Survey: Almost Half of Millennials Think Misgendering Trans Person Should Be Criminal Offense

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
The future of the nation is doomed. This is why the Department of Education needs to be eliminated. They're teaching harmful propaganda to the kids. Transgenders are a threat to society.

I don't get it. Even if you insist of "politeness" whatever that might be, it can be really tough to distinguish a really homely broad from a she-male. Guessing what "gender" someone is pretending to be is just that, a guessing game.
The future of the nation is doomed. This is why the Department of Education needs to be eliminated. They're teaching harmful propaganda to the kids. Transgenders are a threat to society.

The Gateway Pundit. :heehee:
Being a trans person should be a criminal offense.
The future of the nation is doomed. This is why the Department of Education needs to be eliminated. They're teaching harmful propaganda to the kids. Transgenders are a threat to society.

call em all left wing faggots ! then they cant accuse you of misgendering them !
The future of the nation is doomed. This is why the Department of Education needs to be eliminated. They're teaching harmful propaganda to the kids. Transgenders are a threat to society.


Half of us?

There simply are not that many of them.

This time the GP is simply wrong.

But I agree with your assessment of how the DOE needs to go.

Be ready America.

Just like with gas stove bans, democrats will claim it is a conspiracy theory till the day they vote to pass it.

These speech laws are coming.
The Gateway Pundit. :heehee:
Did you even read the link you pathetic moron?
It cited Newsweek you stupid trolling rube.

The survey, by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek, polled 1,500 eligible voters in the United States.

Newsweek reports:

According to the survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of those aged 25-34 think “referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense,” versus just 31 percent who disagree. The remainder “neither agree nor disagree” or “don’t know.”
This view remains popular for those aged 35-44, among whom 38 percent think misgendering should be illegal, whilst 35 percent disagree and 26 percent either don’t know or didn’t express an opinion
Of course they don't bother to read the link. Why would they when they can just complain about the final source?
That one is the typical tard that attacks the source but can't contradict the content. One of the sites weakest posters.
That one is the typical tard that attacks the source but can't contradict the content. One of the sites weakest posters.
All the libtards are the same way. They're full of shit. Surada does the same thing. So do the others.

Meanwhile they're feeding us bullshit from CNN and MS-LSD. Even Google has become nothing more than a tabloid.

This won't become law, it's entirely un-Constitutional to suppress speech.

If they try this crap, me and 100.million other Americans will directly and actively disobey. We won't "resist", we'll get right in their fucking faces with it.

No one gets special treatment. They respond to "hey asshole" just like everyone else.
I don't get it. Even if you insist of "politeness" whatever that might be, it can be really tough to distinguish a really homely broad from a she-male. Guessing what "gender" someone is pretending to be is just that, a guessing game.

It doesn't matter either. it's not a societies personal responsibility to indulge in a few people's fantasies.

I am not obligated to lie for their feelings and I never will. And neither should anyone else.

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