Taming an American icon: A plan to curb wild horses, and save the West


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
When the first wild horses come into view, thundering through high desert sagebrush, it’s easy to imagine they’re in the American West of 150 years ago. This part of Nevada is desolate and beautiful: massive plains that stretch for miles without a building – or tree – in sight, rugged snow-gauzed mountains piercing the sky.

But if the idea of wild horses is a romantic one in America, conjuring images of unfettered freedom and unfenced spaces, the reality, in today’s West, is far more complicated. These horses – herded by a helicopter and headed for relocation to private pastures or adoption – lie at the nexus of a human-wildlife conflict that is one of the most incendiary in the West. It is a dispute rife with emotions and with little common ground.

Wild horses may be beloved in America, but to some, they’re also a nuisance – a remarkably fecund one, with a population that grows by about 20% a year, wreaking havoc on rangeland vital to ranchers and other wildlife. Estimates put the wild horse and burro population at 88,000 on public lands as of this past spring, though most experts say it’s now closer to 100,000. That’s more than three times the target population of 26,700 that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management believes its herd management areas can sustainably support.
Taming an American icon: A plan to curb wild horses, and save the West

The plan is a link in text in the article. I feel like I post on this every year at least once. I can see in the plan where it might look like it's an opportunity to just kill them.
It's a heart breaking situation. Especially if those oafs of BLM are in charge of anything. Those assholes could frig up boiling water. And they certainly cannot be trsted.

I know I don't answer much Disir, but you really post a lot of interesting subjects.
They have been capturing and selling wild horses and wild donkeys for decades. Apparently it's only an issue during a republican administration
Why don’t we use them for transportation since cars are so bad? According to democrats
Apparently it's only an issue during a republican administration
I'm on an email list for a foundation that fights the BLM over the Wild Horse issue- I got just as many pleas for help and petitions to sign when Obama was in charge and now that Democrats run congress they've still not abated- insulting yourself in public isn't wise.

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