Syrian army targets airport in Idlib


Nov 14, 2012
From two different axes, the army will advance and shred through the exhausted "army" of HTS. There is also a new ISIS presence in the region and AQ vs IS is always a good development for the government forces.

"BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:50 A.M.) – The operation to capture the strategic Abu Dhuhour Military Airbase has begun, with several divisions from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) pushing from two directions.

Led by the Tiger Forces and 4th Division, the Syrian Arab Army are pushing from both the Hama and Aleppo governorates, as Russian fighters jets and attack choppers hammer the defenses of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham at the Abu Dhuhour Military Airbase.

According to a military source, the Syrian Army’s 40th Brigade of the 4th Division, alongside the Qalamoun Shield forces and 11th Tank Division are responsible for the SAA’s push from the northeastern countryside of the Hama Governorate.

Meanwhile, at the Khanasser front in southern Aleppo, the Syrian Army’s Tiger Forces and 39th Division of the 4th Division are preparing to launch a powerful attack from the Abu Dhuhour’s eastern flank.

With the Syrian military pushing from two different flanks, the jihadist rebels of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham will be forced to reinforce the area, as they do not have the numbers to confront such a large government force."

Syrian Army advances on strategic airbase in Idlib from two directions
France and Turkey fear for their terrorists as the SAA advances. Both countries called Russia and Iran to stop them but this will probably not have any impact. Neither Fracne nor Turkey were interested when large scale offensives were started against the government troops. We have the typical accusations: Bombing civilians and hospitals. The terrorist entities occupying France and Turkey have always been fierce supporters of Nusra, ISIS and anyone who fights the Syrian government.

Türkei und Frankreich fordern Ende der syrischen Idlib-Offensive - 10.01.18 - BÖRSE ONLINE

Aleppo based Palestinian militia Jerusalem Brigade assists the army in the operations. Their US arms were captured from ISIS. ISIS captured them from Iraqi troops.

A counteroffensive by the "rebels" was conducted with mixed results. One spearhead (Ahrar al-Sham) ran into a prepared trap and ended up in MG and artillery crossfire. Another (Turkistan Islamic Party) claims to be more successful with "tens of dead soldiers" but there is no confirmation. A third, conducted by ISIS, claims 3 soldiers dead and 5 captured.

Breaking: Jihadist counter-offensive in Idlib plays right into Syrian Army trap, massacre results
Breaking: Turkistani jihadists begin major counter-offensive against Syrian Army in Idlib, claim gains
ISIS launches surprise assault on Syrian Army near Abu Duhur airbase in east Idlib killing, capturing troops
Turkey suffered a big rebuff as Russia considers the elimination of terrorists a priority. The attempt shows Turkey´s and France´s true intentions: Save their terrorists from total defeat. Russia said:
"We are just attacking terrorists. And this of course causes anger for some actors because much money was invested in the fighters."

Diplomatischer Aufruf: Moskau erwartet von Ankara Konstruktivität in Syrien-Frage
Unfortunately for rebelz their offensive is over and the army reversed all their gains and resumes the offensive. The army has opened another frontier in southwest Aleppo today, capturing already 12 towns. Syria´s foreign minister said US and Turkey must withdraw their troops from Syria.

Breaking: Elite Syrian troops reverse all rebel gains in southeast Idlib after wresting back 2 last lost towns
Breaking: Elite Syrian forces restart assault on key airbase in east Idlib seizing 3 towns during outflanking move
Breaking: Syrian Army shoots through 7 more towns in southwest Aleppo amid restless push towards Idlib
Syrian FM urges US, Turkey to withdraw troops from Syria
The counter-offensive by the rebelz was able to recapture 17 towns - at the cost of 200 fighters and 6 top commanders killed.


The map above is not up to date: The entire encircled area at the upper left has been liberated by the army already - increasing the number of liberated towns and villages to over 100. The army also began an operation against the ISIS presence. In Damascus, the army made gains in the eastern Goutha.

Breaking: Syrian Army captures entire southwest Aleppo pocket following final sweep by troops
Breaking: Elite Syrian forces launch offensive against ISIS in northeast Hama snatching town right off-the-bat
Breaking: Al-Qaeda-led offensive sees militants regain 17 towns from Syrian Army in southeast Idlib
The Syrian army liberated the first town in Idlib.

"BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:17 P.M.) – Elite forces of the Syrian Arab Army have taken control of their first city in the province of Idlib after a two-day battle against Al-Qaeda-linked jihadist militias.

Military-affiliated sources report that assault units of the Syrian Army’s elite Tiger Forces Division have seized the city of Abu Duhur in Idlib’s eastern countryside from armed Islamist groups.

The engagement to take Abu Duhur lasted two days and saw Syrian Army troops and armor storm the city under cover of heavy airstrikes and artillery shelling.

Two key Al-Qaeda affiliate militias – Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) and the Turkistan Islamic Party – attempted to defend Abu Duhur but in the end overwhelming numbers and firepower on part of the Syrian Army served to be the determiner of the battle.

Abu Duhur represents the first city in Idlib – albeit a small one – to fall to Syrian Army since the start of its general offensive throughout the province which was kicked-off just a few days short of a month ago now."

Breaking: Elite Syrian troops boot Islamist militias out of Abu Duhur city in east Idlib after two-day battle
The Syrian military has deployed air defense in Idlib and Aleppo. Those missiles are surely not meant to fight "rebels".
Syria deploys new air defenses in north: commander in pro-Assad allian

The ISIS presence in the region took damage as their territory shrank by at least the half yesterday and they lost additional 16 settlements today, so its seems to be 31 towns and villages since yesterday:
Syrian Army liberates half of ISIL's northeast Hama pocket - map
Breaking: Elite Syrian Army forces expel ISIS from 16 towns in lighting dash across northwest Syria

Once the elite Tiger Forces deployed against ISIS, the "rebels" have mounted several offensives.
Rebels run away from recently captured town in east Idlib as Syrian Army repels latest Islamist assault

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