Taking A Nap Good For You?

Depends. Think how much sleep we get, or miss is cumulative as with sleep deficits. So sometimes a nap can be good, but other times it might make you more tired if you have an ongoing sleep deficit going. Your body would think you're gonna finally make it up when you begin the nap, but getting up an hour or so later only reminds the body how tired it really is.
I've never been able to nap, ever. Not unless I'm really really sick or have been up for two days, and often not even then.
Probably have to train yourself to be able to shut down thought enough to nap a while. Telling yourself not to worry, your problems and things you have to do will be waiting for you after the nap to allow you to relax and drift off.
This may be too obvious to write, but it depends on the person.

I can take a 5 minute nap (taking less than a minute or two to fall asleep), and I wake up fully refreshed.

My wife takes 15 minutes to go to sleep, and wakes up groggy regardless of how long she sleeps..

On the occasions when we might take a nap together, I have woken up and am ready to go before she is even able to get to sleep.

William Jefferson Clinton was noted for taking "power naps" in the Presidential Limo when he was being driven around DC for different engagements and meetings, and he claimed that it made it possible for him to work very long hours, productively.

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