Tea Party Answers Julian Bond


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Remember the refrain vicious slanders designed to smear the patriots of the Tea Party...'cause truth means nothing to the Alinskyites

1. Breitbart put a stake through its heart with this:
"Andrew Breitbart has offered $100,000 to be donated to the United Negro College Fund for anyone who can provide evidence that the “N” word was used toward members of the the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) at the “Kill the Bill” rally on March 20, 2010. Breitbart initially made a $10,000 offer and upped it to $100,000 on March 27, 2010."
Andrew Breitbart?s $100,000 Challenge

Well....they're still at it.....

2."Julian Bond, with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said during a Tuesday interview on MSNBC that it’s only right and just that the federal government and the IRS target tea party groups.
Tea party groups are, after all, “overtly racist” and the “Taliban wing of American politics,” Mr. Bond said, Mediaite reported."
NAACP's Julian Bond: It?s OK for IRS to target ?racist? tea party - Washington Times
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OK.....here's where Mr. Bond get his well-deserved kick in the .....pants.

3. "Chairman emeritus, Julian Bond, of the NAACP said the tea party is “admittedly racist”. Mr Bond, I challenge you to show us the video, article, facebook post or the tweet in which the tea party admitted it is motivated by racism.
NAACP chair: Legitimate for IRS to target 'admittedly racist' Tea Party - National Policy & Issues | Examiner.com

4. As a black tea party activist who has participated in over 400 tea party rallies, I am confident that your claim is bogus.

5.... Mr Bond, you sir are a despicable liar, severely compromising your image as a statesman. You and your ilk purposely inspire hate in low-info black voters against tea party patriots who simply said no to Obama’s socialist agenda and trashing of the Constitution. Shame on you Mr Bond.

6. The NAACP leadership has ...morphed into a far-left radial liberal racist hate group which exploits race, using it as a bludgeon to silence any and all opposition to Obama and the Democrats’ government overreaching, ...

7. ...the NAACP feels embolden to lie about the tea party, ....NAACP president, Ben Jealous said he saw tea party protesters carrying signs which read, “Lynch Barack Hussein Obama” and “Lynch Eric Holder”? http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2010/07/13/naalcp_accuses_tea_party_of_wanting_to_lynch_obam

a. If the signs that Jealous claims to have seen existed, the MSM would have made sure they were posted everywhere. And yet, no one other than Mr Jealous has seen the lynch Obama and Holder signs. So, in plain English, Ben Jealous is a liar.

8. ...successful blacks are despised by the black liberal plantation overlords.
The NAACP and company thrives on black Americans believing themselves victimized, disenfranchised and hated. Their mantra to black voters is Conservatives, Republicans and whites want you to fail.

9. I say again, Mr Bond, you are a despicable liar. The tea party would never say it is racist because it is not. As a matter of fact, my personal experience bears witness that the tea party seeks the best for all Americans. The Left are the ones relentless in their attempts to make the tea party’s opposition to Obama’s agenda about race in an effort to slander and intimidate the tea party into silence. In reality, the tea party considers Obama’s race irrelevant.

a. The tea party is motivated by love; love for the greatest nation on the planet and their refusal to see it transformed into an Obama-nation of the vision of our Founding Fathers."
Lloyd Marcus

10. And now....for your listening pleasure......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bim8ZNdYbq4]American Tea Party Anthem III Revised - YouTube[/ame]
SNL Skit from 1st season:

Julian Bond: "Light skinned Blacks are smarter than Dark skinned Blacks"

Garret Morris: "Uh, say what"?
Julian Bond.

Mr. Irrelevant.

If only it were the case.

For a number of reasons he is not irrelevant....

He would not have had the platform from which to attack the Tea Party if he were so.

Further, he not only speaks for the majority of the Liberal/Progressive/Democrats.....but also for a large segment of the black population.

Bet lots of folks on this very forum believe his charges.

What is significant is that, with the exception of the brave Mr Marcus, his lies go unchallenged.

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