Talk about more cuts..


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Obama demands debt ceiling hike, rejects negotiating cuts with GOP | Fox News

Obama argued he has already cut more than $1 trillion in federal spending but is willing to talk about more cuts, including some to Medicare, but would not make that part of the debt ceiling issue. He again suggested a potential mix of increasing taxes by closing loopholes and more spending cuts.

Is that supposed to make them cave? Fuck that. If you was not so much of a damn liar, people might believe you, asshole.
Obama demands debt ceiling hike, rejects negotiating cuts with GOP | Fox News

Obama argued he has already cut more than $1 trillion in federal spending but is willing to talk about more cuts, including some to Medicare, but would not make that part of the debt ceiling issue. He again suggested a potential mix of increasing taxes by closing loopholes and more spending cuts.

Is that supposed to make them cave? Fuck that. If you was not so much of a damn liar, people might believe you, asshole.

Sad part is, America knows he is a lying sack of shit. They voted for the free gubmint stuff.
Obama demands debt ceiling hike, rejects negotiating cuts with GOP | Fox News

Obama argued he has already cut more than $1 trillion in federal spending but is willing to talk about more cuts, including some to Medicare, but would not make that part of the debt ceiling issue. He again suggested a potential mix of increasing taxes by closing loopholes and more spending cuts.

Is that supposed to make them cave? Fuck that. If you was not so much of a damn liar, people might believe you, asshole.

Sad part is, America knows he is a lying sack of shit. They voted for the free gubmint stuff.

I have to disagree with that. Sure, some do. IMO, a lot of his followers just listen to what that prick says, and MSM. HAcks leading the blind.
We already have a topic discussing why the theater for the rubes over the debt ceiling is a wasteful diversion.

The debt ceiling is an impotent poker chip, and just goes to show how unwilling certain elements in the GOP are about getting serious about spending cuts.
We already have a topic discussing why the theater for the rubes over the debt ceiling is a wasteful diversion.

The debt ceiling is an impotent poker chip, and just goes to show how unwilling certain elements in the GOP are about getting serious about spending cuts.

We already have a topic discussing why the theater for the rubes over the debt ceiling is a wasteful diversion.

The debt ceiling is an impotent poker chip, and just goes to show how unwilling certain elements in the GOP are about getting serious about spending cuts.

Would you support a moratorium on cost-of-living increases for government programs until the budget is balanced?
So they have already butchered defense, whats left? The problem the Messiah has but two cards left to play, face reality and cut, or plunge the government into further debt. My money is on plunge the government into further debt, it's the easier way out and his loyal parasites won't hang him from the nearest light post.
We already have a topic discussing why the theater for the rubes over the debt ceiling is a wasteful diversion.

The debt ceiling is an impotent poker chip, and just goes to show how unwilling certain elements in the GOP are about getting serious about spending cuts.

Would you support a moratorium on cost-of-living increases for government programs until the budget is balanced?

No! Cut government jobs, and reduce their benefits, freeze federal hiring, consolidate work loads, cut welfare, force anyone that receives a check or unemployment, other than social security, veteran benefits, and disability, to work a minimum of 4 hours a day cleaning ditches, streets, picking up garbage, raking parks, and addressing needs local communities and municipalities have had to cut funding. Put these people to work for their check.

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