Texas man charges police gets shot


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

The dude had knife and club and charged police. What were they supposed to do? Texas is going to burn soon. Here we go again.
The dude had knife and club and charged police. What were they supposed to do? Texas is going to burn soon. Here we go again.
  • "The dude." Are you willing to die for comments like that? Whatever it is, it's not a sex offense, and the lies and slander are unnecessary.
  • "History of mental illness" is not a justification to shoot and kill a suspect. In fact the cops should have faced a court-martial and a firing squad long ago for that.
  • The cops charged at him with weapons drawn and gunned him down.
  • He might have tried to defend himself with what weapons he had, but our own cops are waging war against us on the streets.
  • The cops overpowered and outgunned him.
  • The cops committed murder in cold blood.
Maybe if you don't do things that make the cops come after you then you won't get in trouble. That's the real lesson we should be teaching is "obey the law" and not "fuck the police".

This should be required viewing


The dude had knife and club and charged police. What were they supposed to do? Texas is going to burn soon. Here we go again.

My old stomping ground.....hmmm.
The dude had knife and club and charged police. What were they supposed to do? Texas is going to burn soon. Here we go again.
  • "The dude." Are you willing to die for comments like that? Whatever it is, it's not a sex offense, and the lies and slander are unnecessary.
  • "History of mental illness" is not a justification to shoot and kill a suspect. In fact the cops should have faced a court-martial and a firing squad long ago for that.
  • The cops charged at him with weapons drawn and gunned him down.
  • He might have tried to defend himself with what weapons he had, but our own cops are waging war against us on the streets.
  • The cops overpowered and outgunned him.
  • The cops committed murder in cold blood.
I really don't like to insult people, but you are clearly one of the idiots that either just don't get it, or are one of the Antifa or Marxist, pro-crime fools.
The Dallas police have body-cams now and once that comes out, we will see that the individual had either a club, or a walking stick. It will also show whether he had a knife or not.
1. Why were the police there in the first place? Hmmm.....well, perhaps 911 was called.
2. Why would 911 have been called? Very aggressive mentally-ill individual.
3. Could the mentally-ill individual be considered dangerous? From personal experience, hell yes they can!
4. Was he armed with a club or walking stick and knife? As the police have body-cams monitoring the action going on in front of them, they know the video footage would negate any lies, so he was almost certainly armed with either a club or a walking stick AND a knife.
5. Was he charging the police? Remember, 911 wasn't called because he was being calm or just speaking loudly. 911 was called because his behavior caused those around him to be frightened for THEIR safety. So, the answer as to whether he was charging them is almost certainly, yes. The video will almost certainly bear this out.
6. When someone attacks not only a police officer, but any civilian with a knife, THAT is intent to commit murder and even civilians are allowed to use lethal force to stop the attack. Whether you like it or not. Further, a mentally disturbed individual attacking you with a knife is even more dangerous, you might hit that person with a round, but he is still likely to be coming at you, if it didn't drop him immediately. As to whether the other item he was carrying, club or walking stick, or one of those walking sticks that have a club-like appearance, it's irrelevant. It's a weapon.
7. Should they have used perhaps a taser? That's actually hard to say. With some people, when you hit them with a taser, they just keep coming, as if it is no big deal. An aggressive mentally-ill individual may be in that category. He may be so agitated, that he doesn't notice the taser hitting him and still keep coming. If they had done that and it indeed had no noticeable effect, at which time, he may have reached them and started stabbing.
8. Cops have to make split-second decisions in situations like this and they are trained to shoot center-mass to any threat of life. After all, they've been called onto the scene and it's their lives on the line, as well as those close by.
You armchair critics of police actions, need to see if your city has a "citizen ride-along" program and if they do, stop just criticizing and ride along with the cops periodically to see not only what they have to deal with, but also how dangerous it can be.

The dude had knife and club and charged police. What were they supposed to do? Texas is going to burn soon. Here we go again.

Not likely.
We dont put up with that shit down here.
The dude had knife and club and charged police. What were they supposed to do? Texas is going to burn soon. Here we go again.
  • "The dude." Are you willing to die for comments like that? Whatever it is, it's not a sex offense, and the lies and slander are unnecessary.
  • "History of mental illness" is not a justification to shoot and kill a suspect. In fact the cops should have faced a court-martial and a firing squad long ago for that.
  • The cops charged at him with weapons drawn and gunned him down.
  • He might have tried to defend himself with what weapons he had, but our own cops are waging war against us on the streets.
  • The cops overpowered and outgunned him.
  • The cops committed murder in cold blood.
Have you seen the cops video yet? you threatening me?
The dude had knife and club and charged police. What were they supposed to do? Texas is going to burn soon. Here we go again.
  • "The dude." Are you willing to die for comments like that? Whatever it is, it's not a sex offense, and the lies and slander are unnecessary.
  • "History of mental illness" is not a justification to shoot and kill a suspect. In fact the cops should have faced a court-martial and a firing squad long ago for that.
  • The cops charged at him with weapons drawn and gunned him down.
  • He might have tried to defend himself with what weapons he had, but our own cops are waging war against us on the streets.
  • The cops overpowered and outgunned him.
  • The cops committed murder in cold blood.
I really don't like to insult people, but you are clearly one of the idiots that either just don't get it, or are one of the Antifa or Marxist, pro-crime fools.
The Dallas police have body-cams now and once that comes out, we will see that the individual had either a club, or a walking stick. It will also show whether he had a knife or not.
1. Why were the police there in the first place? Hmmm.....well, perhaps 911 was called.
2. Why would 911 have been called? Very aggressive mentally-ill individual.
3. Could the mentally-ill individual be considered dangerous? From personal experience, hell yes they can!
4. Was he armed with a club or walking stick and knife? As the police have body-cams monitoring the action going on in front of them, they know the video footage would negate any lies, so he was almost certainly armed with either a club or a walking stick AND a knife.
5. Was he charging the police? Remember, 911 wasn't called because he was being calm or just speaking loudly. 911 was called because his behavior caused those around him to be frightened for THEIR safety. So, the answer as to whether he was charging them is almost certainly, yes. The video will almost certainly bear this out.
6. When someone attacks not only a police officer, but any civilian with a knife, THAT is intent to commit murder and even civilians are allowed to use lethal force to stop the attack. Whether you like it or not. Further, a mentally disturbed individual attacking you with a knife is even more dangerous, you might hit that person with a round, but he is still likely to be coming at you, if it didn't drop him immediately. As to whether the other item he was carrying, club or walking stick, or one of those walking sticks that have a club-like appearance, it's irrelevant. It's a weapon.
7. Should they have used perhaps a taser? That's actually hard to say. With some people, when you hit them with a taser, they just keep coming, as if it is no big deal. An aggressive mentally-ill individual may be in that category. He may be so agitated, that he doesn't notice the taser hitting him and still keep coming. If they had done that and it indeed had no noticeable effect, at which time, he may have reached them and started stabbing.
8. Cops have to make split-second decisions in situations like this and they are trained to shoot center-mass to any threat of life. After all, they've been called onto the scene and it's their lives on the line, as well as those close by.
You armchair critics of police actions, need to see if your city has a "citizen ride-along" program and if they do, stop just criticizing and ride along with the cops periodically to see not only what they have to deal with, but also how dangerous it can be.
thank you, i was just repeating what the article said. i fgure another those looting rioting things might happen.

The dude had knife and club and charged police. What were they supposed to do? Texas is going to burn soon. Here we go again.

Not likely.
We dont put up with that shit down here.
hope not.

here is link to video of it. but you can see much. i hope the polivre video comes out soon.

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