Supreme Court Sceptical About Racial Preferences in College Admissions


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California

WASHINGTON -- Exactly halfway to the 25-year goal it set in 2003 for ending affirmative action in college admissions, the Supreme Court served notice Wednesday that its patience is running out.

During oral arguments in a case that threatens the use of racial preferences at the University of Texas-Austin and across the nation, the court's conservative justices said programs that accept students because of their race or ethnicity -- rather than high school rankings, test scores, talents and character -- must be limited and temporary.
70% believe that college admissions should be based solely on merit...

Gallup: 70 Percent of Americans Oppose Considering Race in College Admissions
July 11, 2016 – A Gallup poll released Friday revealed that the majority of Americans (70 percent) believe that college admissions should be based solely on merit and that a person’s racial/ethnic background should not be a factor.
The survey found that 50 percent of blacks agreed that merit should be the sole factor in admissions, while 44 percent believed that race/ethnicity should be a factor, compared with 29 percent of Hispanics and 22 percent of whites who thought race should be a factor. The survey even found that 57 percent of black people, 67 percent of white people, and 47 percent of Hispanics agreed that race should not be a factor at all.

A separate Gallup survey in collaboration with Inside Higher Ed also asked about the recent Supreme Court case, Fisher v. University of Texas, summarizing that the case “confirms that colleges can consider the race or ethnicity of students when making decisions on who to admit to the college” and asking, “Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the Supreme Court's decision?”

Sixty-five percent of those surveyed disapproved of the Supreme Court decision while 31 percent approved. “Americans' low support for taking race/ethnicity into account stands in sharp contrast to their widespread agreement that high school grades should be a major factor in admissions,” Gallup said of the results to the survey questions. “A majority of Americans also say that scores on standardized tests and the types of courses a student takes in high school should weigh heavily.”

High school grades and scores on standardized tests like the SAT or ACT were ranked highest by respondents with 73 percent saying grades should be a major factor and 55 percent saying test scores should be a major factor.

Gallup: 70% Oppose Considering Race in College Admissions

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