Stunning: Ohr Testimony Reveals Top DOJ Officials Briefed About Steele Before FISA

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Question for a knowledgeable lawyer...

1. The FISA warrants was obviously obtained fraudently and illegally.

2. Why have the FISA courts not come down like a ton of bricks on.those that knowingly submitted false information to them? Is the FISA court also corrupt? If such was done I would think most judges would have your ass, your badge, and possible your freedom.

3. Is not all prosecutions obtained by these invalid and false warrants now the "fruit of the poisoned tree" and thus totally invalid....Wonder why this is not pursued by Trump lawyers?

Three top Senior Justice Department officials, two who are senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller’ Special Counsel, met with Bruce Ohr in the summer of 2016, well before the FBI sought a FISA warrant on a Trump campaign official. Ohr informed the trio of DOJ officials about his close contact with former British Spy Christopher Steele, whose dossier was used as the bulk of evidence to obtain the warrant to spy on Carter Page.

Ohr, who was then the Associate Deputy Attorney General, told members of Congress during his closed-door testimony in August 2018 that he had informed senior officials that he was delivering information he was gathering from Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS.

Ohr’s testimony also had a stunning revelation that Andrew Weissmann, who was then head of the DOJ’s Criminal Fraud section and now Deputy Special Counsel for Robert Mueller, was also briefed by Ohr on his meetings with Steele during the summer of 2016, shortly after Ohr met with Steele. The testimony, which has not yet been made public, was authenticated by sources from congressional testimony to

Under intense questioning from former North Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, Ohr named the officials he informed about his contact with Steele.

“I spoke with some people in the Criminal Division, other career officials who dealt with some of these matters,” Ohr told Gowdy.

“Any names?” asked Gowdy.

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I am assuming you are making a point to all this other than

The FISA warrants was obviously obtained fraudently and illegally.

Why is it illegal and made fraudulently
These are the guys that just voted to remove sanctions against Russia:


You know Trump is with a promise. Especially if that promise is to Russia.

This is more important than a dossier that was started as opposition research paid for by Marco Rubio.
Damn you are SOOOO FUCKING EASY.....Talk about collusion, even sealed with Pat's on the arm!

Question for a knowledgeable lawyer...

1. The FISA warrants was obviously obtained fraudently and illegally.

2. Why have the FISA courts not come down like a ton of bricks on.those that knowingly submitted false information to them? Is the FISA court also corrupt? If such was done I would think most judges would have your ass, your badge, and possible your freedom.

3. Is not all prosecutions obtained by these invalid and false warrants now the "fruit of the poisoned tree" and thus totally invalid....Wonder why this is not pursued by Trump lawyers?

Three top Senior Justice Department officials, two who are senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller’ Special Counsel, met with Bruce Ohr in the summer of 2016, well before the FBI sought a FISA warrant on a Trump campaign official. Ohr informed the trio of DOJ officials about his close contact with former British Spy Christopher Steele, whose dossier was used as the bulk of evidence to obtain the warrant to spy on Carter Page.

Ohr, who was then the Associate Deputy Attorney General, told members of Congress during his closed-door testimony in August 2018 that he had informed senior officials that he was delivering information he was gathering from Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS.

Ohr’s testimony also had a stunning revelation that Andrew Weissmann, who was then head of the DOJ’s Criminal Fraud section and now Deputy Special Counsel for Robert Mueller, was also briefed by Ohr on his meetings with Steele during the summer of 2016, shortly after Ohr met with Steele. The testimony, which has not yet been made public, was authenticated by sources from congressional testimony to

Under intense questioning from former North Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, Ohr named the officials he informed about his contact with Steele.

“I spoke with some people in the Criminal Division, other career officials who dealt with some of these matters,” Ohr told Gowdy.

“Any names?” asked Gowdy.

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Who LEAKED this alleged information to Sara Carter?

And, so what if Orh briefed the FBI before or after Carter Page had another FISA warrant opened up on him???

the FISA warrant request for Page, WHO NO LONGER WAS on the Trump campaign when the FISA warrant was issued by the FISA Court judge, was 400 PAGES prepared by the justice dept....

the Steele field report Dossier was 39 pages IN TOTAL and only 3 pages referred to Carter Page....

AND YOU or dear Sara Carter CLAIMS the entire FISA request of 400 PAGES came from 3 measly pages in the the Steele dossier? :rofl::rofl::rofl: PLEASE SPARE US from this bull crap....
2. Why have the FISA courts not come down like a ton of bricks on.those that knowingly submitted false information to them? Is the FISA court also corrupt? If such was done I would think most judges would have your ass, your badge, and possible your freedom.
You hit the nail right on the head! :thup:

I love posting stuff like this that makes the ABNORMALS heads explode....that's entertainment!
Question for a knowledgeable lawyer...

1. The FISA warrants was obviously obtained fraudently and illegally.

2. Why have the FISA courts not come down like a ton of bricks on.those that knowingly submitted false information to them? Is the FISA court also corrupt? If such was done I would think most judges would have your ass, your badge, and possible your freedom.

3. Is not all prosecutions obtained by these invalid and false warrants now the "fruit of the poisoned tree" and thus totally invalid....Wonder why this is not pursued by Trump lawyers?

Three top Senior Justice Department officials, two who are senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller’ Special Counsel, met with Bruce Ohr in the summer of 2016, well before the FBI sought a FISA warrant on a Trump campaign official. Ohr informed the trio of DOJ officials about his close contact with former British Spy Christopher Steele, whose dossier was used as the bulk of evidence to obtain the warrant to spy on Carter Page.

Ohr, who was then the Associate Deputy Attorney General, told members of Congress during his closed-door testimony in August 2018 that he had informed senior officials that he was delivering information he was gathering from Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS.

Ohr’s testimony also had a stunning revelation that Andrew Weissmann, who was then head of the DOJ’s Criminal Fraud section and now Deputy Special Counsel for Robert Mueller, was also briefed by Ohr on his meetings with Steele during the summer of 2016, shortly after Ohr met with Steele. The testimony, which has not yet been made public, was authenticated by sources from congressional testimony to

Under intense questioning from former North Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, Ohr named the officials he informed about his contact with Steele.

“I spoke with some people in the Criminal Division, other career officials who dealt with some of these matters,” Ohr told Gowdy.

“Any names?” asked Gowdy.

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Who LEAKED this alleged information to Sara Carter?

And, so what if Orh briefed the FBI before or after Carter Page had another FISA warrant opened up on him???

the FISA warrant request for Page, WHO NO LONGER WAS on the Trump campaign when the FISA warrant was issued by the FISA Court judge, was 400 PAGES prepared by the justice dept....

the Steele field report Dossier was 39 pages IN TOTAL and only 3 pages referred to Carter Page....

AND YOU or dear Sara Carter CLAIMS the entire FISA request of 400 PAGES came from 3 measly pages in the the Steele dossier? :rofl::rofl::rofl: PLEASE SPARE US from this bull crap....
That is why she is a journalist....ROTFLMFAO
Question for a knowledgeable lawyer...

1. The FISA warrants was obviously obtained fraudently and illegally.

2. Why have the FISA courts not come down like a ton of bricks on.those that knowingly submitted false information to them? Is the FISA court also corrupt? If such was done I would think most judges would have your ass, your badge, and possible your freedom.

3. Is not all prosecutions obtained by these invalid and false warrants now the "fruit of the poisoned tree" and thus totally invalid....Wonder why this is not pursued by Trump lawyers?

Three top Senior Justice Department officials, two who are senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller’ Special Counsel, met with Bruce Ohr in the summer of 2016, well before the FBI sought a FISA warrant on a Trump campaign official. Ohr informed the trio of DOJ officials about his close contact with former British Spy Christopher Steele, whose dossier was used as the bulk of evidence to obtain the warrant to spy on Carter Page.

Ohr, who was then the Associate Deputy Attorney General, told members of Congress during his closed-door testimony in August 2018 that he had informed senior officials that he was delivering information he was gathering from Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS.

Ohr’s testimony also had a stunning revelation that Andrew Weissmann, who was then head of the DOJ’s Criminal Fraud section and now Deputy Special Counsel for Robert Mueller, was also briefed by Ohr on his meetings with Steele during the summer of 2016, shortly after Ohr met with Steele. The testimony, which has not yet been made public, was authenticated by sources from congressional testimony to

Under intense questioning from former North Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, Ohr named the officials he informed about his contact with Steele.

“I spoke with some people in the Criminal Division, other career officials who dealt with some of these matters,” Ohr told Gowdy.

“Any names?” asked Gowdy.

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Sara Carter is a dealer in fake news. She has been bought and paid for by Trump. She has no credibility.
Question for a knowledgeable lawyer...

1. The FISA warrants was obviously obtained fraudently and illegally.

2. Why have the FISA courts not come down like a ton of bricks on.those that knowingly submitted false information to them? Is the FISA court also corrupt? If such was done I would think most judges would have your ass, your badge, and possible your freedom.

3. Is not all prosecutions obtained by these invalid and false warrants now the "fruit of the poisoned tree" and thus totally invalid....Wonder why this is not pursued by Trump lawyers?

Three top Senior Justice Department officials, two who are senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller’ Special Counsel, met with Bruce Ohr in the summer of 2016, well before the FBI sought a FISA warrant on a Trump campaign official. Ohr informed the trio of DOJ officials about his close contact with former British Spy Christopher Steele, whose dossier was used as the bulk of evidence to obtain the warrant to spy on Carter Page.

Ohr, who was then the Associate Deputy Attorney General, told members of Congress during his closed-door testimony in August 2018 that he had informed senior officials that he was delivering information he was gathering from Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS.

Ohr’s testimony also had a stunning revelation that Andrew Weissmann, who was then head of the DOJ’s Criminal Fraud section and now Deputy Special Counsel for Robert Mueller, was also briefed by Ohr on his meetings with Steele during the summer of 2016, shortly after Ohr met with Steele. The testimony, which has not yet been made public, was authenticated by sources from congressional testimony to

Under intense questioning from former North Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, Ohr named the officials he informed about his contact with Steele.

“I spoke with some people in the Criminal Division, other career officials who dealt with some of these matters,” Ohr told Gowdy.

“Any names?” asked Gowdy.

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Who LEAKED this alleged information to Sara Carter?

And, so what if Orh briefed the FBI before or after Carter Page had another FISA warrant opened up on him???

the FISA warrant request for Page, WHO NO LONGER WAS on the Trump campaign when the FISA warrant was issued by the FISA Court judge, was 400 PAGES prepared by the justice dept....

the Steele field report Dossier was 39 pages IN TOTAL and only 3 pages referred to Carter Page....

AND YOU or dear Sara Carter CLAIMS the entire FISA request of 400 PAGES came from 3 measly pages in the the Steele dossier? :rofl::rofl::rofl: PLEASE SPARE US from this bull crap....

good points that the repubs continue to ignore because it puts a hole in their arguement or they are to lazy to read it because they are waiting for someone to tell them what is in it and it agrees with what they believe.

FBI had recorded Russian agents in 2015 when they were trying to recruit and compromise Page

He had been on their radar prior to joining the Trump campaign

when he made contact with the russian

game over

He lied and they caught him in a lie

The FISA document also mentions George P

The repubs still try to push that the FISA is illegal based on 1st grade math of Fox and their associates. Claiming FISA was misled yet the document which is heavily redacted is long on what is known by the FBI

argument that FISA court did not know that the dossier was paid by a political rival blew up in their faces yet they still persist

In the FISA document it clearly states that the FBI assumed that the dossier was order for political purpose of discredit the campaign of candidate 1
Question for a knowledgeable lawyer...

1. The FISA warrants was obviously obtained fraudently and illegally.

2. Why have the FISA courts not come down like a ton of bricks on.those that knowingly submitted false information to them? Is the FISA court also corrupt? If such was done I would think most judges would have your ass, your badge, and possible your freedom.

3. Is not all prosecutions obtained by these invalid and false warrants now the "fruit of the poisoned tree" and thus totally invalid....Wonder why this is not pursued by Trump lawyers?

Three top Senior Justice Department officials, two who are senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller’ Special Counsel, met with Bruce Ohr in the summer of 2016, well before the FBI sought a FISA warrant on a Trump campaign official. Ohr informed the trio of DOJ officials about his close contact with former British Spy Christopher Steele, whose dossier was used as the bulk of evidence to obtain the warrant to spy on Carter Page.

Ohr, who was then the Associate Deputy Attorney General, told members of Congress during his closed-door testimony in August 2018 that he had informed senior officials that he was delivering information he was gathering from Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS.

Ohr’s testimony also had a stunning revelation that Andrew Weissmann, who was then head of the DOJ’s Criminal Fraud section and now Deputy Special Counsel for Robert Mueller, was also briefed by Ohr on his meetings with Steele during the summer of 2016, shortly after Ohr met with Steele. The testimony, which has not yet been made public, was authenticated by sources from congressional testimony to

Under intense questioning from former North Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, Ohr named the officials he informed about his contact with Steele.

“I spoke with some people in the Criminal Division, other career officials who dealt with some of these matters,” Ohr told Gowdy.

“Any names?” asked Gowdy.

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Sara Carter is a dealer in fake news. She has been bought and paid for by Trump. She has no credibility.
Translation: Sarah Carter is not a useful idiot for the Marxist/Democratic Party so she must be isolated, targeted, and her character destroyed.
2. Why have the FISA courts not come down like a ton of bricks on.those that knowingly submitted false information to them? Is the FISA court also corrupt? If such was done I would think most judges would have your ass, your badge, and possible your freedom.
You hit the nail right on the head! :thup:

there is a legal procedure for Carter Page to object the reasoning for the FISA warrant on him, which he has NEVER taken up and exercised that right, with the FISA court.

He is suppose to file an objection, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court appoints 3 independent FISA Court judges never involved in the case to REVIEW the case, and if it was done improperly by the Justice dept or Fisa Judge, then Carter Page would receive a designated amount of money, for each day the illegal FISA warrant was on him.
When the annals of mistakes and abuses in the FBI’s Russia investigation are finally written, Bruce Ohr almost certainly will be the No. 1 witness, according to my sources.

The then-No. 4 Department of Justice (DOJ) official briefed both senior FBI and DOJ officials in summer 2016 about Christopher Steele’s Russia dossier, explicitly cautioning that the British intelligence operative’s work was opposition research connected to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and might be biased.

Ohr’s briefings, in July and August 2016, included the deputy director of the FBI, a top lawyer for then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and a Justice official who later would become the top deputy to special counsel Robert Mueller.

At the time, Ohr was the associate attorney general. Yet his warnings about political bias were pointedly omitted weeks later from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant that the FBI obtained from a federal court, granting it permission to spy on whether the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia to hijack the 2016 presidential election.

Ohr’s activities, chronicled in handwritten notes and congressional testimony I gleaned from sources, provide the most damning evidence to date that FBI and DOJ officials may have misled federal judges in October 2016 in their zeal to obtain the warrant targeting Trump adviser Carter Page just weeks before Election Day.

They also contradict a key argument that House Democrats have made in their formal intelligence conclusions about the Russia case.

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Former official says NYT report shows FBI employees working outside DOJ guidelines

A former assistant director of intelligence at the FBI said on Monday that a recent report that a counterintelligence probe was opened into whether President Trump was working on behalf of Russia shows some bureau employees are working outside of Department of Justice guidelines.

“It’s just one more indicator of some individuals who are operating outside of the attorney general guidelines, and normal practices and protocols,” Kevin Brock told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton and Jamal Simmons on “Rising.”

“I’m not suggesting that the FBI refrain from following clearly articulated and reasonably suspicious activity that would indicate concerns regarding the intelligence activities of a hostile nation. I’m absolutely not suggesting that at all,” he said.

Brock’s comments come after The New York Times reported on Friday that the bureau opened an investigation into whether Trump was working for the Russians after he fired former FBI Director James Comey.

CNN reported on Monday that the FBI’s general counsel, James Baker, told House investigators last year that FBI officials debated whether Trump was “acting at the behest of” Russia.

The president and his supporters have long alleged that there has been bias against Trump within the intelligence community.

Trump told reporters at the White House on Monday that he “never worked for Russia.”
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Sounds legit

Still a story that report something and doesn't tell you why it is problamatic

which I would normally applaud

there are no conclusions you can draw from that story unless you want to feel sorry for Page

Page bragged that he was an adviser to the Kremlin in a letter obtained by new organization based on a book he was writing.

The letter, dated Aug. 25, 2013, was sent by Page to an academic press during a dispute over edits to an unpublished manuscript he had submitted for publication

He also wrote in a July 8, 2016, email to two campaign staff members that he received “incredible insights and outreach” from senior Russian officials.

He was also a guy who lived and worked in Russia for 3 years

Russian agents were tapped by the FBI talking about recruiting Page
which probably is the most damaging thing in the FISA warrant

Still if he reported to the FBI these contact, it might have been a different story

Page appears to have put this on himself. He joined the Trump staff as a foreign advisor specializing in Russian affairs . Everything he did was Pro Russian but that in itself is not a crime

He has not been charged with anything that I am aware of

but his contact with known russian agents put him on the FBI radar

The russian interference in the election, Trump advisors interactions with russians, trump tower meeting, trump moscow deal, trump meeting with Putin twice with one being a secret meeting.

A sane person would step back and let things die down but not ET

He truely believes that he can do no wrong

Intresing side note

The firm Steele worked for, Fusion GPS, was initially hired by a conservative website, the Washington Free Beacon, to conduct research on Republican candidates including Trump. The Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign helped fund the work later.

I wonder who the Free Beacon client was
Question for a knowledgeable lawyer...

1. The FISA warrants was obviously obtained fraudently and illegally.

2. Why have the FISA courts not come down like a ton of bricks on.those that knowingly submitted false information to them? Is the FISA court also corrupt? If such was done I would think most judges would have your ass, your badge, and possible your freedom.

3. Is not all prosecutions obtained by these invalid and false warrants now the "fruit of the poisoned tree" and thus totally invalid....Wonder why this is not pursued by Trump lawyers?

Three top Senior Justice Department officials, two who are senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller’ Special Counsel, met with Bruce Ohr in the summer of 2016, well before the FBI sought a FISA warrant on a Trump campaign official. Ohr informed the trio of DOJ officials about his close contact with former British Spy Christopher Steele, whose dossier was used as the bulk of evidence to obtain the warrant to spy on Carter Page.

Ohr, who was then the Associate Deputy Attorney General, told members of Congress during his closed-door testimony in August 2018 that he had informed senior officials that he was delivering information he was gathering from Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS.

Ohr’s testimony also had a stunning revelation that Andrew Weissmann, who was then head of the DOJ’s Criminal Fraud section and now Deputy Special Counsel for Robert Mueller, was also briefed by Ohr on his meetings with Steele during the summer of 2016, shortly after Ohr met with Steele. The testimony, which has not yet been made public, was authenticated by sources from congressional testimony to

Under intense questioning from former North Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, Ohr named the officials he informed about his contact with Steele.

“I spoke with some people in the Criminal Division, other career officials who dealt with some of these matters,” Ohr told Gowdy.

“Any names?” asked Gowdy.

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Who LEAKED this alleged information to Sara Carter?

And, so what if Orh briefed the FBI before or after Carter Page had another FISA warrant opened up on him???

the FISA warrant request for Page, WHO NO LONGER WAS on the Trump campaign when the FISA warrant was issued by the FISA Court judge, was 400 PAGES prepared by the justice dept....

the Steele field report Dossier was 39 pages IN TOTAL and only 3 pages referred to Carter Page....

AND YOU or dear Sara Carter CLAIMS the entire FISA request of 400 PAGES came from 3 measly pages in the the Steele dossier? :rofl::rofl::rofl: PLEASE SPARE US from this bull crap....

good points that the repubs continue to ignore because it puts a hole in their arguement or they are to lazy to read it because they are waiting for someone to tell them what is in it and it agrees with what they believe.

FBI had recorded Russian agents in 2015 when they were trying to recruit and compromise Page

He had been on their radar prior to joining the Trump campaign

when he made contact with the russian

game over

He lied and they caught him in a lie

The FISA document also mentions George P

The repubs still try to push that the FISA is illegal based on 1st grade math of Fox and their associates. Claiming FISA was misled yet the document which is heavily redacted is long on what is known by the FBI

argument that FISA court did not know that the dossier was paid by a political rival blew up in their faces yet they still persist

In the FISA document it clearly states that the FBI assumed that the dossier was order for political purpose of discredit the campaign of candidate 1
You ABNORMALS just post the shit that just pops into your pea brains!

DOJ Documents Show Carter Page Helped FBI Catch Russian Spies

Feb 5, 2018 · Department of Justice court records from 2015 have provided ... with FBI agents in exposing Russian spies working inside the..

Well look at that, Page actually WORKED With The Surrender Monkeys FBI in 2015.....does that mean he colluded with Obozo over Russia???? I just love this place....can't get entertainment like this even at the DemonRAT Underground!
Last edited:
Wow such negativity

So you quote a story that has been reported by everybody including this

DOJ Documents Show Carter Page Helped FBI Catch Russian Spies

Which draws the conclusion that in 2013 his activities helped the FBI catch these russian spys

Iffy conclusion

The story
So, if Carter Page was acting as a foreign intelligence agent for Russia as far back as 2013, as has been repeatedly implied by mainstream reports, why did FBI agents at the time not see him as such? Based on the information provided above, it seems perfectly plausible that Page thought he was developing a relationship with someone who was a legitimate business contact. If Page had illegally or unethically shared sensitive information with Podobnyy, why would Monaghan have omitted this given that such an action by Page would have strengthened the FBI’s case against Sporyshev and Podobnyy

First helped and strengthened is a conclusion that the writer is drawing from the 2013 incident

in 2010 these Russian were under the FBI surveillance and they were taping their conversation and watching who they meet. They were spies trying to recruit. The FBI set them up with a mole.

jump to 2013 they approach Carter. The FBI has tapes of the russians discussing Carter. At this time carter does nothing that gets him in trouble . He gives them a business card and they exchange emails about energy. Yes the agent concluded that this was innocent. They also approached Carter in 2013 and he told the truth. about exchanging business cards and emails. case closed. This is already known by everyone.

I would say that Carter told the truth and he was nothing more than a potential pawn in the game that they spy were playing. To say he helped the investigation by giving his business card and telling the truth is a little bit of a stretch.

The FBI had tapes on these guys and a mole who was passing them fake documents. They really didn't need carter for anything because he didn't do nothing incrimination and he told the truth. They tried to recruit him and that it. He didn't bite.

Later the writer puts links in the statement "repeatedly implied by mainstream reporting"

The link goes to three stories that basically repeat what went down with carter and these Russians and nothing in the story implies that he was guilty of anything. They just say he was approached

The last story is a bit more interesting and it talks about how in 2013 he writes a college paper and asserts that he has Kremlin contacts. He did this on his own and it rehashes the recruitment back in 2013

In 2013 the FBI knows he didn't do anything that was a cause for concern

But it is commendable that he told the truth because the FBI already knew what the answers were.

The writer immediately jumps into the following after setting up how helpful CP was.

Another question raised by these documents concerns why Comey’s FBI would have considered Page to unquestionably be a Russian agent: If Page cooperated with the FBI in 2013 and provided them information that ultimately aided the DOJ’s successful prosecution of a third Russian spy who had worked with Sporyshev and Podobnyy (Evgeny Buryakov), why would Russian intelligence have trusted Page enough to hire him as an asset in a major intel operation directed against the U.S. government and one of its major political parties? Wouldn't Russian intelligence have put out a notice to avoid Page as an unreliable and potentially dangerous contact?

Now he goes totally in left field making assertions

One the Russians were still being investigated and Russian had no idea that they were compromised years ago. In 2015 they filed court documents against these individuals. Its not like the FBI told the Russians that we are going to interview him because your agents talked to him

Two we jump to 2016 where he is listed to the FISA warrant.

The FISA warrant does mention that he was approached by Russian but does say he cooperated with them. It is just a backdrop statement showing that the Russian were interested in him.

Instead it focuses on the Trump campaign where Carter is now a policy advisor and he is coordination meeting between Trump and the Russians.

The concern now is what Trump wants him to do

As I said in the previous post Page has not been indicted of any crime so far

He may have the same mentality of Trump in that he says stuff like I have Russian connection with the Kremlin which puts him back on the radar.

This is how they work they find stories and twist it to fit their narrative. Ignoring facts that don't jive with this narrative.

Then comes the colorful language as if they know they have nothing and they must be pissed at themselves but won't admit it.


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