Ted Cruz admitted to colleagues that all 'one hundred senators' knew Trump committed an impeachable defense: report

Jul 26, 2010
North Carolina
According to a new book that documents how the Republican Party leadership worked behind the scenes with Donald Trump's legal team during both of his impeachments, Politico's Rachel Bade and the Washington Post's Karoun Demirjian report that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned his GOP colleagues that there was no doubt by anyone in the Senate that the former president had engaged in at least one impeachable offense.

In the book, "Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress’s Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump,” Bade and Demirjian documents GOP squabbles behind the scenes over defense strategy with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-Sc) once storming out and exclaiming “We are F*CKED. We are F*CKED!

In his report on the behind-the-scenes book, the HuffPost's Igor Bobic writes that during Trump's first trial over a "quid pro quo" phone call to Ukraine President Volodymy Zelenskyy seeking dirt on Joe Biden before the 2020 presidential election, Republican senators battled over strategy and fought over a proposal from attorney Alan Dershowitz.

After Sen Roy Blunt (R-MO) insisted Trump's legal team fire Dershowitz immediately, Ted Cruz suggested it was time to change tactics while advising his colleagues that there was a universal belief in the Senate that Trump was guilty.

According to the book, Cruz told his colleagues, "Out of one hundred senators, you have zero who believe you that there was no quid pro quo. None. There’s not a single one,” a confession, which Bobic, adds was contrary to what Republicans were saying in interviews at the time during the impeachment trial.

I am pretty sure no one is surprised.

it just shows that the Republican party cares nothing about the Constitution or the rule of law, all they want to do is to regain power.
According to a new book that documents how the Republican Party leadership worked behind the scenes with Donald Trump's legal team during both of his impeachments, Politico's Rachel Bade and the Washington Post's Karoun Demirjian report that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned his GOP colleagues that there was no doubt by anyone in the Senate that the former president had engaged in at least one impeachable offense.

In the book, "Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress’s Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump,” Bade and Demirjian documents GOP squabbles behind the scenes over defense strategy with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-Sc) once storming out and exclaiming “We are F*CKED. We are F*CKED!

In his report on the behind-the-scenes book, the HuffPost's Igor Bobic writes that during Trump's first trial over a "quid pro quo" phone call to Ukraine President Volodymy Zelenskyy seeking dirt on Joe Biden before the 2020 presidential election, Republican senators battled over strategy and fought over a proposal from attorney Alan Dershowitz.

After Sen Roy Blunt (R-MO) insisted Trump's legal team fire Dershowitz immediately, Ted Cruz suggested it was time to change tactics while advising his colleagues that there was a universal belief in the Senate that Trump was guilty.

According to the book, Cruz told his colleagues, "Out of one hundred senators, you have zero who believe you that there was no quid pro quo. None. There’s not a single one,” a confession, which Bobic, adds was contrary to what Republicans were saying in interviews at the time during the impeachment trial.

I am pretty sure no one is surprised.

it just shows that the Republican party cares nothing about the Constitution or the rule of law, all they want to do is to regain power.
Do lefties really think the broad term "abuse of power" is an impeachable offense? It doesn't take a freaking "Politico" reporter to understand that just about every president in the history of the Republic can be accused of "abuse of power" especially the current one that kept kids locked up during the covid epidemic and opened the borders to illegal criminals.
According to a new book that documents how the Republican Party leadership worked behind the scenes with Donald Trump's legal team during both of his impeachments, Politico's Rachel Bade and the Washington Post's Karoun Demirjian report that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned his GOP colleagues that there was no doubt by anyone in the Senate that the former president had engaged in at least one impeachable offense.

In the book, "Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress’s Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump,” Bade and Demirjian documents GOP squabbles behind the scenes over defense strategy with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-Sc) once storming out and exclaiming “We are F*CKED. We are F*CKED!

In his report on the behind-the-scenes book, the HuffPost's Igor Bobic writes that during Trump's first trial over a "quid pro quo" phone call to Ukraine President Volodymy Zelenskyy seeking dirt on Joe Biden before the 2020 presidential election, Republican senators battled over strategy and fought over a proposal from attorney Alan Dershowitz.

After Sen Roy Blunt (R-MO) insisted Trump's legal team fire Dershowitz immediately, Ted Cruz suggested it was time to change tactics while advising his colleagues that there was a universal belief in the Senate that Trump was guilty.

According to the book, Cruz told his colleagues, "Out of one hundred senators, you have zero who believe you that there was no quid pro quo. None. There’s not a single one,” a confession, which Bobic, adds was contrary to what Republicans were saying in interviews at the time during the impeachment trial.

I am pretty sure no one is surprised.

it just shows that the Republican party cares nothing about the Constitution or the rule of law, all they want to do is to regain power.
How many jabs you up to, five??? Stone cold dead by 2025 or sooner, most likely this winter, mask up.... :banana:
it just shows that the Republican party cares nothing about the Constitution or the rule of law, all they want to do is to regain power.
Yeah... I hear they're a threat to "democracy". BTW, Ace, what they WANT doesn't really matter. What you folks need to be concerned with is what the PEOPLE want and how they'll seek to get it in 31 days...


I think Stacy (CGEB) Abrams has already tipped the hand of the DNC with respect to how you folks are going to deal with a SOUL CRUSHING LOSS of power. Since Republicans got so pissed about the cheating in 2020, we got motivated to mimic the tactics of the Dems.

We've volunteered in much larger numbers to be involved at the local level with election matters AND several of the battleground states that Magically voted for Biden for POTUS but elected nearly every other Republican down-ballot, (UNPRECEDENTED) went about changing laws concerning mail-in ballots. Stacy ( I DIDN'T LOSE) Abrams has already said that she doesn't think a win is legitimate if votes are "suppressed" which seems to mean if Dems are in ANY WAY inconvenienced in their efforts to cast a ballot.

This gambit will be refined for 2024 and if Trump wins, the Left will simply say NO. They'll do whatever it takes to stop him from governing. They can succeed depending on how criminally they choose to act but what the fools don't seem to grasp is that no American government is going to subjugate half the population against its will. At best, all the Left will accomplish is to finish burning it down.
According to a new book that documents how the Republican Party leadership worked behind the scenes with Donald Trump's legal team during both of his impeachments, Politico's Rachel Bade and the Washington Post's Karoun Demirjian report that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned his GOP colleagues that there was no doubt by anyone in the Senate that the former president had engaged in at least one impeachable offense.

In the book, "Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress’s Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump,” Bade and Demirjian documents GOP squabbles behind the scenes over defense strategy with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-Sc) once storming out and exclaiming “We are F*CKED. We are F*CKED!

In his report on the behind-the-scenes book, the HuffPost's Igor Bobic writes that during Trump's first trial over a "quid pro quo" phone call to Ukraine President Volodymy Zelenskyy seeking dirt on Joe Biden before the 2020 presidential election, Republican senators battled over strategy and fought over a proposal from attorney Alan Dershowitz.

After Sen Roy Blunt (R-MO) insisted Trump's legal team fire Dershowitz immediately, Ted Cruz suggested it was time to change tactics while advising his colleagues that there was a universal belief in the Senate that Trump was guilty.

According to the book, Cruz told his colleagues, "Out of one hundred senators, you have zero who believe you that there was no quid pro quo. None. There’s not a single one,” a confession, which Bobic, adds was contrary to what Republicans were saying in interviews at the time during the impeachment trial.

I am pretty sure no one is surprised.

it just shows that the Republican party cares nothing about the Constitution or the rule of law, all they want to do is to regain power.
All you had to say is huffpost to prove the illegitimacy of this op.
According to a new book that documents how the Republican Party leadership worked behind the scenes with Donald Trump's legal team during both of his impeachments, Politico's Rachel Bade and the Washington Post's Karoun Demirjian report that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned his GOP colleagues that there was no doubt by anyone in the Senate that the former president had engaged in at least one impeachable offense.

In the book, "Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress’s Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump,” Bade and Demirjian documents GOP squabbles behind the scenes over defense strategy with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-Sc) once storming out and exclaiming “We are F*CKED. We are F*CKED!

In his report on the behind-the-scenes book, the HuffPost's Igor Bobic writes that during Trump's first trial over a "quid pro quo" phone call to Ukraine President Volodymy Zelenskyy seeking dirt on Joe Biden before the 2020 presidential election, Republican senators battled over strategy and fought over a proposal from attorney Alan Dershowitz.

After Sen Roy Blunt (R-MO) insisted Trump's legal team fire Dershowitz immediately, Ted Cruz suggested it was time to change tactics while advising his colleagues that there was a universal belief in the Senate that Trump was guilty.

According to the book, Cruz told his colleagues, "Out of one hundred senators, you have zero who believe you that there was no quid pro quo. None. There’s not a single one,” a confession, which Bobic, adds was contrary to what Republicans were saying in interviews at the time during the impeachment trial.

I am pretty sure no one is surprised.

it just shows that the Republican party cares nothing about the Constitution or the rule of law, all they want to do is to regain power.
Huff n puff post? Lol.

Ted Cruz admitted to colleagues that all 'one hundred senators' knew Trump committed an impeachable defense: report​

Leave it to a lefty to invent impeachable defenses! Sounds like a Marxist invention! Take your guilt and you will love it! :whip: Gotta really watch out for those impeachable defenses! They get you every time. :smoke:
This goes to a long standing argument I have made. On national television Robert Byrd stated that Bill Clinton had committed an impeachable offense but that he would not be voting for impeachment.

One side (it's really sad there are only two sides) can not expect the other side to do what they would not do.
100% of Americans know that Potatohead stole the 2020 election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots.

Only the Moon Bats, Negroes, Illegals and Queers are in denial about it.

Absolutely everybody in the country knows that Potatohead is corrupt and incompetent and the worst President this country ever had.
100% of Americans know that Potatohead stole the 2020 election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots.

Only the Moon Bats, Negroes, Illegals and Queers are in denial about it.

Absolutely everybody in the country knows that Potatohead is corrupt and incompetent and the worst President this country ever had.
No, no one believes that. The only folks who believe that bullshit is dumb ass, Trump Humpers.
According to a new book that documents how the Republican Party leadership worked behind the scenes with Donald Trump's legal team during both of his impeachments, Politico's Rachel Bade and the Washington Post's Karoun Demirjian report that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned his GOP colleagues that there was no doubt by anyone in the Senate that the former president had engaged in at least one impeachable offense.

In the book, "Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress’s Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump,” Bade and Demirjian documents GOP squabbles behind the scenes over defense strategy with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-Sc) once storming out and exclaiming “We are F*CKED. We are F*CKED!

In his report on the behind-the-scenes book, the HuffPost's Igor Bobic writes that during Trump's first trial over a "quid pro quo" phone call to Ukraine President Volodymy Zelenskyy seeking dirt on Joe Biden before the 2020 presidential election, Republican senators battled over strategy and fought over a proposal from attorney Alan Dershowitz.

After Sen Roy Blunt (R-MO) insisted Trump's legal team fire Dershowitz immediately, Ted Cruz suggested it was time to change tactics while advising his colleagues that there was a universal belief in the Senate that Trump was guilty.

According to the book, Cruz told his colleagues, "Out of one hundred senators, you have zero who believe you that there was no quid pro quo. None. There’s not a single one,” a confession, which Bobic, adds was contrary to what Republicans were saying in interviews at the time during the impeachment trial.

I am pretty sure no one is surprised.

it just shows that the Republican party cares nothing about the Constitution or the rule of law, all they want to do is to regain power.

Sure he did. That's why he voted against it.

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