Talked to an Afghan Vet Friend of Mine Who Has Been in Contact With His Former Interpreter Said Taliban Has the Biometrics...


May 23, 2014
Talked to Afghanistan Vet friend of mine. He told me this morning that he had contact with his former interpreter for his unit. The man told him when the Taliban took Bahagram Air Force Base they got their hands on biometric devices that had information on EVERY Afghan that helped the U.S. military including their fingerprints. No way to escape now if called out. Goddamn it all to fucking hell !!!!!
Talked to Afghanistan Vet friend of mine. He told me this morning that he had contact with his former interpreter for his unit. The man told him when the Taliban took Bahagram Air Force Base they got their hands on biometric devices that had information on EVERY Afghan that helped the U.S. military including their fingerprints. No way to escape now if called out. Goddamn it all to fucking hell !!!!!
And your friend has Super Secret Squirrel clearance to know this? Or did he read about it on Facebook?
How would the Taliban be able to have biometrics on Afghans who worked with US military ? Unless the US military was infiltrated by Taliban spies, maybe.
And your friend has Super Secret Squirrel clearance to know this? Or did he read about it on Facebook?
He had contact with the Afghan soldier he served with you miserable coward liberal fuck.
How would the Taliban be able to have biometrics on Afghans who worked with US military ? Unless the US military was infiltrated by Taliban spies, maybe.
It's a hand held device that checked fingerprints before Afghan workers were allowed into a NATO perimeter.
How would the Taliban be able to have biometrics on Afghans who worked with US military ? Unless the US military was infiltrated by Taliban spies, maybe.
They had to clear any Afghan's before they would send a convoy anywhere. He was in combat engineers. Told me his unit would give Afghan drivers just enough fuel to get to the location and would never disclose the location they were going to before hand. He made sure his men were in up-.armored vehicles and the other Afghan's road in open air trucks.
THIS is a cluster. This president if you can call him that is not only an incompetent...he is a liar to the nth degree. Corrupt, demented old fart. i can't see Harris as president. What's the chance of them finding some way to put that old hildebeast in his place. Actually...i think America hates Harris more than they hate Clinton....maybe by half a point or less. What a freakin' mess we are in.
THIS is a cluster. This president if you can call him that is not only an incompetent...he is a liar to the nth degree. Corrupt, demented old fart. i can't see Harris as president. What's the chance of them finding some way to put that old hildebeast in his place. Actually...i think America hates Harris more than they hate Clinton....maybe by half a point or less. What a freakin' mess we are in.
I have never seen such incompetent behavior in a presidency.
James Wood tweeted that this is a tweet tht has aged badly and quickly.


others say that anyone who voted for this man, should be ashamed...or at the very least will be staying out of threads that document his failures.

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