Systemic Racism; The Democrat Dog Whistle

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Every time I hear one of these race baiting losers use this term I immediately know anything coming out of their mouth is not designed to improve race relations it's designed to continue fomenting the belief all Whites are racist. This is the foundation of Democrats' identity politics. Democrats strive to use this dogma for political gain and to deflect from the fact they controlled Congress and most of Government last century.

This is how this bullshit works.

The entire system was created by white men so you are inherently racist if you're white. Any injustice perceived or real is due to the "system". Then when some real racists do evil things those who want to perpetuate the lie drag out the term "Systemic Racism", therefore tying racism with the system. Then they follow on with you should feel guilty because your forefathers created the system.

All you had to see to prove this is true was see the White Snowflake girl marching in Boston yesterday carrying the sign "White People Suck"
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Every time I hear one of these race baiting losers use this term I immediately know anything coming out of their mouth is not designed to improve race relations it's designed to continue fomenting the belief all Whites are racist. This is the foundation of Democrats' identity politics. Democrats strive to use this dogma for political gain and to defect from the fact they controlled Congress and most of Government last century.

This is how this bullshit works.

The entire system was created by white men so you are inherently racist if you're white. Any injustice perceived or real is due to the "system". Then when some real racists do evil things those who want to perpetuate the lie drag out the term "Systemic Racism", therefore tying racism with the system. Then they follow on with you should feel guilty because your forefathers created the system.

All you had to see to prove this is true was see the White Snowflake girl marching in Boston yesterday carrying the sign "White People Suck"

One data point convinces you? No wonder you're a Trumpanzee.
Every time I hear one of these race baiting losers use this term I immediately know anything coming out of their mouth is not designed to improve race relations it's designed to continue fomenting the belief all Whites are racist. This is the foundation of Democrats' identity politics. Democrats strive to use this dogma for political gain and to defect from the fact they controlled Congress and most of Government last century.

This is how this bullshit works.

The entire system was created by white men so you are inherently racist if you're white. Any injustice perceived or real is due to the "system". Then when some real racists do evil things those who want to perpetuate the lie drag out the term "Systemic Racism", therefore tying racism with the system. Then they follow on with you should feel guilty because your forefathers created the system.

All you had to see to prove this is true was see the White Snowflake girl marching in Boston yesterday carrying the sign "White People Suck"

One data point convinces you? No wonder you're a Trumpanzee.

You're the second data point. Don't you feel special? Your participation trophy is in the mail.
Calling someone a racist is the only way Progressives can shut down free-speech
Democrats think they can ride the racism horse by running Kamala Harris for president. Gad I hope they do. Only Maxine Waters would be better.
Calling someone a racist is the only way Progressives can shut down free-speech

There is no reason to censor racists, bigots, misogynists and all around haters. People of good will and have empathy understand that hater's are their own worst enemies. Deviate one time from the neo fascist echo chamber, and they too will be tossed under the bus by other card carrying fascists
Calling someone a racist is the only way Progressives can shut down free-speech

There is no reason to censor racists, bigots, misogynists and all around haters. People of good will and have empathy understand that hater's are their own worst enemies. Deviate one time from the neo fascist echo chamber, and they too will be tossed under the bus by other card carrying fascists

You missed the entire point of the dog whistle, systemic racism. It represents the echo chamber of you're guilty by birth. Quoting your Messiah's retweet. No on is born hating someone. You have no moral high ground falsely accusing someone of being a racist.
Calling someone a racist is the only way Progressives can shut down free-speech

There is no reason to censor racists, bigots, misogynists and all around haters. People of good will and have empathy understand that hater's are their own worst enemies. Deviate one time from the neo fascist echo chamber, and they too will be tossed under the bus by other card carrying fascists

You missed the entire point of the dog whistle, systemic racism. It represents the echo chamber of you're guilty by birth. Quoting your Messiah's retweet. No on is born hating someone. You have no moral high ground falsely accusing someone of being a racist.
You are finally starting to get it.
This is the foundation of Democrats' identity politics.

True, but it is also very much part of Zionism's "divide and conquer" policy here. Zionism knows that to control what blacks think, start race baiting, and control 90%+ you will...
Calling someone a racist is the only way Progressives can shut down free-speech

There is no reason to censor racists, bigots, misogynists and all around haters. People of good will and have empathy understand that hater's are their own worst enemies. Deviate one time from the neo fascist echo chamber, and they too will be tossed under the bus by other card carrying fascists

That's why the Democrats lost the last election but don't tell them that.


Every time I hear one of these race baiting losers use this term I immediately know anything coming out of their mouth is not designed to improve race relations it's designed to continue fomenting the belief all Whites are racist. This is the foundation of Democrats' identity politics. Democrats strive to use this dogma for political gain and to deflect from the fact they controlled Congress and most of Government last century.

This is how this bullshit works.

The entire system was created by white men so you are inherently racist if you're white. Any injustice perceived or real is due to the "system". Then when some real racists do evil things those who want to perpetuate the lie drag out the term "Systemic Racism", therefore tying racism with the system. Then they follow on with you should feel guilty because your forefathers created the system.

All you had to see to prove this is true was see the White Snowflake girl marching in Boston yesterday carrying the sign "White People Suck"
Spoken like a true racist.
Calling someone a racist is the only way Progressives can shut down free-speech

There is no reason to censor racists, bigots, misogynists and all around haters. People of good will and have empathy understand that hater's are their own worst enemies. Deviate one time from the neo fascist echo chamber, and they too will be tossed under the bus by other card carrying fascists

That's why the Democrats lost the last election but don't tell them that.



Really now, that many racists, misogynists, bigots and all around haters voted for Trump and Republicans?

Thanks for sharing, but the rational among us already knew this to be true.
Calling someone a racist is the only way Progressives can shut down free-speech

There is no reason to censor racists, bigots, misogynists and all around haters. People of good will and have empathy understand that hater's are their own worst enemies. Deviate one time from the neo fascist echo chamber, and they too will be tossed under the bus by other card carrying fascists

That's why the Democrats lost the last election but don't tell them that.



Really now, that many racists, misogynists, bigots and all around haters voted for Trump and Republicans?

Thanks for sharing, but the rational among us already knew this to be true.


If that's what you want to believe. Please do keep up the good work for the progressive agenda.



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