Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Petitions without Further Comment

The Republican losers can't find the momentous 20 million fraudulent votes. No Names, No addresses, No Dates, No Precincts. No States, no fraudulent votes in the millions and tens of millions of numbers at all. In the event, the Supreme Court would have had bases to grant the petition. It did, basis in zero such evidence.

Now again that is Shown, able to be referenced and cited.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16 is what you think, but Matt 25: 14-30 is what you get!)
1st post
I think the SCOTUS knows the optics here. It's like dealing with UFO stories. Even if there's good evidence, they don't want to be connected to it, as the media and big tech have ensured horrible things for anyone who dares to even discuss ANY fraud, even if 100% verifiable.

Yep. It's gotta be because of those UFOs.
Hey...wasn't Trump going to release all the documents on Area 51?!!!
What happened to that?

The chip they put in his brain wouldn't let him.
Poor Sid, Poor Rudy - I almost pity them at this point. :)

I don't pity them at all.

These people invited and deserve everything they are getting now.

Hopefully if they aren't disbarred, they will at least be sanctioned by multiple courts. They're starting to remind me of Birther Queen and certifiable nutjob Orly Taitz. It took a $20,000 fine to finally shut her up.

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I don't pity them at all.

These people invited and deserve everything they are getting now.

Hopefully if they aren't disbarred, they will at least be sanctioned by multiple courts. They're starting to remind me of Birther Queen and certifiable nutjob Orly Taitz. It took a $20,000 fine to finally shut her up.


They deserve to be disbarred.

If that doesn't happen hopefully their legal careers are ruined.

I remember orly tate.

It's incredible that these lawyers are even more bat crap crazy than orly was.
5th post
They deserve to be disbarred.

If that doesn't happen hopefully their legal careers are ruined.

I remember orly tate.

It's incredible that these lawyers are even more bat crap crazy than orly was.

Yep, Rudy and Sid are funny farm material at this point. Basket weaving, chirping birds and all that ;)

At this point the USSC is 'complicit, after acknowledging Democrats violated both state and federal Constitutions and laws in the middle of the last election.
‘Last week, an independent forensic audit in Maricopa County, Arizona found “no evidence of vote switching” by Dominion Voting Systems’ machines.’ ibid

There is no evidence of ‘vote switching’ because is never happened.

Of course it never happened but the trump people will insist it did forever.
Chief Justice Roberts publicly acknowledged it (as did Alito) before declaring the USSC would not hear the case.
The Supreme Court threw out two more of the stupid "kraken" cases today.

They refused to hear it and didn't give any comment on why.

Hopefully we are seeing the end of the stupid trump lawsuits over the election.

Release the Crackhead!
10th post

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