Study 1 in 2 American adults already in facial recognition network


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Study: 1 in 2 American Adults Already In Facial Recognition Network

Half of all American adults are already in some sort of facial recognition network accessible to law enforcement, according to a comprehensive new study.

Conducted over a year and relying in part on Freedom of Information and public record requests to 106 law enforcement agencies, the study, conducted by Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy and Technology, found American police use of facial recognition technology is a scattered, hodgepodge network of laws and regulations.
Study: 1 in 2 American Adults Already In Facial Recognition Network

There really is no logic in doing this. No matter how many cameras are up a crime will still be committed no matter what it is. The only thing this can do is possibly catch whoever did the crime and even that isn't a sure bet because all someone has to do is where a gawd damn mask and hide their identity. This is a waste of tax payer money it spies on " We the people" . This bs the Feds sell you that it keeps us safe from terroristic act is pure bs and that is how the sell it to the uninformed clueless idiots of society taking away your rights to privacy.
The remedy.


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