Texas delegates planning floor mutiny over seizure of power by Romney

BTw they settled the dispute last night. This wouldn't be an issue at all if the delagates in question were going to obey the state rules and vote for the candidate determined by the primary. But of course, Ron Paul has some supporters who werent going to follow the rules and they get upset when the RNC decides to punish them for breaking the rules by making a new rule.
GOP Establishment Tries to Change Delegate Rules to Marginalize Conservatives
August 28, 2012
RUSH: There's an AP story here today.* This rules change what everybody thinks got solved yesterday. Let me briefly, as I understand this, tell you what's going on.* There was an attempt, by the rules committee yesterday, to change the rules of the convention in determining who the delegates to the convention are from the various states and to strip away all of the BS.* The purpose of the rules change, which was orchestrated by Ben Ginsberg -- he's working for Romney, but it's the establishment GOP.* The express purpose is to eliminate any influence of Tea Party activists or grassroots people or conservatives, essentially, from having any power at future conventions.*
It would allow the presidential nominee to determine who the delegates to the convention are in future conventions.* That was the purpose of the rules change.* And, as of last night, it was supposedly beaten back.* Now, there is talk of an end run at two o'clock this afternoon.* Byron York has a piece at the Washington Examiner: "Despite reports of a compromise, there is still substantial unhappiness among many delegates to the Republican convention over a package of party rules changes proposed by the Romney campaign.* The fight ... could break into the open today, as delegates debate various proposals to resolve the conflict.

RUSH: The establishment Republicans want to kick the conservatives out of the party.* They don't want the conservatives having any say-so in the party whatsoever.

RUSH: This isn't about Ron Paul, which as the media would like you to think it is. It's not about Ron Paul; it's not about his delegates.
The RuPaul bedwetters are giving full throated whine to their petty butthurt.

The dick head LOST, children.

The focus now OUGHT to be on defeating the incumbent's bid for re-election. But RuPaul is too arrogant and self-serving and petty for that.

His followers are worse.

RP's followers don't share the same priority as you because they don't see much difference between Romney and Obama, and they're absolutely right.

What you should be more concerned about is the fact that the leaders of the GOP have demonstrated their willingness to silence voices within the party if those voices speak out against the party's corporate-approved agenda. You may be happy for now, since this affected a candidate that you obviously despise, but down the road you are just as susceptible if you happen to vote for the next perceived enemy of the GOP establishment.
I love how people seem to think the Republican party cant dictate the rules for it's own convention. They may be stupid rules. But then no one is forcing anyone to be in the party either.

The problem is changing them in the middle of the game because they didn't like the fucking score!
The RuPaul bedwetters are giving full throated whine to their petty butthurt.

The dick head LOST, children.

The focus now OUGHT to be on defeating the incumbent's bid for re-election. But RuPaul is too arrogant and self-serving and petty for that.

His followers are worse.

RP's followers don't share the same priority as you because they don't see much difference between Romney and Obama, and they're absolutely right.

What you should be more concerned about is the fact that the leaders of the GOP have demonstrated their willingness to silence voices within the party if those voices speak out against the party's corporate-approved agenda. You may be happy for now, since this affected a candidate that you obviously despise, but down the road you are just as susceptible if you happen to vote for the next perceived enemy of the GOP establishment.

You must not have watched the Presidential Primary debates.

And you must not have noticed the impact of the Tea Party movement on the Republicans.


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