Tea Party GOP Loses Already! Public Says Health Plan Not Socialist Enough!

Keep in mind that anything that helps business and the wealthy is CAPITALISM

Anything that helps the people is SOCIALISM


Keep in mind that anything that helps business and the wealthy is CAPITALISM

Anything that helps the people is SOCIALISM



Seriously, I can't stop laughing!!!!


FAIL (fl)
v. failed, fail·ing, fails
1. To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately: failed to fulfill their promises; failed in their attempt to reach the summit.
2. To be unsuccessful: an experiment that failed.
3. To receive an academic grade below the acceptable minimum.
4. To prove insufficient in quantity or duration; give out: The water supply failed during the drought.
5. To decline, as in strength or effectiveness: The light began to fail.
6. To cease functioning properly: The engine failed.
7. To give way or be made otherwise useless as a result of excessive strain: The rusted girders failed and caused the bridge to collapse.
8. To become bankrupt or insolvent: Their business failed during the last recession.
1. To disappoint or prove undependable to: Our sentries failed us.
2. To abandon; forsake: His strength failed him.
3. To omit to perform (an expected duty, for example): "We must . . . hold . . . those horrors up to the light of justice. Otherwise we would fail our inescapable obligation to the victims of Nazism: to remember" (Anthony Lewis).
4. To leave undone; neglect: failed to wash the dishes.
a. To receive an academic grade below the acceptable minimum in (a course, for example): failed algebra twice.
b. To give such a grade of failure to (a student): failed me in algebra.
1. Failure to deliver securities to a purchaser within a specified time.
2. Failure to receive the proceeds of a transaction, as in the sale of stock or securities, by a specified date.
Actually you are right about it. it is not all that Left wing. It also FAILS to do pretty much everything we were told it would do.

Yet the left is so unwilling to compromise they ignore that what they passed is not what we needed.

If Obama didn't compromise at all then the health care bill would have had a public option...
Actually you are right about it. it is not all that Left wing. It also FAILS to do pretty much everything we were told it would do.

Yet the left is so unwilling to compromise they ignore that what they passed is not what we needed.

If Obama didn't compromise at all then the health care bill would have had a public option...

The way the bill is written it will lead unfairly to public option being the only option.
Obamacare was passed based upon "the commerce clause". I think the bill will be overturned by the SCOTUS in a 5-4 decision some time next year.
Actually you are right about it. it is not all that Left wing. It also FAILS to do pretty much everything we were told it would do.

Yet the left is so unwilling to compromise they ignore that what they passed is not what we needed.

If Obama didn't compromise at all then the health care bill would have had a public option...
Boyking didn't compromise on anything....If the cynically dubbed "public option" was a part of the Senate bill (the one that ended getting passed), it never would've made it to the floor for a vote.
Since MediCare is constitutional, then the federal government can indirectly achieve the single-payer effect with the requirement of multiple, and subsidized, private payers. That can be compelled.

The Supreme Court goes a bit further, sometimes, and disallows exemptions to taxes based on the federal government's inherent interest in the welfare of its people. Any exemption allowed has to demonstrate that an alternative, therefore private and viable: Option is available.

Little doubt that the health-care reform law is constitutional | HeraldTribune.com

Again, the federal government allows that a private option can be viable, and therefore qualified, for a tax program exemption. It is reasonable to suppose that the Constitution allows and expansion of options, provided for the people, within the allowable framework.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Squaws allowed in Lands of Many Nations, in exercise of private payer options! Many understand the compulsion! Expansion of Plague Is Not A Private Option, but is like poison blankets, lethal. Hmmmm!)
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The State Attorney General's can point only to the fact that compelling private medical insurance is Change That You Can Believe in, and is new. "New" things are not unconstitutional.

A New York Times editorial has a germane and succinct paragraph:

"The problem for the attorneys general is that once again a regulation of health care seems perfectly within the federal government power either to tax or to regulate interstate commerce. Given the vast nature of Medicare and Medicaid it will be hard for the states to argue that the regulation of health care is a power reserved solely for them."

Health plans are not rights reserved for the states, or the people. There is no fundamental right to not pay for health insurance. That has a different and more criminal name. Again, the Courts allow that a an exemption to a tax can be allowed if there is a compulsory, non-government, viable alternative. The Amish, Cradle To Grave, are an example. There is a compulsory alternative to a government program. The federal government does pay attention to the social welfare program, not of government.

The Court would be saying that an individual does not have to purchase private insurance since all the neighbors will pay for it instead at the local government health facilities. That is not considred a non-government, viable alternative.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Congress did not empower Bureau of Indian Affairs to run National Health Insurance?!? Hmmm!)
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The Repubublican Pledge plan calls for the repeal of the Health Care legislation recently going into effect. There is not much to replace it. Abraham Lincoln sent hundreds of thousands of white people to under-funded field hospitals in his time. GOP will now send hundreds of thousands of all kinds of people to under-funded local hospitals in their time. State and local governments will have to fund the current health care system as is usual. That is apparently thier plan!

Much of the public actually thinks that the national health care legislation did not go far enough!

AP Poll Repeal Many wish health law went further - Road Runner

The Republicans, on the other hand, want to go back--apparently to origins of Lincoln-level species. The Tea Party wants to go back further than that, even to leeches.

You just don't get it, mescalito.

Team Obama sabotaged their own bill at the get go just to get anything passed.

Their true agenda wasn't reining in costs but saving medicare by forcing a compromise upon the medical profession and the insurance industry to accept ridiculously low fees for treating medicare patients in exchange for being able to charge low risk new insurance enrollees far more than their health insurance should cost.

NOTHING real was done to lower health care costs, and that should have been the centerpiece of the legislation.

NOTHING was done to remove insurance companies from their from their predatory role as monopolist brokers for health care services.

Team Obama offered up for a vote the most cynical and FUBAR legislation imaginable that was still an increment better than our current ad hoc system.

They deserve ridicule and scorn, they earned it.

Yes Obama should have done more....than to offer us the worst possible improvement to today's clusterfuck.

Fuck Obama!
The Republicans are even running away from their pledge proposals, hoping instead to extend the Bush Tax Cuts. Objective: More Deficit! Source, GOP Leaders, even on Meet The Press! Over and over again, the GOP ran away from the question! The GOP is even running away from their own candidates.

The Democratic Party leadership, top-of-ticket leadership, all across the nation, is not running away from health care, urging repeal, or refusing to support the current implementation efforts with lawsuits.

The Republicans plan even to shut down TARP, which the Democrats have already done.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans Have No Tent For Own Elephant!)

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