Thank G_d, The Politics Are Changing


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Democrats promise action on ethics, Iraq

By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent1 hour, 44 minutes ago

Congressional Democrats stepped hungrily to the brink of power on Wednesday, promising immediate action to limit the influence of lobbyists and constant prodding of the Bush administration to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq.

President Bush pushed back against the political opposition as he contemplated divided government for his final two years in the White House. He said he would soon propose a five-year plan to balance the budget, and he challenged Democrats to avoid passing "bills that are simply political" statements.

"There is nothing political about finding a policy to end the war in Iraq, raising the minimum wage, achieving energy independence or helping kids afford college," shot back Sen. Harry Reid (news, bio, voting record) of Nevada, due to become majority leader at the stroke of noon on Thursday. "In fact, politics has prevented progress on these issues for too many years."

Even as they prepared to take control of Congress, Democrats received a brusque reminder that they face pressure from the political left as well as resistance from Republicans.

At one point during the day, Rep. Rahm Emanuel (news, bio, voting record), a member of the Democratic leadership, was addressing reporters when he was loudly interrupted by Cindy Sheehan and other anti-war activists. "De-escalate, investigate, troops home now!" they shouted, while he smiled gamely.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record), in line to become the nation's first female House speaker, spent much of her day at ceremonial events. She attended a Catholic Mass in remembrance of the children of Darfur and Katrina, then a tea in her honor.

That left it to her lieutenants to outline plans for the Democrats' initial stretch in the majority.

Rep. Steny Hoyer (news, bio, voting record) of Maryland, the incoming majority leader, said the first six bills and a series of stiffer ethics rules would be passed within two weeks.

The first step, he said, would take place by early evening on Thursday, and consist of several measures crafted in response to the scandals that weakened Republicans in last fall's elections.

In addition to expanding restrictions on privately financed trips enjoyed by lawmakers, House Democrats said they will prohibit travel on corporate jets and require greater disclosure of earmarks, the pet projects inserted into legislation at the behest of individual lawmakers.

The rules do not prohibit lawmakers from taking trips financed by foundations that seek to influence public opinion. Those trips will require pre-approval from the ethics committee.

Current rules ban congressional travel paid for by lobbyists or foreign governments, and violations of the existing restrictions played heavily in the scandal involving Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Democrats appeared to backtrack from their campaign-season pledge in at least one area.Right, one area... They were sharply critical last year of Republicans for keeping a roll call vote open for hours so leaders could find enough votes to pass Medicare legislation. But rather than ban the practice, the proposed new rule declares that a vote "shall not be held open for the sole purpose of reversing the outcome."

If they really wanted to clean up washington they would resign. but then i dont know that anyone would be able to be elected. Absolute power corrupts absolute.

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