Study to shed light on climate change marine impact


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
Study to shed light on climate change marine impact - ABC South West WA - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

A Western Australian-led study will be used to investigate exactly how extreme changes in the ocean's temperature affect fish, algae and other marine life.
Last year, parts of the Indian Ocean around WA reached temperatures not seen for more than a century, after a heatwave.
Researchers compared the effect on marine life at Hamelin and Jurien bays with data from the past seven years.
The University of WA's Dr Timothy Langlois says it is a world first.
"There have been similar events around the world where heatwaves have occurred but this is the first one where we've got this great monitoring data beforehand, so you can actually say with certainty that this heatwave caused these changes in the system," he said.
"There aren't many place where you can do that."
Dr Langlois says the results are invaluable.

"Well we know ... things are going to change in the future with projections of global warming, so what this study really does is allows us to work out how marine systems are likely to change and that allows us to manage things better in the future," he said.

That is probably one of the greatest problems with trying to address and implement adaptive measures, politicians can't reasonably fund the research needed to quantify the problems and prepare in advance to deal with issues as they arise, if they, or their constituents and electorate, don't recognize and accept the nature of the problem in the first place.

Climate change is slow, but its rate has currently surpassed politics. It may only be weather to many of us, but it would be horribly ironic if the main issue Barry has largely ignored and left off the table for the last four years, namely substantive Climate Change policy, turns out to be an issue to sway a close election in his favor.
The President has shown himself to be far too timid on this issue. The last three years have seen the beginning of the consequences of the rapid addition to GHGs in the atmosphere. Yet he, and all too many other politicians, even those that are science literate, choose not to address the issue, because of fear of the savaging of their reputations, by right wing demigogues such as Limbaugh and Beck, and the influx of money for their competitors from the energy companies.
The President has shown himself to be far too timid on this issue. The last three years have seen the beginning of the consequences of the rapid addition to GHGs in the atmosphere. Yet he, and all too many other politicians, even those that are science literate, choose not to address the issue, because of fear of the savaging of their reputations, by right wing demigogues such as Limbaugh and Beck, and the influx of money for their competitors from the energy companies.

Monies that they, themselves, have grown quite too accustomed to.
I wonder if the Latin voters think black Obamney is some guy, named "Manana?"
Hell -- I thought the science was settled..

PERHAPS -- less arrogance, more transparency would actually restart the interest in the topic. A good start would be to remove the f'in UN as the lead advocacy group on the issue.. Their record of solving kindergarten riots is abysmal anyway...
It looks like the national polls regarding AGW and popular demands for substantitve discussion and action on the issue may be returning to magnitudes among all likely voters that we see the issue play a more central role in the fall debates. I will have personal reservations and reluctances as far as actually supporting or voting for Barry based upon campaign lies, but I would certainly welcome the bringing of the public policy discussion regarding climate change back into the more general national discourse, among the reasoned electorate on all sides of the political aisle. Recent abberations of the last decade aside, Republicans have a long and strong record of environmental protection and conservancy, it would be a welcome advance to see them embrace and reinvigorate that heritage.

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