CDZ "Team think", break it by saying 2 good things about "the others"


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
On NFL Sundays perhaps it is appropriate to read the "my political team is all good, yours all bad" posts on here. Reminds me of the hypocrites who embrace their team's drug test boys and wife beaters but want those from other teams banned for life.

Life is not that black and white.

So we should practice saying good things about an opposing political party.

I love the death penalty and military spending. Heck, I also would like a more CCC based system for extended welfare.
On NFL Sundays perhaps it is appropriate to read the "my political team is all good, yours all bad" posts on here. Reminds me of the hypocrites who embrace their team's drug test boys and wife beaters but want those from other teams banned for life.

Life is not that black and white.

So we should practice saying good things about an opposing political party.

I love the death penalty and military spending. Heck, I also would like a more CCC based system for extended welfare.
Challenge accepted.

1) We do need to have a national conversation about ending racism, in all it's forms.
2) The government has no right to tell anyone (man or woman) what they can or cannot do with their bodies. (ie. abortion, gender reassignment, etc.)
3) The VA is deeply broken and needs to be totally re-thought, and re-designed. (to be honest, I'm not sure what "side" that comes from) We simply are not doing enough to take care of our vets, especially those wounded/injured in the line of duty.
Sad that we are the only two to have done this. A real testament to the sad state of affairs, and ingrained division in this country. I pray that as we get "older and more mature" as a nation, we will wake up to the reality that we are destroying ourselves, much like an overindulgent college kid at a frat party... Someday, the party will end and the hang-over will set in. I hope I am around to see it...
On NFL Sundays perhaps it is appropriate to read the "my political team is all good, yours all bad" posts on here. Reminds me of the hypocrites who embrace their team's drug test boys and wife beaters but want those from other teams banned for life.

Life is not that black and white.

So we should practice saying good things about an opposing political party.

I love the death penalty and military spending. Heck, I also would like a more CCC based system for extended welfare.

1. I'm fine with pot legalization as long as they keep the stinky pot heads out of my bar.

2. I'll have to come back later, need more time to come up with number two.

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