Terrible news for the golden horde! Azerbaijans SOCAR to deliver 250 000t of oil to Belarus. USA LNG


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Terrible news for the golden horde! Azerbaijans SOCAR to deliver 250,000t of oil to Belarus in March. Azerbaijans OIL - GAS are partly American / European , the next step fracking OIL /GAS from USA


"MIENSK, 6 March (BelTA) – The Azerbaijani state-run company SOCAR is set to ship 250,000 tonnes of oil to Belarus in March, BelTA learned from Press Secretary of the Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim Aleksandr Tishchenko.

“SOCAR is set to supply more oil in March; a third shipload of oil will be made. The total amount of oil supplies will approximate 250,000 tonnes. These shiploads will not be the last for our refineries,” Aleksandr Tishchenko said.

In his words, the first tanker with oil for Belarus' Mozyr Oil Refinery left the Turkish port of Ceyhan on 6 March. This oil will be delivered to Belarus across Ukraine via the Odessa-Brody pipeline. “This pipeline is ready to pump our oil,” the press secretary said. "

Azerbaijan's SOCAR to deliver 250,000t of oil to Belarus in March

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