Tancredo 3rd party candidate COLO Gov. Race gaining quickly on Hickenlooper.


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Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Gov. Tancredo? It could happen
Poll has him within 10 points
September 28, 2010 5:46 PM

Try saying it, just to see what it’s like: “Governor Tancredo.”

It was far-fetched a few weeks ago, as this column pointed out, but not so much anymore. A Pulse Opinion Research Poll Tuesday showed former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, a Republican running as the Constitution Party candidate, within 10 points of Denver Mayor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Hickenlooper. Democrats would be in serious trouble today, if it weren’t for Republican gubernatorial nominee Dan Maes. They had better hope and pray Maes doesn’t drop from the race and throw his support to Tancredo, giving the former congressman a likely win.

Who would have thought it possible, a month or two ago, that a Constitution Party candidate would make this a race? Nobody who knows anything about Colorado politics.

It’s astonishing what the establishment could be in for in November, and the unlikely ascent of Tancredo is just one more indicator.

“With a 10-point margin, at this point, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say Tancredo is in striking distance. Stranger things have happened in politics,” said Bob Drake, who ran campaigns for former Democratic U.S. Sen. Tim Wirth. Drake works as a partner in Talmey-Drake Research Strategy, a political research firm in Boulder.

Drake’s partner, veteran Colorado pollster Paul Talmey, says it’s clear that voters are angry at Democrats.

“The fact this is not a walk for Hickenlooper is absolutely astounding,” Talmey said. “A 10 percent margin cannot be consider a walk. I think this shows us that a lot of people really are ready for a third party.”

The poll found Hickenlooper at 44 percent, Tancredo at 34 percent and Maes at 15 percent. If Tancredo cuts support for Maes by 10 points, he could be in a dogfight with Hickenlooper. If Maes drops out, Hickenlooper fights an uphill battle.

Talmey said the polling data mean Hickenlooper will have to view Tancredo as a serious opponent, and consider ways to build up Maes.

Drake said with only a 10 percent lead, Hickenlooper may start regretting promises to avoid going negative. If the lead drops to 7 points or fewer, Drake said Hickenlooper may have to break his promise of an all-positive campaign — a promise made when it seemed nobody would reach his stratosphere in the polls.

Bylaws of the Colorado Republican Party require Chairman Dick Wadhams to support the nominee — even though Maes has no chance and Wadhams urged him to drop out.

(Please vote in poll to the right in red type. Must vote to see results. Thanks!)

“What this poll reveals is the fact John Hickenlooper is clearly a very weak and vulnerable candidate,” Wadhams said. “He has been stuck at 45 percent in nearly every poll that has been conducted, and that’s with a weak opponent. Without a split on the right, he loses.”

Though a 10-point lead shouldn’t have Hickenlooper too worried, he should fear that Maes drops out. Why would Maes do that? Because his stories of running a successful business were fake. Short of winning the governor’s race, which isn’t possible, Maes has no job. Imagine if Tancredo’s camp whispers Maes the promise of a mid-level government job in return for dropping from the race. In addition to giving Maes incentive to step aside, it would be an olive branch to his handful of supporters. If something of that sort occurs, say hello to Governor Tancredo — of the Constitution Party.

“I think anything could happen this year,” Talmey said.

At least it’s not the boring old politics as usual.

OUR VIEW: Gov. Tancredo? It could happen (vote here) | view, gov, vote - Opinion - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

For you still supporters of Dan Maes. Your candidate has continually lied to you about his past. He no longer DESERVES your support. You need to switch horses to Tom Tancredo--the 3rd party candidate in this race immediately to insure we have a conservative as our next governor of Colorado. Dan Maes is only polling at only 15% state-wide currently--and his support is continuing to crumble by several points a day.

The final straw--the official police records from Liberal Kansas show that Dan Maes was fired from this department because he was leaking information on an FBI investigation--to his former girlfriend--whose family was the object of this investigation.

Tancredo is no longer a "long shot" --We have a chance here--but we need you die hard supporters of Dan Maes to move over to Tom Tancredo--the Constitutional candidate--immediately.
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The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Colorado finds Hickenlooper earning 46% support, his best showing in the three-way race to date. Tancredo picks up 25% of the vote, while Maes runs third with 21%. One percent (1%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.

Election 2010: Colorado Governor - Rasmussen Reports

This data is from Rasmussen. Is this your idea of Tancredo "gaining quickly"??? You must think Christine O'Donnell is kicking ass in Delaware too, right?
And Sharron Angle is kicking ass in NV, right?

Considering how much she has been out spent. I would say 1 point down is not doing all that bad at all.

Democratic Sen. Harry Reid shows 48 percent support among likely voters while Republican challenger Sharron Angle has 47 percent in the survey conducted Tuesday that carries a plus or minus 4 percent margin of error.

She was down 5 points not to long ago.

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