Ten years too late, it’s good riddance to wind farms


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Good riddance to wind farms - one of the most dangerous delusions of our age | Mail Online

Ten years too late, it’s good riddance to wind farms – one of the most dangerous delusions of our age

Read more: Good riddance to wind farms - one of the most dangerous delusions of our age | Mail Online
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The significance of yesterday’s shock announce-ment by our Energy Minister John Hayes that the Government plans to put a firm limit on the building of any more onshore windfarms is hard to exaggerate.

On the face of it, this promises to be the beginning of an end to one of the greatest and most dangerous political delusions of our time.

For years now, the plan to cover hundreds of square miles of the British countryside with ever more wind turbines has been the centrepiece of Britain’s energy policy — and one supported by all three major political parties.

Read more: Good riddance to wind farms - one of the most dangerous delusions of our age | Mail Online
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Yep, if it's really workable the private sector needs no help from government, they will find a way.

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