
thanks for the support you and your dear leader has given to the Muslim brotherhood .now Egypts new pres Morsi can implement sharia law and persecute women [you libbs are femenist to the core right??]the persecution of Jews and Christians and not to mention honor killings !! once again thanks !!........stupid fucking assholes !!
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Maybe we should have sent Mubarak some weapons and troops? Someone who is now allegedly in a coma? What was the correct action then? Disregard democracy altogether and prop up a failing police state? Is your opinion that we should have helped a military dictatorship make war on it's own people?
Maybe we should have sent Mubarak some weapons and troops? Someone who is now allegedly in a coma? What was the correct action then? Disregard democracy altogether and prop up a failing police state? Is your opinion that we should have helped a military dictatorship make war on it's own people?
the answer is not giving billions to the muslim brotherhood,or inviting them to the fucking White House giving them VIP treatment ,or insulting the Israely prime minister by letting him through the back door of the White House blind anti American left wing faggot !!
Yidnar is scared again....don't worry...mommy will be in to tuck you in and kiss your brow soon...she won't let the boogeyman get you.
I have to wonder why you care about women's right's abroad and yet you fight against them here.
I doubt anyone fights against anyone's right except the Marxist traitor Obama. I wonder if the Communists see him as expendable after they're done with him lol?
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Yidnar is scared again....don't worry...mommy will be in to tuck you in and kiss your brow soon...she won't let the boogeyman get you.

With a post like that and Avatar like that, I now have to reasons to know that you are not playing with a full deck.

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