Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....



Twitchy is a credible link? :21::21::21::21:

Why didn't ewe just go to Infowars or Alex Jones?:290968001256257790-final:

I shouldn't really have to lead you around like this. Lynne Pattons Facebook post is linked in the article. It says the same thing as the article.

Lynne Patton


Ewe mean Lynne Patton isn't a tRumPutin stooly?

Is this how you normally debate? Someone asked for a link to my contention, and I supplied it. Like everything else, only you can decide whether it is credible or not.

I think it is.


Asked for a credible link and you supplied Twitchy, seriously.

Even a casual look at the link would have led you to her Facebook post.

Twitchy is a credible link? :21::21::21::21:

Why didn't ewe just go to Infowars or Alex Jones?:290968001256257790-final:

I shouldn't really have to lead you around like this. Lynne Pattons Facebook post is linked in the article. It says the same thing as the article.

Lynne Patton


Ewe mean Lynne Patton isn't a tRumPutin stooly?

Is this how you normally debate? Someone asked for a link to my contention, and I supplied it. Like everything else, only you can decide whether it is credible or not.

I think it is.


Asked for a credible link and you supplied Twitchy, seriously.

Even a casual look at the link would have led you to her Facebook post.


And she isn't a tRumPutin stooly?
I shouldn't really have to lead you around like this. Lynne Pattons Facebook post is linked in the article. It says the same thing as the article.

Lynne Patton


Ewe mean Lynne Patton isn't a tRumPutin stooly?

Is this how you normally debate? Someone asked for a link to my contention, and I supplied it. Like everything else, only you can decide whether it is credible or not.

I think it is.


Asked for a credible link and you supplied Twitchy, seriously.

Even a casual look at the link would have led you to her Facebook post.


And she isn't a tRumPutin stooly?

In todays world, no one believes the other side. While you did ask for a link, I was under no delusions that I thought you might give it some credence.

Ewe mean Lynne Patton isn't a tRumPutin stooly?

Is this how you normally debate? Someone asked for a link to my contention, and I supplied it. Like everything else, only you can decide whether it is credible or not.

I think it is.


Asked for a credible link and you supplied Twitchy, seriously.

Even a casual look at the link would have led you to her Facebook post.


And she isn't a tRumPutin stooly?

In todays world, no one believes the other side. While you did ask for a link, I was under no delusions that I thought you might give it some credence.


Twitchy, do you get all your news from there. Do they tell you about the DEEP STATE as well?
Is this how you normally debate? Someone asked for a link to my contention, and I supplied it. Like everything else, only you can decide whether it is credible or not.

I think it is.


Asked for a credible link and you supplied Twitchy, seriously.

Even a casual look at the link would have led you to her Facebook post.


And she isn't a tRumPutin stooly?

In todays world, no one believes the other side. While you did ask for a link, I was under no delusions that I thought you might give it some credence.


Twitchy, do you get all your news from there. Do they tell you about the DEEP STATE as well?

Well I think we are done here.

Asked for a credible link and you supplied Twitchy, seriously.

Even a casual look at the link would have led you to her Facebook post.


And she isn't a tRumPutin stooly?

In todays world, no one believes the other side. While you did ask for a link, I was under no delusions that I thought you might give it some credence.


Twitchy, do you get all your news from there. Do they tell you about the DEEP STATE as well?

Well I think we are done here.


We certainly are!
According to an FBI statement, Flynn communicated with then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak after being asked by a senior Trump transition official to find out how foreign governments stood on a coming UN Security Council resolution about Israel. The prosecutors did not name any transition officials.
That wasn't a crime, moron. That isn't what he was indicted for.
BriPat, you cannot be this clueless to what is going on in the world. You are like most Trump minions, you cannot handle the truth.
"Flynn turned himself into the FBI early Friday morning, and was processed and charged. Flynn's misleading of the FBI took place while Donald Trump was president-elect."
Fascinating. And what was the alternative? How could they have "gotten something" on Trump, from an interview? Please clarify.
So it WAS just a smear campaign, huh?
It must have been a slow day on the Hill to have the circus in town.
Cohen was a key advisor to the President. He described the inner details about working for Trump
Nothing yesterday that is impeachable
But possible tax crimes

He is a criminal with no credibility. He started out trying to paint Trump as a racist. That was immediately disputed by an educated articulate woman of color. He was obviously coached by dims who have an agenda.

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When you said that HE is a criminal with no credibility were you talking about Trump or Cohen?
They both are.

Cohen is going to be someone’s girlfriend soon, so......

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Cohen's popularity will be short lived in prison. They are waiting for the Trump boys to arrive; pretty boys.
We don't need Trump to tell us he's a racist, he's obsessed with race. His entire "Birther Campaign" was founded in racism and delegitmizing Obama's Presidency. His obsession with undoing everything that Barrack Obama did as President, is direct evidence of his obsession with race. He's not trying to build a wall on the Canadian border to keep the white people from "invading".

No, the left is obsessed with race. They are the party of slavery and segregation. They've been trying to whitewash their sordid history for decades .
The predominant demographic of the the 1800's Democrats, many of whom were racists, is the same demographic of 2019 Republican party led by Trump; older, male, undereducated whites.
It is not a party that tends to be racists, it is the demographic of older, male, undereducated whites that tend to be racist.
Today’s RepubliKlan Party has the same beliefs as the Know Nothing’s
There’s the race card (again) and BTW the Know Nothings and Klan are anti- Catholic. I am Catholic. So I don’t support them. You, on the other hand support baby murder, less national security for our country and letting common criminals and terrorists into our country.
The KKK is irrelevant now that we have a RepibliKlan Party
Oh for fucks sake...Democrats are goddamn socialists. You support Antifa and squashing the Constitution and free speech. Fucking Trotskyite. The KKK is a joke. Socialist/Democrats hold it up as evidence that all conservatives are racist. The DNC is anti-white racist organization.
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

I neither support nor oppose Trump. Can't say I find any of those things surprising, new information, or criminal.
So it WAS just a smear campaign, huh?
It must have been a slow day on the Hill to have the circus in town.
Cohen was a key advisor to the President. He described the inner details about working for Trump
Nothing yesterday that is impeachable
But possible tax crimes

He is a criminal with no credibility. He started out trying to paint Trump as a racist. That was immediately disputed by an educated articulate woman of color. He was obviously coached by dims who have an agenda.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When you said that HE is a criminal with no credibility were you talking about Trump or Cohen?
They both are.

Cohen is going to be someone’s girlfriend soon, so......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Cohen's popularity will be short lived in prison. They are waiting for the Trump boys to arrive; pretty boys.

He needs to finish his second term first. They will be waiting a long time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, the left is obsessed with race. They are the party of slavery and segregation. They've been trying to whitewash their sordid history for decades .
The predominant demographic of the the 1800's Democrats, many of whom were racists, is the same demographic of 2019 Republican party led by Trump; older, male, undereducated whites.
It is not a party that tends to be racists, it is the demographic of older, male, undereducated whites that tend to be racist.
Today’s RepubliKlan Party has the same beliefs as the Know Nothing’s
There’s the race card (again) and BTW the Know Nothings and Klan are anti- Catholic. I am Catholic. So I don’t support them. You, on the other hand support baby murder, less national security for our country and letting common criminals and terrorists into our country.
The KKK is irrelevant now that we have a RepibliKlan Party
Oh for fucks sake...Democrats are goddamn socialists. You support Antifa and squashing the Constitution and free speech. Fucking Trotskyite. The KKK is a joke. Socialist/Democrats hold it up as evidence that all conservatives are racist. The DNC is anti-white racist organization.
All Democrats are not socialists but a few are. All socialists are not Democrats. They have their own candidate
All Republicans are not KKK but a few are. All KKK members are Republicans. It is their party of choice.

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