Tancredo to win Governors race in Colorado and here's why?


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This may be the biggest upset of this 2010 mid-term election. Tom Tancredo running as a 3rd party gubanatorial candidate in Colorado is within 1-3 points of democrat John Hickenlooper. On election eve--a FOX news poll is showing Tancredo withing 3 points of Hickenlooper.

The Numbers:

Currently there are 850,000 registered Republicans in the state of Colorado--compared to 790,000 registered Democrats--therefore a 70,000 vote advantage for Republicans. Todays news by Gallop showing an historic 15 point movement by independent voters--whom plan to vote for conservatives this year--also point to a Tancredo win in this state.

To note also--that conservatives (independent and democrat conservatives) are jumping through fire-hoops to vote this year--while democrats are far behind early voters. It is expected that Republicans will have much more voter turn-out than democrats this year. Estimates are 59% of republicans versus 39% of democrats.

Republicans Hold Wide Lead in Key Voter Turnout Measure

Hickenlooper with feet up on desk--never thought this race could be this close--believing that Dan Maes--republican candidate and Tom Tancredo--independent would split the conservative vote in this state--and it would be a cake-walk into the governors office for Hickenlooper. Now it's too late for Hickenlooper to do anything about it.

While every polling agency has been making phone calls--not many have looked at the "numbers" except a republican polling agency who is now calling this race for Tancredo by 2 points. Magellen gives the data he is using to call this race--while others don't.

Gasp! Pollster says Tancredo wins it by 2 | The Spot ? Colorado politics and political news, information, analysis ? The Denver Post

Then the final blow:

Sarah Palin--on Monday November 1st endorsed Tom Tancredo for Governor of the State of Colorado.
I highly doubt Sarah gave the death blow. Not to mention her late endorsement is rather unimpressive.

Tancredo, if he wins, will do so because he has run a pretty dang good campaign and has a message that relates to the people at large. He has incredibly effective advertisements. He is right on issues, particularly the tenth amendment.

I sincerely hope he wins. Because the best way for conservatives to fight the over incroachment of the Federal Government is to win the states and fight them through the states. Can you imagine a coalition of Governors who support the Tenth amendment fighting Unconstitutional action that the Federal Government imposes on us? It would be incredibly effective.

if someone believes in states rights, the best think you can do is get elected in a state position. Especially as the Governor or the Attorney General. Because then you can check the Feds.
He's good on some things, but he did vote for the Patriot Act and the bailouts. Sooo...

Oscar Tsao ni pigoo,

PATRIOT ACT is a good thing.

It fucks up UnAmerican Bullshit.

Of course, you as a Commie Chink wouldn't know that.
This may be the biggest upset of this 2010 mid-term election. Tom Tancredo running as a 3rd party gubanatorial candidate in Colorado is within 1-3 points of democrat John Hickenlooper. On election eve--a FOX news poll is showing Tancredo withing 3 points of Hickenlooper.

The Numbers:

Currently there are 850,000 registered Republicans in the state of Colorado--compared to 790,000 registered Democrats--therefore a 70,000 vote advantage for Republicans. Todays news by Gallop showing an historic 15 point movement by independent voters--whom plan to vote for conservatives this year--also point to a Tancredo win in this state.

To note also--that conservatives (independent and democrat conservatives) are jumping through fire-hoops to vote this year--while democrats are far behind early voters. It is expected that Republicans will have much more voter turn-out than democrats this year. Estimates are 59% of republicans versus 39% of democrats.

Republicans Hold Wide Lead in Key Voter Turnout Measure

Hickenlooper with feet up on desk--never thought this race could be this close--believing that Dan Maes--republican candidate and Tom Tancredo--independent would split the conservative vote in this state--and it would be a cake-walk into the governors office for Hickenlooper. Now it's too late for Hickenlooper to do anything about it.

While every polling agency has been making phone calls--not many have looked at the "numbers" except a republican polling agency who is now calling this race for Tancredo by 2 points. Magellen gives the data he is using to call this race--while others don't.

Gasp! Pollster says Tancredo wins it by 2 | The Spot ? Colorado politics and political news, information, analysis ? The Denver Post

Then the final blow:

Sarah Palin--on Monday November 1st endorsed Tom Tancredo for Governor of the State of Colorado.

Oreo, hope you're correct.

Tancredo should be Prez.

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