Texas's love/hate relationship with Washington's money


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Texas's love/hate relationship with Washington's money
Tami Luhby
January 24, 2011

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry likes to tell Washington to stop meddling in state affairs. He vocally opposed the Obama administration's 2009 stimulus program to spur the economy and assist cash-strapped states.

Perry also likes to trumpet that his state balanced its budget in 2009, while keeping billions in its rainy day fund.

But he couldn't have done that without a lot of help from ... guess where? Washington.

http://money.cnn.com/2011/01/23/news/ec ... /index.htm
That's the reason that Congress and administrations of both parties keep doling it out (even when they don't have it). The people and their representatives keep asking for it.
BS...Texas had $9 billion surplus...They still have $6 billion left.

The only reason they have a surplus is the money the federal government sent them.

I wish they would leave the union, so we could get that money back.
BS...Texas had $9 billion surplus...They still have $6 billion left.

The only reason they have a surplus is the money the federal government sent them.

I wish they would leave the union, so we could get that money back.
The money came from Texas, stupid ass.

The federal government wouldn't have it if the citizens of Texas had not sent it to them.

Now please , take your stupidity and troll some cut and paste in a fact free thread.
BS...Texas had $9 billion surplus...They still have $6 billion left.

The only reason they have a surplus is the money the federal government sent them.

I wish they would leave the union, so we could get that money back.
The money came from Texas, stupid ass.

The federal government wouldn't have it if the citizens of Texas had not sent it to them.

Now please , take your stupidity and troll some cut and paste in a fact free thread.


But let’s not forget that Texas used $14 billion of that Washington stimulus money in its 2009 and 2010 budgets. There was a lot of talk from Perry and others when the stimulus first came around about using those dollars for one-time-only expenses, such as road construction, but it has been used for much more.

Lawmakers used some of the stimulus money to balance the budget so that they could leave the state’s rainy day fund untapped without making big spending cuts.

Wayne Pulver of the Legislative Budget Board told a House subcommittee this week that as much as $8 billion went toward recurring services in Medicaid and education. Problem is, the disappearance of those dollars will make the budget more difficult to balance next year. After the election.

The Houston Chronicle reported this week that federal stimulus spending has created or saved 47,700 Texas jobs as of July, with each job costing taxpayers more than $96,000. Independent experts told the paper that the stimulus dollars and Texas’ business-friendly climate combined to stabilize the state’s economy.

#EFCpolfacts Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) Used Billions Of $ In Fed Stimulus To Balance TX Budget, Claimed It Was Bad For Country | Edited For Clarity
The only reason they have a surplus is the money the federal government sent them.

I wish they would leave the union, so we could get that money back.
The money came from Texas, stupid ass.

The federal government wouldn't have it if the citizens of Texas had not sent it to them.

Now please , take your stupidity and troll some cut and paste in a fact free thread.


But let’s not forget that Texas used $14 billion of that Washington stimulus money in its 2009 and 2010 budgets. There was a lot of talk from Perry and others when the stimulus first came around about using those dollars for one-time-only expenses, such as road construction, but it has been used for much more.

Lawmakers used some of the stimulus money to balance the budget so that they could leave the state’s rainy day fund untapped without making big spending cuts.

Wayne Pulver of the Legislative Budget Board told a House subcommittee this week that as much as $8 billion went toward recurring services in Medicaid and education. Problem is, the disappearance of those dollars will make the budget more difficult to balance next year. After the election.

The Houston Chronicle reported this week that federal stimulus spending has created or saved 47,700 Texas jobs as of July, with each job costing taxpayers more than $96,000. Independent experts told the paper that the stimulus dollars and Texas’ business-friendly climate combined to stabilize the state’s economy.

#EFCpolfacts Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) Used Billions Of $ In Fed Stimulus To Balance TX Budget, Claimed It Was Bad For Country | Edited For Clarity
Wow, Chris...you really are amazing...

You have managed to cut any paste 5 paragraphs to restate what I typed in one sentence. WTG.

Texas used $5 billion in stimulus. They had $9 billion in surplus.

Now...what blue state either has a surplus or didn't use stimulus money to cover their budget shortfalls ? Fielders choice...I'll accept either answer, you choose.
Texas is a net supplier to the federal government. Meaning as a group, the citizens pay more in federal taxes than the state receives in like benefits from the feds.

Just thought I would throw that into the mix.
Washington has the whole Country by the short hairs with it's new found love of socialism. Democrats have choked the Texas economy to death with restrictions on fossil energy and the governor has no choice but to accept federal dollars.
BS...Texas had $9 billion surplus...They still have $6 billion left.

The only reason they have a surplus is the money the federal government sent them.

I wish they would leave the union, so we could get that money back.
The money came from Texas, stupid ass.

The federal government wouldn't have it if the citizens of Texas had not sent it to them.

Now please , take your stupidity and troll some cut and paste in a fact free thread.

That's not how it works......your taxes go into the general fund based on your income then is distributed to everyone. There is no Texas pot of money
The only reason they have a surplus is the money the federal government sent them.

I wish they would leave the union, so we could get that money back.
The money came from Texas, stupid ass.

The federal government wouldn't have it if the citizens of Texas had not sent it to them.

Now please , take your stupidity and troll some cut and paste in a fact free thread.

That's not how it works......your taxes go into the general fund based on your income then is distributed to everyone. There is no Texas pot of money

Every 15 minutes Chris posts his "Blue states Red states" taxes paid vs federal money received....so you'll need to take that up with him.

Like Radio atlman said...Texas pays more than they receive.

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