Stupid is as stupid does

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
As Arctic Sea Ice Shows Record Decline, Scientists Prepare to Go Blind

The US satellites currently in orbit are already past their expiry date, with some already cutting out. When these satellites fail completely, Arctic researchers warn, the ongoing scientific record keeping will come to an abrupt end, with no funding and no time left to replace the aging infrastructure.

“It is unfortunate and disturbing that right at the time we’re seeing sea ice cover in rapid transition, we’re in danger of losing some of our key capabilities to observe what’s happening and understand it,” says Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

For all intents and purposes, Arctic scientists – and the world – could very soon be blind to the tumultuous changes happening in the Arctic until 2022 or 2023, with no viable international systems coming on board in time to completely fill in the coverage gap.

The fault for the failure lies with a US Congress hostile to funding climate change research. Major cuts were made to the DMSP satellites when Obama was in office, and the situation is unlikely to improve under the Trump administration. In his proposed “skinny” budget released in March, and again in his more detailed proposed budget this week, President Trump called for cuts to NASA satellite missions, including NOAA’s next two polar orbiting satellites.

So this is what the fat senile old orange clown and the GOP considers to be a smart action. What absolute idiocy. We need to remove that piece of shit from the Presidency as soon as possible. Our nation is being severely damage by his pursuit of the ultimate in stupidity.
No amount of evidence matters to people that don't consider it within their thinking. You see Oldrocks, Republicans simply don't care and think science is bad and vooodooo is the way to go! YOu'll see asses in the air 5 times per day if they get concerned at all.
No amount of evidence matters to people that don't consider it within their thinking. You see Oldrocks, Republicans simply don't care and think science is bad and vooodooo is the way to go! YOu'll see asses in the air 5 times per day if they get concerned at all.
where is the evidence man is causing climate change? Please post it, thanks.
More bullshit from the department of "The Sky is Falling!!!"





Trump backed out of the paris accord :rofl:
On Thursday, a group of 83 mayors, representing cities such as Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Atlanta, and Pittsburgh, separately pledged to meet Paris commitments. University presidents from Emory, Brandeis and Wesleyan are on board, the governors of New York, California and Washington have signed up, and companies, such as Hewlett-Packard and Mars, have also joined the group.

Trump said he pulled out of the deal to save American jobs from being shipped overseas. He also said that the pact puts the United States at the mercy of foreign powers; in fact, the agreement is voluntary. He said he was leaving the pact to help the people of Pittsburgh, not Paris, despite the fact that the Steel City has successfully shifted away from heavy manufacturing to a robust economy fueled by the tech, healthcare, and higher-learning sectors.

In the wake of Trump’s exit, China, the European Union and other countries around the world have reaffirmed their commitment to the accord, leaving the U.S. on a diplomatic island with only Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega (and to be fair to Ortega, his country didn’t join because the accords weren’t strong enough).

Cities, States and Companies Vow to Stick to the Paris Climate Agreement

There will be more government and private entities joining this movement. And even one state that is not publicly joining it, is acting in the manner that is recommended in the Accord. That is Texas, adding solar and wind on a monthly basis.
No amount of evidence matters to people that don't consider it within their thinking. You see Oldrocks, Republicans simply don't care and think science is bad and vooodooo is the way to go! YOu'll see asses in the air 5 times per day if they get concerned at all.
where is the evidence man is causing climate change? Please post it, thanks.
The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

There you go, a site from the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in the world. Not that you will even bother to look at it. Those who value willful ignorance as much as you will do nothing to change that.
No amount of evidence matters to people that don't consider it within their thinking. You see Oldrocks, Republicans simply don't care and think science is bad and vooodooo is the way to go! YOu'll see asses in the air 5 times per day if they get concerned at all.
AGW is going to kill us all. Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mikey, are you ever going to post anything not asinine? Just because you are incapable of reading a simple scientific graph, does not mean that people of normal IQ are not.
No amount of evidence matters to people that don't consider it within their thinking. You see Oldrocks, Republicans simply don't care and think science is bad and vooodooo is the way to go! YOu'll see asses in the air 5 times per day if they get concerned at all.
AGW is going to kill us all. Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are under 30, silly ass, because then you will probably get to see some of the negative effects of the warming earth. But then, more than likely, you are too fucking stupid even to recognize the effects.
Mikey, are you ever going to post anything not asinine? Just because you are incapable of reading a simple scientific graph, does not mean that people of normal IQ are not.
You just pretend you don't understand. The thing is, liars like you DO get it, but pretend not to. Your pretty little charts prove NOTHING! As I have shown, anyone can make a graph and post it as fact.
No amount of evidence matters to people that don't consider it within their thinking. You see Oldrocks, Republicans simply don't care and think science is bad and vooodooo is the way to go! YOu'll see asses in the air 5 times per day if they get concerned at all.
AGW is going to kill us all. Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are under 30, silly ass, because then you will probably get to see some of the negative effects of the warming earth. But then, more than likely, you are too fucking stupid even to recognize the effects.

Mikey, are you ever going to post anything not asinine? Just because you are incapable of reading a simple scientific graph, does not mean that people of normal IQ are not.
You just pretend you don't understand. The thing is, liars like you DO get it, but pretend not to. Your pretty little charts prove NOTHING! As I have shown, anyone can make a graph and post it as fact.
You dumb ass, I did not make those charts. The first is from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. The second from the University of Washington. Not that you would know what either is.
No amount of evidence matters to people that don't consider it within their thinking. You see Oldrocks, Republicans simply don't care and think science is bad and vooodooo is the way to go! YOu'll see asses in the air 5 times per day if they get concerned at all.
AGW is going to kill us all. Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are under 30, silly ass, because then you will probably get to see some of the negative effects of the warming earth. But then, more than likely, you are too fucking stupid even to recognize the effects.
Yeah, warmer predictions are about as accurate as punxsutawney phil.
No amount of evidence matters to people that don't consider it within their thinking. You see Oldrocks, Republicans simply don't care and think science is bad and vooodooo is the way to go! YOu'll see asses in the air 5 times per day if they get concerned at all.
AGW is going to kill us all. Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are under 30, silly ass, because then you will probably get to see some of the negative effects of the warming earth. But then, more than likely, you are too fucking stupid even to recognize the effects.

Yes, you are a lying little cherry picking cocksuck. Here is the real data, showing the retreat of Arctic Sea Ice since 1979.

No amount of evidence matters to people that don't consider it within their thinking. You see Oldrocks, Republicans simply don't care and think science is bad and vooodooo is the way to go! YOu'll see asses in the air 5 times per day if they get concerned at all.
AGW is going to kill us all. Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are under 30, silly ass, because then you will probably get to see some of the negative effects of the warming earth. But then, more than likely, you are too fucking stupid even to recognize the effects.
Yeah, warmer predictions are about as accurate as punxsutawney phil.
LOL A graph from a skeptic site.

When losing, the terrorists attack. 0.5 degrees scares the hell out of me. A rise of almost 1 degree since the 70's makes me want to stock up on supplies. Yet, strangely, I am not diverted from the win in the Supreme Court today.

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