Sugar Intake: Dotted Lines


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Sugar intake is an issue for diabetics, but it is also a general health-and-lifestyle issue for all people trying to regulate their inner biochemical homeostasis.

Sugar helps the body regulate water absorption (hygroscopy) and extract food energy.

While consuming too much sugar obviously has negative effects on human teeth, it can also lead to addictive eating and obesity (from eating too much sugar-loaded candy).

Sugar is therefore a 'useful' substance for the study of 'eating behaviors' and 'food regulation' in the human body.

We can try to understand sugar-intake in terms of 'clinical courses.'


DOCTOR: You're eating too much candy.
PATIENT: Should I drink sugar-water?
DOCTOR: It sounds like you're addicted to sugars.
PATIENT: How should I fix this?
DOCTOR: Consider balancing sugar intake with water and salt intake.
PATIENT: I should also probably take walks or jog.
DOCTOR: Yes, and stay hydrated.
PATIENT: I'll increase my carb-intake with breads.



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