Study: Ending ALL legal immigration for 40 years maintains US workforce

Study: Ending All Legal Immigration for 40 Years Maintains U.S. Workforce

And yet ANOTHER leftist talking point show down in little pieces. Their goal is simple,they don't want WORKERS they want good little welfare recipients who will keep voting for leftists while helping turn America which is inherently a WHITE nation into a third world cesspool.

Democrat economic policies gave us the Baby Boom Generation, the largest, wealthiest, hardest working cohort in history. The generation that took the opportunities provided by public education, and equal opportunity and ran with it. Until Republicans took over in 1980.

When Reagan was elected, if you were born poor, but got a decent education, and worked hard, you had a 20% chance of moving into the middle class. After 40 years of Republican economic policies, today, that poor kid has a 2% chance of moving up economically. More people are falling into poverty than are rising economically, and the poverty and lack of opportunity for rural white people has lead to increases in violent crime and deaths by opiod abuse.

Twice now the American public has elected someone who promised them change and jobs, and now they're starting to get really angry that they've been lied to yet again, by Trump.
Study: Ending All Legal Immigration for 40 Years Maintains U.S. Workforce

And yet ANOTHER leftist talking point show down in little pieces. Their goal is simple,they don't want WORKERS they want good little welfare recipients who will keep voting for leftists while helping turn America which is inherently a WHITE nation into a third world cesspool.

Democrat economic policies gave us the Baby Boom Generation, the largest, wealthiest, hardest working cohort in history. The generation that took the opportunities provided by public education, and equal opportunity and ran with it. Until Republicans took over in 1980.

When Reagan was elected, if you were born poor, but got a decent education, and worked hard, you had a 20% chance of moving into the middle class. After 40 years of Republican economic policies, today, that poor kid has a 2% chance of moving up economically. More people are falling into poverty than are rising economically, and the poverty and lack of opportunity for rural white people has lead to increases in violent crime and deaths by opiod abuse.

Twice now the American public has elected someone who promised them change and jobs, and now they're starting to get really angry that they've been lied to yet again, by Trump.
you don't live here, you know fking nothing.
Study: Ending All Legal Immigration for 40 Years Maintains U.S. Workforce

And yet ANOTHER leftist talking point show down in little pieces. Their goal is simple,they don't want WORKERS they want good little welfare recipients who will keep voting for leftists while helping turn America which is inherently a WHITE nation into a third world cesspool.

Democrat economic policies gave us the Baby Boom Generation, the largest, wealthiest, hardest working cohort in history. The generation that took the opportunities provided by public education, and equal opportunity and ran with it. Until Republicans took over in 1980.

When Reagan was elected, if you were born poor, but got a decent education, and worked hard, you had a 20% chance of moving into the middle class. After 40 years of Republican economic policies, today, that poor kid has a 2% chance of moving up economically. More people are falling into poverty than are rising economically, and the poverty and lack of opportunity for rural white people has lead to increases in violent crime and deaths by opiod abuse.

Twice now the American public has elected someone who promised them change and jobs, and now they're starting to get really angry that they've been lied to yet again, by Trump.
Yeah Carter did a grand job didn't he? If Carter the DEMOCRAT had done such a grand job there never would have been a President Reagan!
Study: Ending All Legal Immigration for 40 Years Maintains U.S. Workforce

And yet ANOTHER leftist talking point show down in little pieces. Their goal is simple,they don't want WORKERS they want good little welfare recipients who will keep voting for leftists while helping turn America which is inherently a WHITE nation into a third world cesspool.

Democrat economic policies gave us the Baby Boom Generation, the largest, wealthiest, hardest working cohort in history. The generation that took the opportunities provided by public education, and equal opportunity and ran with it. Until Republicans took over in 1980.

When Reagan was elected, if you were born poor, but got a decent education, and worked hard, you had a 20% chance of moving into the middle class. After 40 years of Republican economic policies, today, that poor kid has a 2% chance of moving up economically. More people are falling into poverty than are rising economically, and the poverty and lack of opportunity for rural white people has lead to increases in violent crime and deaths by opiod abuse.

Twice now the American public has elected someone who promised them change and jobs, and now they're starting to get really angry that they've been lied to yet again, by Trump.

That's a pretty damning indictment.

Except that most reports show wage stagnation starting back in the mid 60s, long before Reagan was elected.

It is also worth noting that we have had TWO, two term democratic Presidents since then, and they did nothing to change this either, if it was as simple as "Reagan's fault".
Study: Ending All Legal Immigration for 40 Years Maintains U.S. Workforce

And yet ANOTHER leftist talking point show down in little pieces. Their goal is simple,they don't want WORKERS they want good little welfare recipients who will keep voting for leftists while helping turn America which is inherently a WHITE nation into a third world cesspool.

Democrat economic policies gave us the Baby Boom Generation, the largest, wealthiest, hardest working cohort in history. The generation that took the opportunities provided by public education, and equal opportunity and ran with it. Until Republicans took over in 1980.

When Reagan was elected, if you were born poor, but got a decent education, and worked hard, you had a 20% chance of moving into the middle class. After 40 years of Republican economic policies, today, that poor kid has a 2% chance of moving up economically. More people are falling into poverty than are rising economically, and the poverty and lack of opportunity for rural white people has lead to increases in violent crime and deaths by opiod abuse.

Twice now the American public has elected someone who promised them change and jobs, and now they're starting to get really angry that they've been lied to yet again, by Trump.
Social welfare policies has caused misery among people as they learned to play the system instead of using it for a better life. Cities keep raising taxes as a percentage of the average citizn's income in all ways. So do some states. Yet the poverty areas are still there.
Study: Ending All Legal Immigration for 40 Years Maintains U.S. Workforce

And yet ANOTHER leftist talking point show down in little pieces. Their goal is simple,they don't want WORKERS they want good little welfare recipients who will keep voting for leftists while helping turn America which is inherently a WHITE nation into a third world cesspool.

Democrat economic policies gave us the Baby Boom Generation, the largest, wealthiest, hardest working cohort in history. The generation that took the opportunities provided by public education, and equal opportunity and ran with it. Until Republicans took over in 1980.

When Reagan was elected, if you were born poor, but got a decent education, and worked hard, you had a 20% chance of moving into the middle class. After 40 years of Republican economic policies, today, that poor kid has a 2% chance of moving up economically. More people are falling into poverty than are rising economically, and the poverty and lack of opportunity for rural white people has lead to increases in violent crime and deaths by opiod abuse.

Twice now the American public has elected someone who promised them change and jobs, and now they're starting to get really angry that they've been lied to yet again, by Trump.

Where do you come up with this shit? Seriously.
Sorry, world... No Vacancy... please check back again in 40 years.


It'll give the LibTards an apoplexy fit...

A great wailing and gnashing of teeth by the Democrats...

Sound like great fun... :21:

Do it...
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