Swat teams to oil rigs???


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mr. Obama said SWAT teams were being dispatched to the Gulf to investigate oil rigs and said his administration is now working to determine the cause of the disaster.
Man if this turns out to be environmental terrorism then all bets are off. The rig blows the day before earth day... please!
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Mr. Obama said SWAT teams were being dispatched to the Gulf to investigate oil rigs and said his administration is now working to determine the cause of the disaster.
Man if this turns out to be environmental terrorism then all bets are off. The rig blows the day before earth day... please!

If this turns out to be environmental terrorism, I'd be surprised.

Who benefits from it?

Nobody far as I can tell.
Mr. Obama said SWAT teams were being dispatched to the Gulf to investigate oil rigs and said his administration is now working to determine the cause of the disaster.
Man if this turns out to be environmental terrorism then all bets are off. The rig blows the day before earth day... please!

If this turns out to be environmental terrorism, I'd be surprised.

Who benefits from it?

Nobody far as I can tell.

Bullshit, ELF can potential stop all future drilling with this one "accident".
CON$ervoFascists are soooooooo predictable. I called this on another thread. :rofl:
Mr. Obama said SWAT teams were being dispatched to the Gulf to investigate oil rigs and said his administration is now working to determine the cause of the disaster.
Man if this turns out to be environmental terrorism then all bets are off. The rig blows the day before earth day... please!

If this turns out to be environmental terrorism, I'd be surprised.

Who benefits from it?

Nobody far as I can tell.

Bullshit, ELF can potential stop all future drilling with this one "accident".

That I rather doubt.

ELF doesn't really have access to the well head at bottom of the Gulf.
This kind of accident was inevitable. Sooner or later it was bound to happen. When this is all sorted out, like the Exxon Valdez, I think we will find that safety measures that should have been mandatory, were not. And, since they were not mandatory, BP saved money by not putting them into place.

We have vast areas of our nation thourghly mucked up from the use of coal, we will now have hundreds of miles of coast mucked up with oil, both in the Gulf and in Alaska. In Alaska, only a few people see the damage, in the Gulf, millions of people will be immediatly affected.

I think that 'Drill, baby, Drill' is going to be a loser of a slogan, now.
We have got to have the oil or we die economically. This should have never happened. Blowout preventors are not a new fangled technology; they have been around since the twenties and the thirties. This smells like either sabotage or incompetence.

Why did it take Bo so long to respond? This is Obama's Katrina, one hundred percent. He has no one else to share the blame with.
We have got to have the oil or we die economically. This should have never happened. Blowout preventors are not a new fangled technology; they have been around since the twenties and the thirties. This smells like either sabotage or incompetence.

Why did it take Bo so long to respond? This is Obama's Katrina, one hundred percent. He has no one else to share the blame with.

perhaps this will correct your misconceptions so you don't repeat falsehoods any more:

The government and BP Oil have deployed 1,178 people to the region to protect the Gulf Coast shoreline and wildlife, according to the White House. Officials have established five staging areas -- in Biloxi, Miss., Pensacola, Fla., Venice, La., Pascagoula, Miss., and Theodore, Ala. -- to protect sensitive shorelines.

Here's more agency-specific information -- which will update as necessary:

Federal Eye - Oil spill: The government's response

This one is from the WSJ:

Navy Joins Oil-Spill Fight
Gulf Coast Braces for Effects of Huge Slick; BP Chief Predicts New Regulations

The government called in the Navy to help contain the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as administration officials said Thursday the disaster could prompt President Barack Obama to rethink his plan to allow expanded offshore oil and gas drilling.

The slick was expected to make landfall at any time. The spill could turn into one of the biggest in U.S. history. An estimated 5,000 barrels a day of oil are flowing from the well, and officials said it could take up to 90 days to cap it, making for volumes that could exceed the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska and a 1969 accident in Santa Barbara, Calif.

U.S. Navy Joins Oil-Spill Fight - WSJ.com

of course, the funny one to read is infowars because they're already listening to the twilight zone music in their heads and claiming that it's a militarization of the U.S. :cuckoo: poor dears.
I wouldnt put it pass ELF to do something like this.
Wouldn't that be totally self-defeating if they want to protect the planet?

Then again, nobody said ELF was full of geniuses.

I don't think it is ELF, but if you look at Animal Liberation by Peter Singer, you can take note that animal extremists think you should achieve your goals by any means necessary... whether by lying or taking matters into your own hands. environmental extremists like those at ELF believe in the same methodology.
This kind of accident was inevitable. Sooner or later it was bound to happen. When this is all sorted out, like the Exxon Valdez, I think we will find that safety measures that should have been mandatory, were not. And, since they were not mandatory, BP saved money by not putting them into place.

We have vast areas of our nation thourghly mucked up from the use of coal, we will now have hundreds of miles of coast mucked up with oil, both in the Gulf and in Alaska. In Alaska, only a few people see the damage, in the Gulf, millions of people will be immediatly affected.

I think that 'Drill, baby, Drill' is going to be a loser of a slogan, now.

I hope so....then maybe you LP pinheads will give it a rest already, since you're the only ones repeating and repeating it over and over....
(LP=liberal peckerheads)
We haven't seen any time table of what the administration did or when they did. Claiming to be "involved fron the start" is unsubstantiated at this point. It's been 10 days now---how's the federal assistance working so far ?
Mr. Obama said SWAT teams were being dispatched to the Gulf to investigate oil rigs and said his administration is now working to determine the cause of the disaster.
Man if this turns out to be environmental terrorism then all bets are off. The rig blows the day before earth day... please!

If this turns out to be environmental terrorism, I'd be surprised.

Who benefits from it?

Nobody far as I can tell.

Yeah, that would be the dumbest thing for an environmental group to do, blow up and oil rig that destroys the environment
Mr. Obama said SWAT teams were being dispatched to the Gulf to investigate oil rigs and said his administration is now working to determine the cause of the disaster.
Man if this turns out to be environmental terrorism then all bets are off. The rig blows the day before earth day... please!

If this turns out to be environmental terrorism, I'd be surprised.

Who benefits from it?

Nobody far as I can tell.

Bullshit, ELF can potential stop all future drilling with this one "accident".
Bullshit, the oil monopoly can and will use this "accident" as an excuse to jack up gas prices.
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Obama will do all he can to use this incident to move him towards taking over the oil industry. Which has been his plan from the beginning.

Watch and learn how a dictator works.

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