take a hot minute and read this...we all need to know about this man


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
WASHINGTON – Handsome and friendly, Clay Hunt so epitomized a vibrant Iraq veteran that he was chosen for a public service announcement reminding veterans that they aren't alone.

The 28-year-old former Marine corporal earned a Purple Heart after taking a sniper's bullet in his left wrist. He returned to combat in Afghanistan. Upon his return home, he lobbied for veterans on Capitol Hill, road-biked with wounded veterans and performed humanitarian work in Haiti and Chile.

Then, on March 31, Hunt bolted himself in his Houston apartment and shot himself.

Ex-Marine, advocate kills self after war tours - Yahoo! News

the walking wounded...how many are out there.....how many more will become the walking wounded...what will the long term consequences be?

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