Supreme court to debate warrantless collection of cellphone records in huge fourth amendment battle


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
I’ve been keeping an eye on it. It is an abomination. The argument is that you can’t expect to keep information private that you willingly surrender to a third party. That may be true. But when you are required to provide the information that is another story.

The GPS chip is not optional. It is required by federal law. You can’t turn it off. You can’t buy a phone without it. You can’t disable it. The phone company is required to gather that information and store it by Federal Law. So saying that it was voluntarily surrendered stretches the meaning of the word to insane dimensions. It can’t be more than a molecule thick and several light years long at this point.

Law Enforcement always wants exceptions to the civil rights. If the LEOs had their way we would have the right to answer questions and be searched whenever the whim struck them.

I hope the court reigns in this practice. However that hope is dim as the court tends to side with the LEOs regularly.
Why couldn't the authorities just get a warrant first?
Was the timeframe so sensitive they wanted a shortcut?

Maybe Democrats should be in charge of getting warrants.
When they want to go after someone, they seem to have no trouble getting the documents overnight!
This SCOTUS will side with the govt, I fear.

This particular Court is actually about 50/50 on siding with the government in such cases and I suspect that in this case they are going to come down on the side of citizens.
This SCOTUS will side with the govt, I fear.

This particular Court is actually about 50/50 on siding with the government in such cases and I suspect that in this case they are going to come down on the side of citizens.

I wish I could agree with you. However this court also ruled that cops are absolutely justified in enforcing nonexistent laws.

Opinion: Supreme Court says police officers can be ignorant about the law, but you and I can’t

If ignorance is bliss the cops must be the envy of zen masters.
The hearings today had both Sotomayor and Roberts casting doubts on the wisdom of warrantless collection of cellphone records.

We can only hope.

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