Students try to shut down College Republicans meeting


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
Students storm library, shut down College Republicans meeting

Heeding Adamian’s call, student activists disrupted the meeting by banging open the door to the meeting space and shouting accusations that the members were “fascists,” “racists,” and “white supremacists.”

According to the UCSC College Republicans, their offers to discuss the concerns of the protesters were met with exclamations that “dialogue is violence,” after which the protesters called the club’s presence a “threat to the library” and demanded that the CR members vacate the space immediately.

The protesters even reportedly berated library staff members when they refused to shut down the pre-approved meeting. One staff member eventually asked the CR members to leave in order to end the disturbance, but meeting attendees chose to respond by sitting quietly and refusing to leave the area.

Here the College Republicans did exactly the right thing, try to engage the protesters, and if they don't engage, don't run away. Stand your ground.

After nearly two hours, school officials eventually called the police, who reportedly arrested three of the protesters.

The Campus police should have responded MUCH faster, but seeing 3 of the fascist wanna-bes arrested somewhat makes up for it.

On the other hand the Student government seems unable to deal with the disruptors.

Despite the group’s patience with the protesters at the time, though, CR members addressed the UCSC Student Union Assembly meeting Tuesday night to propose sanctions against two protesters who also happen to be SUA officers.

While the SUA ultimately decided that it was not consistent with the SUA Constitution to sanction the members, Lang told Campus Reform that many of the student government representatives seemed “minorly disturbed” while being informed of their colleagues’ participation in the disruption.
If the mob is offended by the the student republicans meeting they could simply choose to ignore it. But nooooo they have to make asses out of themselves

I can't wait for the reaction from the board left loons on this
Hilarious. The Trumpflakes are wetting themselves over some dumb college kids yelling things. But then, they've been ordered to run cover for their party's open Stalinism with their "but both sides do it, so our tyranny is justified!" big lie. It's like when the Nazis spread stories of violent Jews to justify a violent end to democracy.

Trump threatens to shut down media he doesn't like, and all the Trumpflakes all support him. All Trumpflakes, like their DearLeader, are openly Stalinist. If the Trumpflakes disagree, they can demonstrate how they're not Stalinists by condemning Trump for his threats to shut down media.
Students storm library, shut down College Republicans meeting

Heeding Adamian’s call, student activists disrupted the meeting by banging open the door to the meeting space and shouting accusations that the members were “fascists,” “racists,” and “white supremacists.”

According to the UCSC College Republicans, their offers to discuss the concerns of the protesters were met with exclamations that “dialogue is violence,” after which the protesters called the club’s presence a “threat to the library” and demanded that the CR members vacate the space immediately.

The protesters even reportedly berated library staff members when they refused to shut down the pre-approved meeting. One staff member eventually asked the CR members to leave in order to end the disturbance, but meeting attendees chose to respond by sitting quietly and refusing to leave the area.

Here the College Republicans did exactly the right thing, try to engage the protesters, and if they don't engage, don't run away. Stand your ground.

After nearly two hours, school officials eventually called the police, who reportedly arrested three of the protesters.

The Campus police should have responded MUCH faster, but seeing 3 of the fascist wanna-bes arrested somewhat makes up for it.

On the other hand the Student government seems unable to deal with the disruptors.

Despite the group’s patience with the protesters at the time, though, CR members addressed the UCSC Student Union Assembly meeting Tuesday night to propose sanctions against two protesters who also happen to be SUA officers.

While the SUA ultimately decided that it was not consistent with the SUA Constitution to sanction the members, Lang told Campus Reform that many of the student government representatives seemed “minorly disturbed” while being informed of their colleagues’ participation in the disruption.

I see no problem :dunno:
Students storm library, shut down College Republicans meeting

Heeding Adamian’s call, student activists disrupted the meeting by banging open the door to the meeting space and shouting accusations that the members were “fascists,” “racists,” and “white supremacists.”

According to the UCSC College Republicans, their offers to discuss the concerns of the protesters were met with exclamations that “dialogue is violence,” after which the protesters called the club’s presence a “threat to the library” and demanded that the CR members vacate the space immediately.

The protesters even reportedly berated library staff members when they refused to shut down the pre-approved meeting. One staff member eventually asked the CR members to leave in order to end the disturbance, but meeting attendees chose to respond by sitting quietly and refusing to leave the area.

Here the College Republicans did exactly the right thing, try to engage the protesters, and if they don't engage, don't run away. Stand your ground.

After nearly two hours, school officials eventually called the police, who reportedly arrested three of the protesters.

The Campus police should have responded MUCH faster, but seeing 3 of the fascist wanna-bes arrested somewhat makes up for it.

On the other hand the Student government seems unable to deal with the disruptors.

Despite the group’s patience with the protesters at the time, though, CR members addressed the UCSC Student Union Assembly meeting Tuesday night to propose sanctions against two protesters who also happen to be SUA officers.

While the SUA ultimately decided that it was not consistent with the SUA Constitution to sanction the members, Lang told Campus Reform that many of the student government representatives seemed “minorly disturbed” while being informed of their colleagues’ participation in the disruption.

I see no problem :dunno:
Most fascist wouldn't
Students storm library, shut down College Republicans meeting

Heeding Adamian’s call, student activists disrupted the meeting by banging open the door to the meeting space and shouting accusations that the members were “fascists,” “racists,” and “white supremacists.”

According to the UCSC College Republicans, their offers to discuss the concerns of the protesters were met with exclamations that “dialogue is violence,” after which the protesters called the club’s presence a “threat to the library” and demanded that the CR members vacate the space immediately.

The protesters even reportedly berated library staff members when they refused to shut down the pre-approved meeting. One staff member eventually asked the CR members to leave in order to end the disturbance, but meeting attendees chose to respond by sitting quietly and refusing to leave the area.

Here the College Republicans did exactly the right thing, try to engage the protesters, and if they don't engage, don't run away. Stand your ground.

After nearly two hours, school officials eventually called the police, who reportedly arrested three of the protesters.

The Campus police should have responded MUCH faster, but seeing 3 of the fascist wanna-bes arrested somewhat makes up for it.

On the other hand the Student government seems unable to deal with the disruptors.

Despite the group’s patience with the protesters at the time, though, CR members addressed the UCSC Student Union Assembly meeting Tuesday night to propose sanctions against two protesters who also happen to be SUA officers.

While the SUA ultimately decided that it was not consistent with the SUA Constitution to sanction the members, Lang told Campus Reform that many of the student government representatives seemed “minorly disturbed” while being informed of their colleagues’ participation in the disruption.

I see no problem :dunno:
Most fascist wouldn't
Must be why the college republicans were able to stay so calm
Welcome to government by mob.

Nice to see people not just running away though, and kudos for them not responding in kind.

Shame on the Student Government though, for chickening out on Sanctions.

Yes, to both.

We've seen this mentality before...unfortunately the mobsters believe they are the folks sitting at the counter, when in reality, they are the threatening and intolerant mob in back.


And campus leaders tend to react in ways we've seen before...
Students storm library, shut down College Republicans meeting

Heeding Adamian’s call, student activists disrupted the meeting by banging open the door to the meeting space and shouting accusations that the members were “fascists,” “racists,” and “white supremacists.”

According to the UCSC College Republicans, their offers to discuss the concerns of the protesters were met with exclamations that “dialogue is violence,” after which the protesters called the club’s presence a “threat to the library” and demanded that the CR members vacate the space immediately.

The protesters even reportedly berated library staff members when they refused to shut down the pre-approved meeting. One staff member eventually asked the CR members to leave in order to end the disturbance, but meeting attendees chose to respond by sitting quietly and refusing to leave the area.

Here the College Republicans did exactly the right thing, try to engage the protesters, and if they don't engage, don't run away. Stand your ground.

After nearly two hours, school officials eventually called the police, who reportedly arrested three of the protesters.

The Campus police should have responded MUCH faster, but seeing 3 of the fascist wanna-bes arrested somewhat makes up for it.

On the other hand the Student government seems unable to deal with the disruptors.

Despite the group’s patience with the protesters at the time, though, CR members addressed the UCSC Student Union Assembly meeting Tuesday night to propose sanctions against two protesters who also happen to be SUA officers.

While the SUA ultimately decided that it was not consistent with the SUA Constitution to sanction the members, Lang told Campus Reform that many of the student government representatives seemed “minorly disturbed” while being informed of their colleagues’ participation in the disruption.

I see no problem :dunno:
Most fascist wouldn't
Must be why the college republicans were able to stay so calm
That's called self control. Something the left is sorely lacking.
Hilarious. The Trumpflakes are wetting themselves over some dumb college kids yelling things. But then, they've been ordered to run cover for their party's open Stalinism with their "but both sides do it, so our tyranny is justified!" big lie. It's like when the Nazis spread stories of violent Jews to justify a violent end to democracy.

Trump threatens to shut down media he doesn't like, and all the Trumpflakes all support him. All Trumpflakes, like their DearLeader, are openly Stalinist. If the Trumpflakes disagree, they can demonstrate how they're not Stalinists by condemning Trump for his threats to shut down media.

How about you discuss the actual article and not go off on an insipid rant on things that only exist in your own empty head?
Students storm library, shut down College Republicans meeting

Heeding Adamian’s call, student activists disrupted the meeting by banging open the door to the meeting space and shouting accusations that the members were “fascists,” “racists,” and “white supremacists.”

According to the UCSC College Republicans, their offers to discuss the concerns of the protesters were met with exclamations that “dialogue is violence,” after which the protesters called the club’s presence a “threat to the library” and demanded that the CR members vacate the space immediately.

The protesters even reportedly berated library staff members when they refused to shut down the pre-approved meeting. One staff member eventually asked the CR members to leave in order to end the disturbance, but meeting attendees chose to respond by sitting quietly and refusing to leave the area.

Here the College Republicans did exactly the right thing, try to engage the protesters, and if they don't engage, don't run away. Stand your ground.

After nearly two hours, school officials eventually called the police, who reportedly arrested three of the protesters.

The Campus police should have responded MUCH faster, but seeing 3 of the fascist wanna-bes arrested somewhat makes up for it.

On the other hand the Student government seems unable to deal with the disruptors.

Despite the group’s patience with the protesters at the time, though, CR members addressed the UCSC Student Union Assembly meeting Tuesday night to propose sanctions against two protesters who also happen to be SUA officers.

While the SUA ultimately decided that it was not consistent with the SUA Constitution to sanction the members, Lang told Campus Reform that many of the student government representatives seemed “minorly disturbed” while being informed of their colleagues’ participation in the disruption.

I see no problem :dunno:

Figures, because you are a poseur fascist idiot.
Fascism in all of its glory. Time to cut all Fed funding of California universities for not upholding the Constitutional Rights of its students.

A College Republicans meeting at the University of California, Santa Cruz was taken over by protesters screaming that the group’s existence is a threat to the safety of students.

Shortly after the CR meeting convened, one student entered the ground floor room of McHenry Library to ask attendees which group was assembling. After being informed that the meeting was a gathering of College Republicans, the student returned about 15-20 minutes later with company.

One of the ringleaders of the protest was student activist Haik Adamian, who posted an announcement in the official UCSC Student Facebook group calling on students to deny the CR group its First Amendment rights.

“White Supremacist, fascist sympathizing College Republicans are having a meeting at McHenry library, room 0332. Everybody be aware of this violent racist activity happening everyday on this campus!” he wrote, adding that “We need a movement of people on this campus that rejects the ‘right of assembly,’ or ‘right of free speech’ for white supremacists and fascists.”

Heeding Adamian’s call, student activists disrupted the meeting by banging open the door to the meeting space and shouting accusations that the members were “fascists,” “racists,” and “white supremacists.”

According to the UCSC College Republicans, their offers to discuss the concerns of the protesters were met with exclamations that “dialogue is violence,” after which the protesters called the club’s presence a “threat to the library” and demanded that the CR members vacate the space immediately.

Students storm library, shut down College Republicans meeting
Fascism in all of its glory. Time to cut all Fed funding of California universities for not upholding the Constitutional Rights of its students.

A College Republicans meeting at the University of California, Santa Cruz was taken over by protesters screaming that the group’s existence is a threat to the safety of students.

Shortly after the CR meeting convened, one student entered the ground floor room of McHenry Library to ask attendees which group was assembling. After being informed that the meeting was a gathering of College Republicans, the student returned about 15-20 minutes later with company.

One of the ringleaders of the protest was student activist Haik Adamian, who posted an announcement in the official UCSC Student Facebook group calling on students to deny the CR group its First Amendment rights.

“White Supremacist, fascist sympathizing College Republicans are having a meeting at McHenry library, room 0332. Everybody be aware of this violent racist activity happening everyday on this campus!” he wrote, adding that “We need a movement of people on this campus that rejects the ‘right of assembly,’ or ‘right of free speech’ for white supremacists and fascists.”

Heeding Adamian’s call, student activists disrupted the meeting by banging open the door to the meeting space and shouting accusations that the members were “fascists,” “racists,” and “white supremacists.”

According to the UCSC College Republicans, their offers to discuss the concerns of the protesters were met with exclamations that “dialogue is violence,” after which the protesters called the club’s presence a “threat to the library” and demanded that the CR members vacate the space immediately.

Students storm library, shut down College Republicans meeting
That's a shame. Some students need to get their heads knocked together.
The left feels that it's THEIR first amendment right to shut down someone else's first amendment rights.

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