Thank you Barack!

leave Barack alone. He's having a hard enough time cleaning-up the previous admin's colossal mess.

thats just the thing though.He isnt cleaning it up.He is making a worse mess of it than it was before.every president that gets in is always worse than the previous one.has been for the last 50 years.its a corrupt one party system designed to look like two parties so the sheeple think they have a choice in who gets elected.
leave Barack alone. He's having a hard enough time cleaning-up the previous admin's colossal mess.

And he's done a bang up job of it, what with putting the economy back on track, fixing our international prestige problems, closing Gitmo and not using drones on US citizens, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and not getting us engaged in places like Libya), and of course bringing back transparency to government.

I for one am thrilled he got reelected. Given his successes so far, the sky's the limit!
leave Barack alone. He's having a hard enough time cleaning-up the previous admin's colossal mess.

And he's done a bang up job of it, what with putting the economy back on track, fixing our international prestige problems, closing Gitmo and not using drones on US citizens, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and not getting us engaged in places like Libya), and of course bringing back transparency to government.

I for one am thrilled he got reelected. Given his successes so far, the sky's the limit!


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