Suspect in Ft. Hood shootings can keep his beard – for now


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
We are the biggest pussies on this earth.

Suspect in Ft. Hood shootings can keep his beard – for now


The military judge supervising the trial of accused Ft. Hood shooter Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was removed from the case Monday, with the military's highest appeals court ruling that his "duel of wills" with Hasan over the defendant's beard gave the appearance of bias.

Hasan, 42, is accused of killing 13 people and wounding more than two dozen others at Ft. Hood in Texas on Nov. 5, 2009.

Hasan, who is Muslim, says that he grew the beard for religious reasons and that it is protected under freedom of religious expression.

Military prosecutors disagreed, as did the judge, Col. Gregory Gross, who ruled that the beard violated the military dress code. Gross held Hasan in contempt of court for refusing to shave, ordered him removed from the courtroom, and ultimately ordered that he be forcibly shaved. Prosecutors contend that Hasan grew the beard to make it more difficult for witnesses to identify him.

After the U.S. Army Court of Criminal Appeals at Ft. Belvoir, Va., upheld Gross' ruling in October, Hasan appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, the highest military appellate court.

The top appellate court ruled Monday that military command, not a military judge, has responsibility for grooming standards, and that Gross could no longer appear to be unbiased in Hasan's case.

Gross' order to shave Hasan's beard — and the six counts of contempt he issued to Hasan for failing to shave during pretrial proceedings — were wiped out by the appellate court's ruling.

"Although the military judge here stated that [Hasan's] beard was a 'disruption,' there was insufficient evidence on this record to demonstrate that [Hasan's] beard materially interfered with the proceedings," the unsigned ruling said.

"Taken together," the ruling continued, "the decision to remove [Hasan] from the courtroom, the contempt citations and the decision to order [Hasan's] forcible shaving in the absence of any command action to do the same could leave an objective observer to conclude that the military judge was not impartial."

The appeals court did not specifically rule on Hasan's claim that his beard was protected under freedom of religion.

"Should the next military judge find it necessary to address [Hasan's] beard, such issues should be addressed and litigated anew," the court said.

The ruling also cited an incident in which Gross found what he believed to be feces on the floor of a bathroom and ordered Hasan not to use the bathroom again. Department of Emergency Services staff later said the material was mud that had been tracked in by a guard.

"In light of these rulings, and the military judge's accusations regarding the latrine, it could reasonably appear to an objective observer that the military judge had allowed the proceedings to become a duel of wills between himself and [Hasan] rather than an adjudication of the serious offenses with which [Hasan] is charged," the ruling said.

Suspect in Ft. Hood shootings can keep his beard – for now -
It was the judge who was ousted for insisting that the regulation be followed.

FORT WORTH, Texas The U.S. military's highest court ousted the judge in the Fort Hood shooting case Monday and threw out his order to have the suspect's beard forcibly shaved before his court-martial.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces ruled that Col. Gregory Gross didn't appear impartial while presiding over the case of Maj. Nidal Hasan, who faces the death penalty if convicted in the 2009 shootings on the Texas Army post that killed 13 people and wounded more than two dozen others.

But the court said it was not ruling on whether the judge's order violated Hasan's religious rights. Hasan has argued that his beard is a requirement of his Muslim faith, although facial hair violates Army regulations.

"Should the next military judge find it necessary to address (Hasan's) beard, such issues should be addressed and litigated anew," judges wrote in the ruling.

Judge ousted in Fort Hood shooting case

In other words, the next judge better give Hasan what he wants.
Yes the guys outside his cell are definitely pussies. If I was there I would walk in and take care of the problem. That's how we used to do it.

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